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Everything posted by Straight8

  1. Knowing well the risks involved, these young kids just don't care. They all think they are bullet-proof
  2. putting it bluntly, just another fool and his money to be soon parted.
  3. Thai jails are not like some jails in the west, so life in a Thai jail may well be worse that death.
  4. makes you wonder what goes through their pea-sized brains when these sort of laws are put into place.. If putting up a negative hotel stay review & getting sued wasn't absolute madness, now this. SMH
  5. The overstays is going to go through the roof
  6. Sounds like <deleted>-weak security system Let us know how you go getting your money back
  7. They could, but why not raise the money. They may even make a small (or big) profit, when all is done and dusted. FMD, everyone is now instantly turning to 'GoFundMe' you fools.
  8. Tell him or not tell him. No farrrrken difference. Zilch, nudda.
  9. A fool and his money parted. Seriously??? You transfer a large amount of money to someone you met online????? What an e-diot
  10. Took one of these buses way back in 2008 from BKK to Hua Hin. A few months later, [and many times therefter] a horrific crash involving one of these mini-vans igniting & killing all on board. Never again, would I have used one of these mini-vans for transportation. RIP to all involved, just tragic.
  11. And we are agree that they will declare all their earnings to the tax man too, right?
  12. 18th Jan to the 4th March would also be incorrect. Your calculation works out to 45 nights / 46 days. That would be a 1 day overstay, which in the past they have overlooked for me. Technically, you are allowed 44 nights / 45 days (currently) or when it reverts back to 30 day, it will be 29 nights/30 days inclusive.
  13. and the other part is to fill their slimy pockets up.
  14. easily fixed when idiots stop paying 3 times more than pre-pandemic days. Even the cost of oil has returned to under $80 so airline can't keeping using that card for these ridiculous increases. Other than those who absolutely "must" fly, people should just holiday locally until this ***** returns to normal
  15. begs the question exactly, why should strangers pay? Parents/Sister, first line of relatives, closest friends & can't get 50K together? So easy today for people to abuse the 'Go-Fund' me option. Nothing to lose, right?
  16. A tale of 2 different experiences. I have now had 3 versions of the Redmi Note & the have been flawless. YMMV
  17. Living out their last few years in style. Kudos!
  18. Got the Oppo A52. Piece of <deleted>. Never touching an Oppo phone again. There is a feature called "Smart Bar" that is ON by default, that was crippling the performance on my phone. Once is was disabled, things appear to be much better, but for a budget Android around the same price, you can't beat Xiaomi phones. @ Petermik, how are you finding it? Responsive, snappy???
  19. good on ya!!!
  20. Read my reply to the OP's reply. My reply had nothing to do with what Amazon are doing or not doing.
  21. people are prepared to pay through the nose for flight tickets alone?? flight from Sydney to BKK for November usually between $800 - $900. Now quoted $2,500 ********* madness
  22. Yeah, seems Lazada are getting shadier these days. Buyer beware/take note.
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