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Posts posted by Patriciachas

  1. I have just recieved by brand spanking new non O multiple entry through the post this morning. [Wed, July 30] I posted the application on the Monday afternoon. Now that's what I call service! As before, no drama; simply print out the application forms and pop them in the post along with the fee, payable by cash, cheque, postal order or credit/ debit card.


    Tourist visa - £28 per entry. [Maximum entries allowed= 3]

    Non Immigrant [all categories] £45 single entry, £100 multiple.

    £10 administration fee if application is in person.

    £6 fee if you wish for them to organise return post.

    No bank statements/ marriage certificates required. Supporting evidence only required for Non Imm "b" and "ED"

    Closed on UK national holidays.

    Hope this has been of some help.

    And Thai national holidays.

    When i last went they told me only closed for british bank holidays
  2. Can anybody explain what this means as included on the Siam legal web site http://www.siam-legal.com/Foreign-Citizens...-residence2.php Forgive me but is this possible or not? And if so are the requirements below all that is required


    1. Application form (TM. 9).
    2. Personal information sheet.
    3. Health certificate from a hospital (issued within the previous 3 months).
    4. Certification that the applicant has no criminal record in his or her overseas domicile. This must be certified officially, e.g., by the applicant's embassy in Bangkok.
    5. Money transfer certificate issued by any bank in Thailand for no less than 10 million baht.
    6. Evidence of the purchase of a condominium from the owner of a condominium project.
    7. Copy of passport.

    Thank you in advance


    Rent do not buy much easier to move if you have too.
  3. I had a 'fun' experience today with the little guys that control the gates to the airport road.

    To those of you that don't know how this works. Every year, around December you apply for a sticker to use this private road. Owned by the Thai military. This road let you take advantage of a nice shortcut.

    Today I went through to go to the immigration office and I place my sticker in the front window. As many other people I don't like having all the stickers glued on, since I would end up blind the passenger side completely.

    On the way back I am stopped at the checkpoint and they notice that it isn't glued on and ask me to roll down the window. When my passenger rolls down the window the guard grab the sticker and tell me to make a U-turn. I ask him in English, 'what is wrong?', since my Thai is pretty limited. He then in a VERY firm tone say: 'U-TURN', like it is the only English he know. I reluctant make the U-turn and step out of the car to find out what is going on and he just blabbers in Thai, which I tell him that I don't understand. Then he tell me in Thai that he will call someone that speak English. I go back to the car and wait for roughly 30 minutes and my patience is getting to a very low point. I decide to go back to this guy and explain him that I just want my sticker and I will go the other way around. He refuse and continue to explain me all kinds of things in very rapid Thai. At this point my temper is about to explode. I tell him, in Thai, that he talks too much, which he probably think is rude. I then call my Thai girl friend to have her talk to him, which he refuse.

    At this point I see no way out and decide to go pick up my lawyer who work very close by. At least this guy can communicate with them.

    15 minutes later I am back with my lawyer, who has already told me that there isn't much he can do, cause it is a private area. I have ensured him that all I need it someone that can communicate with this guy so I can clear this misunderstanding, get back my sticker, and go the other way around.

    My lawyer, who is way older and more educated than this guy, lowers himself and respectfully try to get the sticker back and all he is being told is that the guard made his decision and refuse to change it, cause I had been impolite.

    I would have to wait till December and apply again, was all he could say.

    This is the first time I have had this kind of conflict with any Thai official and I must say I have been disgusted.


    Anyone else had similar experiences?

    You are not for real ,the sooner you go the better.

  4. My first license (1 yr) was a floppy paper thing. For the next one (5 yr), they asked me if I wanted one that was valid in all Asean countries. It is hard plastic, like a proper ID or thick credit card. Does anyone have the true story on the Asean validity?

    Does anyone have the clear and CONCISE answer to the very brief and simple query of the OP?

    I have seldom seen such rambling, partly coherent and often irrelevant responses to such a very easy topic!

    After a year here on an IDP or any ENGLISH language driving licence, go to the Land Transport Dept, Hang Dong Rd, take a Thai reader & speaker if you yourelf do not, get a list of what is required, take all the gubbins back, fill in the (Thai language) form and get a Thai licence. After 1 year with a 1 year licence you can apply for and get a 5 year.

    To fail to do any of this and still use Thai roads is UTTER irresponsibility. You really want foreign immigrants farting about on the roads of your HOME countries among YOUR children and grandchildren without the required legal document?

    Few of us have 'Residency' status. Or want it. Ignore those posters who use this LOADED term. What they mean is 'proof of where you live' letters, which must now indeed come from your Consulates or Embassies at their own specified prices, sadly no longer from the mainly good and always over-worked CM Immigration people.

    You will only have to take the (amusingly termed) 'test' if you do NOT start with an IDP or English language licence from your home country.

    Please note:

    a) It's NOT rocket science and

    :o The current head of LTD Chiang Mai, up on what we Brits call the 1st floor, is charming, polite and patient IF you are too - and 100% clean.

    Go for it. Do it! But for gawd's sake don't over-complicate it!

    Well said i got both my car and motorbike 1 year licences this year and their was nothing easier,the lady at the transport office on the 1st floor could not be more helpful.
  5. I have found in other places of Thailand that there is normally an area in each town packed full of garages.

    Is there an area or road like this in Chiang Mai? If so could you tell me roughly where it is?

    Many Thanks

    From the moat go onto Assadathorn Road then carry on and you will see garages full of used cars on both sides of the road
  6. Just wondering if the 90 day rule may be abolished as it has no doubt had a knock on affect in Thailand since it was implimented a while back. Tourist numbers are down too. The average ex pat living here with out a long term visa could relax more then. Met a bloke only yesterday. Very open about his visa affairs. Claimed he had overstayed five years. I looked at him and just asked him how he goes on living (i'd be worried sick everyday). He just calmy responded "If I was too hit a snag I have sufficient funds to pay the problem off". Very calm about it all.

    A M A Z I N G

    You would not pay off a 5 year overstay believe me,he should worry.
  7. Ah, there we go again, each projecting our own persona onto the general populations of foreign countries. Maybe the Koreans are hoping to be served good kimchi, and the Thais on the bus are hoping for som tam down the road. I doubt any of them is yearning for a Mike's Burger.
    How would you know that?.
  8. Hello, I am aware of the dealer on the hang dong road, they don't seem to want to sell me a car! Can anyone please tell me where the other dealers are located. I looked at Honda's website but from the address and map they show I can't work out where exactly the other two are. If anyone knows and can tell me that would be great. I don't know the CM - Pang road!? The other one looks like it's on the lamphun road which should be easy enough for me to find.



    Must be a problem with your paperwork ,i use this dealer all the time and have had nothing but 5 star service from them ,nothing is to much trouble.
  9. They did however say if you can show either a retirement visa or student documentation they will open a savings account.

    If this new policy from the Bank of Thailand is fact someone ought to tell them that before you can get a retirement visa you need 800k deposited in a Thai bank account for three months minimum.

    Communication failure between right and left hand possibly?

    You already have o/a visa so they will open you a bank account no problem the 800k only as to be in the account 3 months before extension.
  10. Thanks for quick reply. It does not quite meet my requirements because on such a visa I assume I can't bring in my furniture and personal belongs from Europe which I want in my apartment (unaccompanied baggage). Also I don't want to break visa laws.

    It looks like I will have to found a local company and apply for an Investor Visa, right?

    Dont even think about bringing furniture from home,we have just moved to thailand and only brought 7 boxes when they arrived it took us 5 hours to get them we had to pay 2,000 baht to get them the amount was redused drastically after the intervention of a thai friend.All our belongings were personal effects,which does not mean the same here as it does at home .
  11. Jj, I think you must be out near Koolpuntville 9 on Hang Dong Rd,I used to live there and they have a very well maintained 1/2 olympic size pool at the SocialClub, if you are going past drop in and check out who does the pool maintenance , if its one of their own staff you may be able to do a deal with him.
    koolpuntville 6 have just had the same problem,they have treated it but it is still not perfect now.
  12. Hello. My friends and I are going to Bangkok this weekend, but just learned of the 6-month passport validity requirement.. thing is our passports are expiring in 4 months, and it's quite late to have our passports renewed. worse, we've already made arrangements for our travel from bangkok to phuket as well... Considering that we're only staying in thailand for four days, and a visa is effectively not required, is there a chance that we'd be allowed entry in thailand?
    Not a chance you will just waste your time and money.
  13. Can anyone tell me where you can get Art supplies in chiang mai i.e canvases artist paints brushes etc.

    You can find everything you'd ever want on the third floor of the book/stationary store near the Irish Pub, about two hundred steps down Ratchawitee (sp?) from the moat on the right side. There is even a large parking area behind it. The first floor doesn't look like much, with very low key book displays, greeting cards on the windows, etc., but once you get to the second floor (stationary) it's great. The third floor has a full range of art supplies, drafting equipment, and even musical instruments! (Excellent place to get incredibly loud whistles should you wish to play a duet with the parking attendants in Airport Plaza... :o )

    They carry several different name brands of oil paints, acrylics, and water colors, pre-stretched canvas as well as roll stock, full line of brushes for all mediums, and the best part; they carry gesso, matt and gloss gel mediums, etc., in bulk! They also have a good selection of ceramic tools, glazes, and clay.

    If you can't find what you are looking for, the stationary shop on the third floor (why is it always on the third floor?) of Central Department Store in Kad Suen Kaew had a half decent range of paints, both oil and acrilic, and stretched canvas, and a medium supply of brushes. The other shop has 3X the variety over Central though...

    Thanks for that we have been to day everything that we could ever need ,once again thanks.
  14. I knew it was a crap bike. I just wanted it for cycling round Chiang Mai downtown, not to do the tour de France. I just thought it would last 6 months before I had to ditch it not 6 days!

    I have no interest in getting a "good" bike. Its not an interest or a hobby for me. Just one that works so that I can move around town a bit faster than walking but a bit more healthily than driving

    Well, if you knew it was a crap bike and you still bought it - then it's your fault for buying it!

    as previous poster said take it back they will exchange it noproblem at all.

    I know, but I didn't expect it to be quite so crap as it turned out to be! :o

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