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Posts posted by Patriciachas

  1. Have to agree with you Eyebee.

    I paid my NI contributions for 30 years , not missing one day from work.

    I had good jobs so paid a lot of money to HM Government.

    Now I am retired I will only get the pension as it was in 2003 when I left, and I don't qualify for another 12 years so what will a 2002 single persons pension in 200 be worth then I wonder?

    Peanuts methinks

    Your pension will be fixed from the date you receive it ,not from the date you left the uk

  2. England is fast becoming the country of choice for criminal despots and dodgy businessmen. Thaksin has been found guilty by the very courts he once happily used in his vexatious litigations against opponents.

    To now hear him whining about the injustice of it all is quite pathetic and sickening given his track record on human rights. Criminals on less serous charges would have been long since deported and shipped back home so what is it that allows him to stay happily in England?

    If the poms are that desperate for people to prop up their overpriced football league let them have him. They will be the losers in the long run.

    If it as escaped your notice shinawatra has sold Manchester City,also he had nothing to do with the football league it was the premiership that his team belonged to.They could always ship him to the land downunder.

  3. For those of you who knew me from the following post... Here is what has happened since then.

    Last week, I went to a spa place ( not those bad ones) and had a massage from a girl of 28 years old.

    I asked her if anything more was possible and she willingly agreed for sex with a small cost but i had no condom. This was my first time in several years outside marriage.

    I did with her without condom just once (as she was giving me assurance that she was no problem and new). And, since that day i am mentally upset for the action i did.

    I was so confused that I immediately in a few days went to a local hospital and did an Anti-HIV / Syphilis test and luckily tested negative. I will do the test again after 3 months, and hoping to be negative.

    Now my 2nd confusion is what if she got pregnant? Do these girls take contraceptions with no fail?

    Should I be doing anything more to find out to make sure she takes the pill. What are the chances that she gets pregnant?

    I do not wish to do such activity ever again in my life after all this confusion and upset I have gone through.

    The problem is there may be a high chance I will bump into this girl again and hoping to not see her pregnant or anything and I am screwed big time.

    Please help to ease my confusion as I am mentally upset since that day onwards.

    I have her my number but there is language barrier to communicate. She just understands basic english words.

    Supportive post with clear guidance please.

    07/06/2008 Biggest Mistake Done... That is sex without condom.

    11/06/2008 Test for HIV and VRDL in Bangkok Christian Hospital (BCH), Silom Cost: 920. NEGATIVE. What a relief!!!

    22/06/2008 Ask my friend to visit Massage Place to see the situation with that girl. Paid her B500 (happy money)

    29/06/2008 Ask my friend to do second visit and convince her to do HIV Test. Paid her B500 (happy money)

    30/06/2008 She tests negative in RED Cross. I trust that is her name on the printed slip from there. Paid her B1000.

    05/07/2008 My second test for HIV and VRDL in BCH before my wife arrives. Cost: 920. What a relief!!!

    11/07/2008 My wife arrives.

    07/10/2008 My third test for HIV and VRDL without Doctor in BCH. Cost: 620. What a relief!!!

    Since this incident occurred in my life... Lots of good things happened in my life...

    - I changed for the better both spiritually and emotionally

    - I have quit smoking for good (12 years smoker)

    - No more sex outside marriage

    - No Drinks... I don't drink anyway.

    - Lots of other things that now I feel grateful for.

    I hope this will enlighten someone and hope they will follow the right path.

    Please know that whatever I have said above is the complete truth with nothing made up.

    Feel sorry for your wife

  4. can anyone help,when you go to hospital and are prescribed drugs tablets do you have to purchase them from the hospital or can they be purchased from a pharmacy cheaper.as i have been told that the hospitals charge more but do not know where to buy other than hospital pharmacy.

  5. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Thaksin's wife a convicted criminal and isn't there warrants out for Thaksin's arrest? If so then they shouldn't have even been let into the country in the first place, send them straight back and once they have either been freed by the courts or served their time then by all means let them apply for for asylum.

    You aren't exactly wrong, as Potjaman is a convicted criminal sentenced to 3 years jail time. Thaksin is a criminal since he jumped bail.


    Since there are too many factors involved in his case, there is little likelihood of his being put on a Thai Airways flight to Bangkok under the protection of H.M.Police.

    He is too rich and influential and money talks but his money shouts and demands.

    It doesn't matter what people over here think, as far as Thaksin is concerned the world is his oyster. He can go where T F he wants to.

    Perhaps he can buy Zimbabwe and turn it around and sell it for a big prophet to the Arabs?

    As long as the case is in Apeal state, they not convicted. As far as I know, know one of them was convicted in the time before. But after jumping bail, many court's see that as a self-conviction.

    Still the time they were go to the UK in August, there wasn't a final conviction.


    You try to get into the UK with a conviction against you (If on appeal or not )and i can tell you .You would not be allowed in.
  6. You have got no chance of that happening the UK government have got know idea what they are doing.How do you think Shinawatra and his convicted wife got through british customs in the first place.?

    You try and enter the UK from Thailand with a criminal conviction against you .You would not have a chance of being allowed in .So ask yourself how did he get in the answer is money talks.

    You're wrong!

    At the time Thaksin and his wife was going to UK, there wan't outstanding arrest warrant's. That arrest warrant's were created later after they didn't appears to the court hearing.


    She had already been convicted
  7. 'The Thai agencies must inform the British government that if it allows the ousted premier to live there, and that he must not use Britain as a springboard for attacking Thailand.'

    As far as I remember, freedom of speech is practised in the UK. Unless he means using Britain as a springboard for some kind of Armada.

    You have got no chance of that happening the UK government have got know idea what they are doing.How do you think Shinawatra and his convicted wife got through british customs in the first place.?

    You try and enter the UK from Thailand with a criminal conviction against you .You would not have a chance of being allowed in .So ask yourself how did he get in the answer is money talks.

  8. i find one of the potentially fatal hazards to any newbie farangs in Thailand on the roads is, when you are waiting in the middle of the road at a U turn and you see the cars coming towards you flashing their headlights lights..

    Do not think, 'ok.. i can go' - as anyone new, particularly from the UK, would automatically think..

    the courteous blink blink.. go on mate.. means quite the opposite here.

    There's very little courtesy on Thai roads

    It means the same here as it does in the highway code in uk ,people just do not read the highway code in the uk.

  9. Hi Will,

    I know you said "don't ask", but how did you end up with a "B" visa when you applied for an "O"? What tripped you up?

    My hubby and are are long-time forum lurkers, too. We've spent the past two years shutting down our business and getting rid of our stuff. We're coming to Chiang Mai in mid November and don't plan to use the return tickets. Seems like a good time to be leaving the U.S.

    We're ready to apply for retirement visas. Hubby's been handling most of the research, so I don't know the correct terminology. But, I've had an active role in rounding up all the supporting documentation. Yesterday we realized we'd actually herded all the cats into one room. Every document we've requested is there -- the criminal checks, doctors' certifications, verification of pension income, verification of bank balances, etc, etc. all nicely notarized. Now we have to get all the cats lined up in correct order and expressed off to the Chicago Consulate, along with our passports. (Am I the only one who's nervous about letting her passport out of her grip? Hubby says there's no point in going to Chicago; they won't process our application while we wait.)

    So, what have we overlooked? Did you apply for the O visa only to find a B visa when the Thai Embassy/Consulate returned your passport?

    Also, how did you locate your condo? 65 sq meters sounds ideal for us. We have reservations at a long-stay hotel thru the end of the year. We figured we'd look for longer-term housing once we arrive in Chiang Mai.


    We moved here in Jan this year from uk,stayed in hotel for 2 wks went to one of the many

    estate agents,rented a nice house for 18,000 B per month without any problems .We are well intigrated into the thai way of living now and just wish we had done it years ago.Hope everything goes well for you when you arrive try the Ex Pats Meetings at the Shangri La Hotel .

  10. hi, have been lving in chiang rai province for a while, am i the uk for a couple of weeks - i just got a 1 year type o visa. i want to ship my personal effects to thaialnd, have 3 pallets with crates containing all the usual stuff - including a pc, cd and dvd player and a scanner - all used. can anyone tell me what i really need paperwork wise, i have made a list of ontents, bt not entirely as herea re hundreds of books, cloting etc?

    Moved 7 Boxes 30x30 to thailand this year on a o/a visa used agent in uk to send by air to chiang mai,customs phoned me to say they had arrived took 2 days after we left to be put on flight .We had to negotiate at customs to get them released went from 20,000 B down to 2,000 B after we got a well connected thai friend involved.Cost of sending from uk 700GBP.If you have to go to customs to collect always take a thai with you.We went on our own and had to do all negotiating with our friend over the telephone.

  11. I often eat breakfast in a cheap Thai place with a very nice family, This morning their 12 year old girl was wearing a t-shirt that said, "Job Wanted, Many Positions Available" with pictures of stick figures doing the sex positions of the Karma Sutra. I tried to point out the pictures and tell them that a girl her age could get bothered while wearing such illustrations, but after a big family talk, they seemed to come to the conclusion that it was not hurting anything.

    Would you have said anything? :o

    This is just rubbish now isn,t it about time this was closed

  12. ... is that there's no coleslaw on the menu. I really want to like them, as they're infinitely closer to my house than Duke's, but with this glaring oversight I can't in good conscience do it. Also, there's a fair bit of variation on the same menu item two days in a row, lack of quality control I guess.

    Their banana shake is pretty good though. :/

    Forget the coleslaw get rid of the burgers full of saturated fats (thats burgers from anywhere)
  13. I often eat breakfast in a cheap Thai place with a very nice family, This morning their 12 year old girl was wearing a t-shirt that said, "Job Wanted, Many Positions Available" with pictures of stick figures doing the sex positions of the Karma Sutra. I tried to point out the pictures and tell them that a girl her age could get bothered while wearing such illustrations, but after a big family talk, they seemed to come to the conclusion that it was not hurting anything.

    Would you have said anything? :o

    No nothing to do with you.
  14. Hi there . . .

    We've lived in WangTan this last year and like it enough to be buiding a house here.

    I would suggest that if you don't, then learn to like the dogs otherwise it can

    be both annoying and frustrating . . . and make sure your garden fence is dog proof.

    The pool is great, but gets busy with kids after school! If you go eartly, then you can

    get away without paying the 20Bt fee :o

    The resteraunt is a great asset and location is superb - sadly can't say the same about the food!

    It is very hit and miss and we rarely eat there as they've nearly always run out of what you want, or

    it's so spicey that you can't eat it, or they forget part of the order, or substitute without asking

    if they're short of something!

    A little resto immediately outside the main gate (with the carved monkey)

    does really really good food incuding Kao Soi.

    To get to know the locals, go for a stroll early evening (preferably

    with a cute puppy or baby)

    If you fancy a beer - we live at 505 :D

    (Oh, and avoid Dustoff . . . he likes flashing his bits!)

    David and Jup

    Just a quick reply,you say that you have deciced to build a house.We are thinking about the same but are a farang couple can you give any advice it will be much appreciated.
  15. Hi,

    Just wondering how long is it for postage sent to the UK to arrive at destination?

    International air and EMS service


    We send to north of England 2-3 every week all arrive usually take between 6-8 days.Its coming the other way that we have had problems
  16. (Im sure been asked before but couldnt find it through the search function either here or in the visa section.)

    I would like to either add new pages in my passport (British), or possibly apply for a new one. Is this possible in Chiang Mai? If so, where please, and an idea of costs, if anyone knows.

    Thanks! :o

    No you cannot get extra pages added to a British Passport,they will issue you with a new one.
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