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Everything posted by Straight8

  1. You're missing the point, please re-read that line. People in general should be wise enough to save up for their retirement later on in life, not to depend on the gov't, regardless of what you may think is fair or not fair. Then go live wherever you want without a care. Obviously, its something these men in this article haven't done. Just remember, governments in general are full of lies and broken promises, filth of the highest kind. NEVER rely on someone else for your RETIREMENT.
  2. 40 years & didn't save for retirement, buddy, that's on you. That's always the issue, people spending at will in their 20's, 30's, 40's 50's, and then complaining about the Pension not being enough.
  3. You're the creator of that video, aren't you?
  4. a brawl between two drunken idiots in Pattaya. I'm flabbergasted!!
  5. Probably those who don't intend to be here more than 180 days per year?
  6. Something tells me, this may well be the case.
  7. Spot on, about the comment "luckymitchell" made. I was responding to his post
  8. The only thing she will be taking care of, is emptying your bank account.
  9. Spoton, UK laws are just as soft as p!ss weak Aussie law. Next-level murderers don't even get life.
  10. Yep, she should have taken him with her to the bathroom. FFS
  11. I heard she charges, 5K and long time only
  12. An oldie but a goodie. Haven't heard that one in ages. We use to use it a lot in high school many years ago
  13. We inquired with Roojai & they wouldn't insure me unless I had a Thai lic. or IDP.
  14. I take it he would be happy again, if this Visa thing was reversed He paid that amount of money for a reason, he still has his elite Visa, WTF is his problem now? Makes no difference, 900K is gone either way. One either thinks an elite Visa for 900k is worth or not.
  15. Who here is surprised with this? Disorganization of the highest kind.
  16. Of course not, people with mental condition should be let do as they please... animal cruelty, rape, assault, murder.... can't be touched due to their condition...
  17. Ever heard of good lawyers that win cases that don't cost a fortune? Yeah, neither have I. Hell, even the shady AF lawyers charge through the nose.
  18. Yeah, same thing happened to me, can't recall how I got around it, but this new e-Visa is a bit of a nightmare at the moment. Guess its teething stage, but its not as straight forward as it use to be when ou popped into your City's Thai Consulate office
  19. how the heck does a small 1 bedder rack up over a 6000 baht electricity bill?? Wow!!!
  20. Yeah sure, lovely view, for a whole 3 minutes before you see clouds....you do you in that case.
  21. That all depends. I took a trip on one of these VIP buses to enjoy a bit of the scenery vs getting there in 1 hour & seeing nothing but a seat in front of me. I would travel by VIP bus again vs taking a plane. Just saying.....
  22. Yeah, must have done something to piss the Thai's off
  23. Haha, I bet the new owner probably curing you right now
  24. effin ridiculous......TiT This place sometimes, does my head in.
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