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Everything posted by Straight8

  1. I will slightly adjust so Im not here for 180 days. They can go and GS
  2. Let's re-visit this crap in a few months time
  3. So do i get a "Tax Refund" if I paid too much tax in my foreign country... yeah, thought so.!!
  4. ???? Don't mistake those tears for a broken heart. They are tears for missed opportunities, for a lifetime of leeching and being cared for financially. I'd say percentages of those genuinely nursing hurt from the heart would be extremely low.
  5. I agree, but a bit too late for this chaps, it's basically set. It's all on their terms now, especially since the bride agrees the 1 million baht Sinsod is reasonable.
  6. Doubt they'll let this fish off the hook that easy. Makes no sense to not try and milk the proverbial cow.
  7. If that were the case, then they would have said they would return the full amount to the couple (ie. both of them), but no, instead, half to his girlfriend (maybe future wife) which I would presume would either be kept by the parents for safe keeping or in a Bank account in her name only, and the other half would be held by the parents. Which leave sweet FA for the groom. Yeah fduck that deal.
  8. 2 chances of that happening now. Bride thinks it reasonable, she aint providing anymore vag until he stumps up 1 mill
  9. Landlord/Agent total grubs. Nothing more than targeting a foreigner in the hope they can get away with this sheet. I wonder if they would be pulling the same sh!te on a Thai National? A effing total disgrace, no morals, no conscience & a total disrespect for the tenant. A classic case of TiT, very little you CAN do,& so much more you can't.
  10. When it comes to defending the "farang", unless you have the right contacts, they are "mostly" as bad as it each other. I have a friend going through some legal stuff, and he has already changed lawyers 3 times due to them collecting the fees & doing sweet FA. Good luck finding one that will actually do what he/she is paid to do.
  11. What the.... How is this any different from any other busy road in Thailand or the rest of the world?
  12. My dear mum is 80 & 1/2 years & does exactly this... lives one day at a time, until her time is up.
  13. Train wreck in slow motion me thinks. As soon as you starting supporting, it's game over. Either you do it for the duration, or this go south rather fast. Those who are ok with it, knock yourselves out, it's your money, spend it how you wish, but it aint for me.
  14. And there lays the major part of the problem. OP, you seem like a decent human, but sadly, chances of this relationship surviving is very low. Make some hardline (non-negotiable) ultimatums or its time to cut losses & GTFO. Feel sorry for the kid.
  15. bingo I think the suggestion of wanting to get drunk at a Wine bar was the first sign to GTFO.
  16. Protein, especially Whey Isolate has gone through the roof in prices. In Oz, where i get mine & bring it in, currently with discounts. promo codes etc, average per kilo is about 800 baht ($35) for WPI (unflavoured - 90g protein per 100g) Seem (and has always been the case since I can remember) prices in Thailand have always been more expensive.
  17. TGE - Definition of the Thai Girlfriend Experience (when things go south)
  18. Since 99% of Thais will not pay that much, they are taking the p!$$ out of the stupid farang who think would pay a ridiculous amount for a slice of egg/beacon/pastry Yes, sheer madness.
  19. WTF is this, foreigner on holidays with no money?? How does a foreigner on holidays just run out of money?
  20. It's called bill padding. Seriously, we won't have the full story, but as soon as they sense the turps is having its affect, and you are not keeping, tabs on your, well tab, all kinds of ***** begins to happen.
  21. I regularly bring in things like that. You'll be fine.
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