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englishoak last won the day on October 14 2014

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  1. Read again, this is for Thais travelling abroad Exciting news for Thai travellers as 36 countries will allow entry without a visa in 2025, making international travel more straightforward. T
  2. Tick Tock Tick Tock . Its almost over, best get used to something called peace
  3. Hes said time and again he's not anti Vax, his kids are vaxed, hes vaxed etc .. just not with bad and untested stuff peddled as vaccines.. Same as the conclusion I came to long ago. Not hard to figure out the scamdemic was all about making $ off of half baked, untested & dangerous slop & why half has been withdrawn since they first peddled it..I know I know, im a terribly bad man.. but then im waking up just fine every day not worrying about any stuff floating around in my system.. and after all the freakadeeks including on here telling people to get the shot or youll kill grandma its still my body my choice never shut down never stopped going out, ignored all restrictions, nor wore face nappys & ive never been healthier.. Not one sniff in 8 years and its not down to medical or government advice just common sense and clean healthy living. Bobby knows his stuff and will sort your sick country out dont worry. Yknow posting in large letters dosnt make any difference or prove a thing, other than it looks your becoming unhinged and a bit desperate... go get a som tam,relax by the pool and let bobby make your country healthy again...
  4. You should really get some of that common sense, do your research properly & youll realise how woefully out of touch you are... yada yada muh quote yada yada.. it dosnt change the facts.. Unhealthiest nation on Earth the US, Fact .. cant do worse now can he ? Maybe and most likely your unable to realise what your spouting is of no consequence to anyone at all but you. You can thank me when Bobby helps your offspring from going on meds like the other 75% of the US ... you DO have offspring dont you ? i mean you ARE invested in the future generations personally right ? if so why would you NOT wish for a more healthy opportunity and that your wrong rather than the bleak alternative ? Stop and think about it, if you can bare the thought process that is.
  5. I'm afraid theres going to be a lot of nasty, corrupt, weak and delusional people getting a dose of reality over the next few years and well into the next decade if they keep up the dellusions and screeching.. No one is in the slightest bit interested in the hate and feather spitting but their own ever shrinking echo chambers .... most of the world is more interested in a safe and more healthy future.. The hope of peace and positive attitude is already spreading around the globe and its a feeling many have missed dearly, watch it take hold and enjoy the mass public and international awakening as the people demand their own purge and realignment of common sense over corruption and fools. Enjoy the globalist haters crumble into their own tears and frustrations how irrelevant they have become. Not overnight either, ive seen it building for a decade, now the dams burst and theres no stopping it. Pray for these fools running about spitting hate and disbelief.. they are gonna need a lot of mental health help.
  6. Dos'nt matter what people wish for .. reality is about to slam most of this thread into the dust...
  7. Oh dear did you lose your common sense too ? you got the unhealthiest nation on the planet & i guarantee itll be a better place for the kids and unhealthy by 2026... the worlds got no time for your drivel any longer, get out of the way the Trump trains coming through at full steam ahead and Bobbys riding shotgun
  8. "A healthy person has a thousand dreams, a sick person only has one" .. Get out of the way or get run over upto you.
  9. Congratulations Bobby, haters gonna hate while the rest can get healthy. Get out of the way or get with the health revolution. Told you skeptics what was coming in 2016 .. the time of the confused and woke indoctrinated is OVER .... and its only week 3 of 4 years at least ... welcome to the world of common sense once again & with luck itll be a decade and at the end of it a nation to be proud of once more.. To all true Patriots, well done I salute you, itll change the entire world what youve done there trust me, a storm is coming that now cannot and WILL NOT be stopped
  10. Damaging for who ? yer we know that answer. US already has its respect back on the world stage & the age of coddling minorities and insane agendas over patriotism and competence is over.. and its just week 2 .. by the end of 4 years ? well lets see... if the DNC convention just over is anything to go by .. itll be a long time before you see a donkey sat in the Whitehouse & by then most of the old guard parasites and warmongers will be either dead or dribbling in their care homes. And the world wont miss them one little bit.
  11. People can cry all they like but its happening. Theres a seismic change occurring & it crosses both party lines.. Pay attention those of you with blinders still on. You have Ex Dems and real skills with successful business moguls understanding coming together instead of neocons and democons throwing the world into WW3 RFK Jnr will drag America into a far healthier place & if your an American thats all you should want for your family and grandchildren.. Its by far the most unhealthy country on the planet at the moment & if you dont desperately want that to change ? Your putting politics above your children and future generations health .. shame on you. The old guard of never ending wars, chemical profits and selling out your country to foreign interests is being thrown on the waste heap where they belong.. The next 4 years is going to be nothing short of a global re alignment and overall progress for the USA, thank your lucky stars you dodged a bullet with Kamala& co Literally.
  12. You formula is not fit for purpose & actually you have it backwards. Higher temps are good for most of the globe. Just Earth cycles doing what it always has, with or without humans. Warm periods are a net gain while cold periods are what kills life, just as more people die from cold every year than heat. Why do you think the planet was so green with massive fauna and animal life for millions of years ? Higher carbon dioxide ppm for nearly all that time. Carbon dioxide = more life not less and so do rising temps. Even the most basic cannabis grower knows that. Dont fuss over Carbon footprint its a scam, one decent volcanic eruption spews more than human activity does in years and we get one every few years of magnitude and dozens of others smaller every year but not insignificant,all spewing out C02. When a huge Volcanic eruption occurs, typically every few hundred years it can create almost mini ice age. See the dark ages period for temps in Europe 200 - 700 or look up the little iceage in the 1600s.. disastrous as temps plunged and nothing to do with humanity. Its the cold periods you need to be concerned with not warming and the possible and ever more likely pole shift. Yes its way overdue and the trajectory has been progressing for many decades in the same direction. Once comfortably located in northern Canada, the pole kicked into high gear in the late 20th century, making its way across the Arctic Ocean by the 1990s. From there, the pace has increased progressively , peaking at an astonishing 55 kilometers per year during the 2010s. Presently, it’s hurtling at a slightly reduced but still impressive speed of 25 kilometers per year towards Siberia. https://www.earth.com/news/magnetic-north-pole-is-moving-faster-than-ever-as-it-races-toward-russia/ Humanity has no control over such things & if it continues at the rate and current trajectory the tipping point will be reached sometime around the 2040s... What that might mean can only be guessed at, but nothing good most likely. Oh well thats life. Do wider research and youll realise you have been gaslit.
  13. I detect a bit more than the average copium here atm
  14. Cant wait for Trump to ban these dodgy and frankly sub standard sportsmen in drag from womens sport
  15. Easy, they never existed to begin with lass ..
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