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englishoak last won the day on October 14 2014

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  1. I detect a bit more than the average copium here atm
  2. Cant wait for Trump to ban these dodgy and frankly sub standard sportsmen in drag from womens sport
  3. Easy, they never existed to begin with lass ..
  4. The cope and seeth from some is absolutely hilarious... 😄
  5. Plenty of scared conditioned fools still out there. Que panic and vaccine scam 2.0..
  6. Correct, Its a constitutional monarchy with v strong military input its NOT a democracy as most would understand it .. You might not like it but then you or I dont matter, you think the EU is actually a democracy ? its not. eg EU parliament leaders are appointed not voted for & they make rules and Lord it over the other democratically elected countries Govs by non democratic means and diktat. The people of Europe get no say or vote at all on anything the EU itself does or decides to do. Half of Europe arnt even democracies they are either republics or constitutional Monarchies. Heck even the US is a Republic not a democracy. D word is thrown around like its some badge of honour but there are versions that differ hugely globally, dosnt mean good or effective government or improvement for the people or its culture, thats a western concept. Some are terribly corrupt such as Ukraine or stagnated like Japan or going backwards like the EU & theres plenty of failed democratic states ie Sri Lanka or Bangladesh .. Thailand is what it is and will be just fine without a fashionable "progressive" party like MF .. TIT & its no biggie to cancel a party and ban its leaders etc. MF played the game but didnt prepare well enough, grease the right palms, was naive and dropped the ball. It won 38% which is not sufficient to form a government alone. Then it failed to mediate well enough to find support among the optional alternative parties to power share so ultimately lost the game. MF isnt the first party to be dissolved and wont be the last, nor do I care one jot. Seen the coups and various parties/leaders come and go and the last thing i want Thailand to become is just another globalist basket case to appease most foreigners idea of what they think is best.. . Personally I like the Thai version of management much better thank you warts and all & fell in love with the country many years ago, not its system. I did find it very funny to see Pita crying like a child. Thats not a future leader of substance or Thailand, but then weak men do that a lot these days. Will he still be around in politics 10 years from now or buckle down to grind it out over the next few years ? like the Shinawatras etc did/have ? I highly doubt it..
  7. Yeah right. The US and EU should have more concerns about their own political circus shows and untouchables... might not be at war all the time, declining into crime ridden cess pits & economic basket cases themselves. May Thailand always remain a Monarchy & fiercely patriotic,listen to none and act as they decide best for their own nation.... It'll be better off even with the inevitable mistakes than doing what the "globalist" community prefers..
  8. Judging by the article, these clowns don't have a scooby doo what to do.
  9. Oh no... quick panic..
  10. My my, there are a lot of sour pusses here these days... what a sad bunch you are
  11. Correct, Myanmar no1 followed by Laos, Cambodia & Chinese make up the vast majority and homeless too. Difference is no one knows if they are foreigners to look at so assumes they are all Thai .. not true & all have much more chance of finding work and often do for a time. Westerners stand out and do not.
  12. Heads it goes ahead, Tails it doesn't.
  13. I couldn't care less.. Never been jabbed never worn the face [mask] & never stopped going out during the silly panic & didnt get sick either tho plenty jabbed in triplicate or not did.. its just life, get on with it and leave the fear behind.
  14. What measure, patriotism & love for country as a monarchy ? Dont be ridiculous there is zero comparison but in your own head. Correct, its a constitutional Monarchy. Reforms are required yes ofc but i dont believe MFP have those ideas correct or are well placed. Pita was Educated in New Zealand, & studied finance in Thailand. He further studied politics and business in the United States. Even Pita himself notes the 2000 U.S had a significant impact on his political views. Ie hes a progressive left leaning politician & strongly influenced by western version of democracy and been riding the populist wave. However Thailand is not the west thank goodness, far from it. Western politics do not suit Asia and imo will make things worse with more debt & more dilution of what makes Thailand Thai and no1 for tourism being its so unique in so may ways. Better to look to Singapore's success and take notes from there or even India the largest democracy on Earth before the western versions which have become tarred and corrupted long ago.

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