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Everything posted by englishoak

  1. I couldn't care less.. Never been jabbed never worn the face [mask] & never stopped going out during the silly panic & didnt get sick either tho plenty jabbed in triplicate or not did.. its just life, get on with it and leave the fear behind.
  2. What measure, patriotism & love for country as a monarchy ? Dont be ridiculous there is zero comparison but in your own head. Correct, its a constitutional Monarchy. Reforms are required yes ofc but i dont believe MFP have those ideas correct or are well placed. Pita was Educated in New Zealand, & studied finance in Thailand. He further studied politics and business in the United States. Even Pita himself notes the 2000 U.S had a significant impact on his political views. Ie hes a progressive left leaning politician & strongly influenced by western version of democracy and been riding the populist wave. However Thailand is not the west thank goodness, far from it. Western politics do not suit Asia and imo will make things worse with more debt & more dilution of what makes Thailand Thai and no1 for tourism being its so unique in so may ways. Better to look to Singapore's success and take notes from there or even India the largest democracy on Earth before the western versions which have become tarred and corrupted long ago.
  3. Careful what you wish for. Thailand is in many ways unique and thats its appeal to many and has pride in itself most here cannot even understand or why. With almost all Thai people loving their nation regardless of what smart assed westerners say here or think. Contrast it to the west thats culturally ruined and economically failing fast & where most are ashamed of their nation have no pride in or cant wait to get the heck out. The young elite are no better than the old crustys, wrapped up in their social media bubbles and tik tok etc chasing made up utopian fantasy's following the heard and propaganda of the western education system and international bodies, that do nothing but ruin a nations Identity over time .. MFP are just young elite sheep being manipulated by outside influence & ideas imported back after being educated mostly aboard in the west make no mistake. Better to be Thai and stay uniquely Thai with all the warts or itll be just another global copy with sun...
  4. Was it a Dusit inspired poll model by any chance ?
  5. Facts dont care about your feeling
  6. 100% agree but its a bit worse for 1 & 2 1. Its going to devastate the lazy ass generational inheritors who dont work & much of their assets too. 2 Those in charge already sold everyone out including their own by inaction and corruption. Its too late to put the genie back in the bottle.. takes years for the average Gov to act.. AI & robotics isnt waiting and will present as the obvious answer to much and be welcomed first. Think Skynet ( already a real company btw ) 3 Cap doffers and forelock tuggers will be dead in a few decades & indeed be replaced by patient polite caring AI companions which will be welcomed by the afore mentioned whose arthritis will be getting too bad to raise an arm. They going NEED conscription & once the dam bursts for jobloss more than enough will welcome it as an opportunity for something to do. let alone some crusty's who think its a good idea or opposition, the young WILL demand and get UBI & go quietly because eventually that will be all most know and have for choice . Guessing 2028 - 30 things will become obvious to all Its not all bad ofc... IF we get past the transition stage in a couple of decades power will become dirt cheap if not free and then most everything elses value will collapse because of it... for those left anyway. You will own nothing and be happy & they wernt kidding and guess what ? Some good news and maybe bad as a cherry on top Klaus Schwab, father of the World Economic Forum, is stepping down as head of the gathering of global elites after a hefty 53 years. Replacement top runner atm is .... Tony wmd Blair
  7. Defo the service industry is v keen on automation. Wages and pensions costs make it a no brainier. Largest online only supermarket and leading retail tech group here moved to its new updated & automated warehouse a few months ago, cut its warehouse positions by 1200 then cut half its head office support depts by 25%. Only dept that grew was delivery drivers. Large retail brands from Banks to all high street names are closing their doors and or cutting locations. It'll only continue.. The gig economy is also on borrowed time, copywriters, artists, travel agents & translators defunct & gone v soon. Translators will very soon even cope with Issan, Bronx & Scouse slang no problem . Pretty sure trades and jobs that require specific critical thinking and adaptive skills such as Plumbing, Decorating, General Builders, Handyman & Landscaping/Gardeners will be ok for some time due to the complexity & variety. Auto Mechanics & most shop/ office staff wont fare well I agree and so many others. From highly paid executives to the cashier Anyone in accounting/payroll & half of office depts will vanish as will much of the middle management and executives along with them. Many highly paid professional sectors especially services consulting will have to retrain in something they dont understand or likely enjoy or be unemployed. About 50% of over 40s will not or cannot make that change that late in their career/life. Teachers/tutors will be replaced by a personal AI tutor able to both relate and never ridicule or lose patience with the child, or adult. Each to their own ability and pace and at the same time being a mentor will also become their confidant and therapist. Possibly their personal doctor too. AI is already increasingly used in diagnosing conditions and can spot things on xrays & tests the best doctors cannot. All of it on an app or program you can take with you anywhere, on any platform and will write its own migration software to do so. Theres already some mind blowing tech and start ups out there using AI to create agents to self improve and specialise and they arnt going to get anything but better.. And yes people have not made enough noise early enough and responsible for allowing it but then most everyone has no clue of its scope and influence already, being far too wrapped up in life, paying the bills, dealing with the usual stuff and on the wheel to pay much attention other than happily accept any convenience thrown at them... .. alas most would rather tap and go etc until they cant on what they want only what they are sanctioned to buy, where an when, just as Thailand's proposed digital handout will be. The only thing I can see that will slow things down would be a crash in the global power grids from something like a solar storm frying a large % of everything electrical which ofc would cause instant chaos riots & mayhem in turn. Or more likely as economies attempt to transition use anything to distract the populous such as regional wars etc. Be well m8 im glad im not 18 today thats for sure.
  8. Not yet but Labour isnt saving anything let alone going to change the direction of innovation or tech nor slow things down now is it ? The entire political class is way behind the curve and the civil service who really run the country decade in decade out dosnt care about anything but its own pay cheques & is only reactive not proactive which is badly needed. ie its not fit for purpose. Only thing to do is pay attention and adapt as best possible. Trade skills and people who can fix things & practical is an option, for now. Social science degrees and skills in moaning not so much.
  9. Tory or Labour dosnt really matter imo they are the uniparty.. Same crap just different colours. I expect more of the same for most under Labour
  10. Its just a floated talking point atm from a party that is toast but I believe by the end of the next term it'll become reality. As for the cost ? its already being talked about in the private sector as inevitable industry tax costs vs profit. If the math works in their favour overall the big players will agree readily and they set industry standards .. SME in most sectors dont stand a chance of keeping up and are already collapsing faster than in our history. IMO & sadly the trend will continue. Just take a walk down a high street or industrial unit centers in the UK or look at the state of empty office accommodation to see it.
  11. You have your head in the proverbial sand. I dont like it either but im not fool enough to pretend its just another industrial revolution, its way past that already. You cant retrain farmers to be AI engineers or warehouse staff to robotic maintenance crews. Whats coming ISNT like Marx envisioned at all no, this will be much much more disruptive.Think automation on ever increasing steroids regarding mental tasks as well as physical & creative and its global, starting in the most developed countries. Why do you think theres push for military conscription ? de globalisation is already well underway. Taxes largely come from working people & govs take whats happening in the private sector already very seriously. UBI is in pilot stages in many countries & not everyone is going to be happy about it so control will be needed, human for now. AI is already widely used and will drastically effect everyone over the next 10 years. Within 15 every industry will have reduced its workforce and costs significantly . You dont attend industry meetings and trade shows maybe but I do. There is a huge push and investment interest for automation & AI prospects, literally hundreds of billions is being invested.. from AI Art to music, sales to warehouse, from farming to IT, from Media to Law, Medical to Real estate, Management to Security. Education to Research etc etc its already happening . Big corps will continue to push things as fast as they are able seeking more profits & Jobs are going to be done increasingly faster, better, cheaper, more efficiently and reliably with the continuing development of AI. Possibly soon, true AGI will happen then automation possibilities will increase at an astonishing pace most are unprepared for and there will be ofc increasing civil unrest .... mark my words. As for 18s being conscripted, yup its be both sexes and Labour will do the same in the near future because they will have no choice but to as things unravel for the vast majority and their prospects..
  12. Even volunteers or Teachers need a specific work permit ... wouldnt want to be him with all that attention.
  13. If AI takes over most jobs what will the young and those who have never worked do ? the risk ofc will be disruption out of boredom and no future which will inevitably lead to unrest.. what to do ? get them compliant and used to following orders young. UK gov desperately needs to reduce benefit support costs and the military bolstered... it will probably be prioritised for those not continuing to higher education, your expected to serve the system that feeds you. At the moment thats predominantly young men both indigenous and immigrant alike, perfect cannon fodder or free state labour so to speak. Also a good way to get new immigrants to be useful.. Want your benefits ? enroll in helping serve your new country, getting Citizenship requires it etc etc..not hard to change the requirements. Someones got to go die in a war or look after the huge rapidly aging demographic & you can bet its not gonna be the elites kids. Afterall, if the gov considers much of the population useless eaters now, i cant imagine they want a majority jobless population to take care of. ie send them to the front.. these lunatics in power want their war make no mistake.
  14. Some things never get old in Thailand
  15. Too late to stop the population crash now, that already happened 20 years ago with declining birth rates. People dont seem to get it yet or what it means. Even if everyone had 3 kids now it takes 20 more years to grow up and reproduce to slow any decline but urban families dont have many children& ever rising cost simply means less children, less families and ever more singles and so it goes.. None of it helps increase population. On the farm having kids is cheap & free labour, the problem with that is the last couple of generations have left the farms for the cities. With nothing to go back for but poverty its hardly surprising the average farmers age is above 55 and rising. In an urban environment children are v costly and just an expense until they grow up. Populations moving into mega growing cities wont help & with ever increasing uban living costs birth rates will continue to decline as a result. This is has been happening across most of the developed/developing world for decades. From Russia to Japan, Italy to China and thats without other economic equations added into the mix. And no its not fixable with immigration only temporary & shown that within a generation those immigrants follow the same birth rate decline, Africans or Indians, Muslim etc still follow the same demographic birth decline in their new host countries by the next generation..Even Mexico peaked last decade & suspect the US is desperately opening the borders for this very reason but its only a sticking plaster not a solution. Not one country in decline has managed to buck the low birth rate issue organically yet. We are very possibly living in the times of the most humans alive there will ever be.. ever.
  16. Not surprised, Gov would be better issuing it only against credit card debt then 100% of Thais would probably be up for it... Its not 10k bht, its not money... its digital tokens nothing more... Ask any Thai if they would like a 10k coupon for use in select places/distance or 7k hard cash in the hand and see what the answer is. This is a test based around the 15 minute city corralling people idea & a future CBDC roll-out to dispense with cash entirely.. every credit & transaction can then be tracked, taxed and easily monitored, where & how used can be controlled and restricted as required...eg localised spending restrictions no problem, use by dates no problem, diminishing value to encourage spending ? no problem. Sorry your quota for meat has topped out this week, no purchase allowed but you can still buy 7/11 stuff or veggies or mama etc. That 2nd weekend break in Phuket this month your carbon credit allowance is topped out, its ok though the ticket will have an uplift cost of X and so will the coach option or car hire purchase unless electric, carbon uplift charge added at point of charging transaction ( for your own good & save the planet of course, big brothers got your back ) ... CBDC can even have an end date to force spending on what or where and encoded with restrictions/caveats in almost any way deemed appropriate...... Sok though Thai Gov knows best...fancy some of that ? nope me either... Personally i'm with the 34.66%. Only thing embellished is the mama part, the rest is all real & easily coded options/ abilities of CBDC or any other digital token scheme to replace cash, Don't believe me ? Do some research . WEF site & their talks online is a good start... in their own words.
  17. Once, in 2017 i sneezed ... I survived though so thought id share my near death experience here too.
  18. Don't care about "the latest thing", Still not complying..
  19. Good luck to her. Shes not a newcomer to pageants and already won Miss Supernational Thailand 2019 to represent the nation. Then went onto win the global version. Miss Supernational 20I9. At least the Girl has managed to find a paying career & not reduced to some Pattaya stage or goldfish bowl waiting on ugly old men to pay peanuts for a grope. Probably end up a lot richer than most here criticising too
  20. Nothing new about what will likely happen now, we've seen it before. MF didnt get a landslide only 151, nor did PT with 148 unlike previous elections there is no landslide here and even with the most likely coalition partners im hearing 310 falls far short of 376 minimum. Sadly BJT are still the most likely to come out on top with 100% senate support and the other pro military parties in coalition, actually surpassing 376 to form a government is much easier. And we havnt even started the election dispute process or upheld rigging complaints and the inevitable judicial disqualifications yet. Most likely scenario i think will be the same old song and dance with patience and using the courts EC etc
  21. Traffic is no worse in Bangkok than normal, its compounded every year as this time by seasonal burning.. Placing of way too many factories close to the Capital also hasnt helped .. at all. The majority of smoke pollution is coming from Myanmar & Laos affecting Chiang Mai and Cambodia mostly affecting Bangkok from burning as usual every year . Just have to look at the infrared maps to see that. The winds naturally carry it into the gulf and Thailand. Bit of diplomacy with ASIAN neighbours might be a good idea. If Thailand has to compensate with funds so the farmers can afford machinery, disposal & fertiliser .. which is what burning saves them the cost of.. so be it.. No one wants to work at home, cultures way too social and should remain so.
  22. Thailand has this one right.. Look around you, the world is fracturing and tearing itself apart in front of your eyes. Do you want more war ? escalation ? Really ? fools all .. Regardless of the bitter pill needed to be swallowed, concede Russia the regions taken and stand down this madness or talk of more deadly arms & weapons being sent, before all become drawn into a far greater conflict .... Negotiated terms are the only way wars end & this MUST be started asap. Ceasefire leading to peace negotiations is the only sane option...the alternative is more death more escalation & more WAR ... take your pick but do not come here and call for more war while you lie safe in bed in a safe place. ( for now ) .. “Ye Hypocrites, are these your pranks ? To murder men and gie God thanks ? Desist for shame, proceed no further. God won't accept your thanks for murder.” ― Robert Burns
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