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Posts posted by Patriciachas

  1. Tywais,

    When you have made the said device and ready to sell please pm me. I am interested to buy one to discourage the neighbour's dogs from coming too near our gate. Our two dogs make too much noise but I don't allow them to go out to chase them away.

    A device that is battery operated would be ideal. Otherwise I would have to connect long wire to the gate.

    When pm me please include your own email address as well as my out going message box at Thaivisa does not work.


    same as the above post Pm me also when ready.
  2. OY!! This thread is becoming truly absurd!!

    Hey! If you can't afford 450 baht --- if that is your problem --- don't go to the meeting! Really! Don't go! Call the Immigration Office with any questions you have. Please let them know your name and passport information for possible further reference! I have posted the telephone number above! Have you the change for the telephone call?! Or, visit the office, although I somehow dread the impression some people might leave upon officers there. Anyway, it might cost you 100 baht there and back from muang. Can you manage that? No snacks on board, either!

    Your post is the absurd one. Don't comment on why people can or can not afford something. That point has not been raised in this thread "Have you the change for the telephone call?" Come on. Make a serious contribution or stop posting. The points raised are valid but you forget people are entitled to their opinion. I am sorry that not everyone agrees with you but that's life . Accept it. The issue is where is the extra money going and no-one I repeat no-one is critisising immigration . Most people get what they want from immigration without a problem and I have never had anything but good service and a smile there. Maybe not the same in your country. Farang should not be supporting events where there are doubts about finances or motives.


    Their is no doulbts about the finances and motives of this meeting.Instead of hiding behind this web site get yourself to a C ex pat meeting and stand up and put your concerns to the people involved direct, with any evidence that you have.Otherwise stop making unfound comments about groups that are only trying to make things better for us farangs here in chiang mai.

  3. With all due respect to pwp and OLEODIN, does any of this really matter? If there are links and commonality between Chiang Mai Friends Group and CEC........ hardly surprising and so what? If the 450 baht asking price is more than the per head charges being paid by the organisers to the hotel or for other fees/expenses......... again - so what?

    We're all grown-ups here and should be capable of deciding whether we think it's worth the money for what it could be expected to provide each of us. For me, I think it's not - but as they like to say in LOS: "up to you". I would have a problem if CEC/Chiang Mai Friends Group were setting out to suggest that I needed their services (and to pay for them) in order to comply with the visa requirements. Between research on here, consulting the Immigration website and once or twice double-checking or clarifying in person with CM Immigration on particular points - I've been able to maintain a smooth and stress-free experience of the visa processes. Given that someone mentioned seeing a fee of 5,000 baht paid to a lawyer for 90-day address reporting ( :o ), perhaps others want more of a helping hand...........

    I do see some mileage (as per the CEC President's message) in letting Immigration know that I appreciate the help they give me, but I personally don't feel the need to do it at the Shangri La - I already do it every time I have contact with the officers at CM Immigration itself.

    Good post these two people are obssesed with this,the top and bottom is if you think it is value for money and of any interest to you then go .If not stay away and do as a previos post said get a life
  4. Everyone should be asking what and who is behind setting up this 450 baht meeting. The lunch as described would not cost 450 baht. The question is what is this hotel charging and who gets the rest of the money. This is Thailand so we know where some money will go.

    Posts have already shown the regulations are on line and members experiences have been well documented. Dealing with immigration directly and politely is the answer.

    If you read the fine print, the document that can be downloaded is an English translation of the regulations, by a helpful TV member, hopefully it is an accurate one. I am not aware that he was hired by Thai Immigration to provide an official translation.

    Member requirements and experiences vary greatly. From what I have read, how I plan to get my 1st extension appears to be doable but I have yet to read a member sharing similar experiences.

    The translation was probably not by Immigration but that is not the point I am making

    Going to Immigration or using the internet to get the facts is the way to go. Paying 450 baht won't get you any further than eating a lunch which I suspect is not being charged t 450 baht in the first place. TIT

    How do you know that if you are not going to attend this meeting.It will be of some benefit to be able to here the superintendant and put some points across that you would not be able to get from the internet or from some of the counter staff at the immigration office.it beats me as to why people always want to think someone is making out of it.So what we are talking about 450 bahts here it really is a fortune to us aliens .
  5. It is very sad to see the people of Thailand treating their former Prime Minister with such disrespect. What has happened to the people of Thailand?

    Once regarded as peaceful friendly people, they are now crazy in mind, protesting at any decision that the government makes. The have soon forgotten the old days where twenty baht had to last for your food all day.

    They have become westernized and with it they have become hypocrites, vindictive, jealous and antisocial people.

    Wake up Thailand and leave Dr. Thaksin alone! You have very short memories. You must know that it would be difficult for him to have a fair trial here, and one can't blame him for the decision that he has made.

    A load of rubbish
  6. Yes - it does seem unjust - does anyone know what the reasoning is?

    The issue is raised every year with MP's up and down the UK - to date the Treasury has being immovable.

    If you have your own house and a younger family member to stay in it (and to discreetly "represent" you) - who's to notice your absense and a monthly standing order from your UK account to your Thai account (to forward pensions and benefits) - any reason why that should be noticed? The problem is really for retirees reliant on social housing (your "absence" is sure to be noticed (and reported) by a nosey neighbour)).

    Your pension is frozen from the day that it payable from.not from the day you leave the uk.

    I would have thought that another reason to keep an address in the UK is to maintain entitlement to the NHS. That is lost if you are not resident in the UK. I suppose the down side is that you would still be liable for UK tax.

    Keeping an address is one thing, declaring that you a UK resident when you aren't is another. All i'm saying is, don't take the UK authorities for fools. They've seen it all before.

    To Guesthouse and anyone else who knows: this matter of freezing pensions always seemed to me to be something of a non-issue. I mean, if as a man you start receiving your pension at 68 and it's frozen from this point on, chances are that you won't lose a lot, assuming you pass away at an average sort of age like 75. In seven years i don't suppose there will have been much of an increase. If you live to a ripe old age i admit it becomes more of a concern, but how many of us are lucky enough to do this?

    But have i completely misunderstood? Does, as another poster suggested, the freezing happen the moment you declare yourself non-resident? This would make a massive difference for all us non-residents who have a way to go before retirement. The 90 pounds a week as i believe it currently stands, is not likely to be worth much in 30 odd years time now is it.

  7. I stayed overnight at Poipet on Thursday (14 th.) and stamped out Fri morning (15 th.) ,but when I got to Thai Immigration to stamp back into T,land, I was refused entry as the stamp out of Cambodia showed 14 th ,they had not updated their date stamp from the day before .

    So ,off I go back to the Cambo Imm Office where I spoke to the guy who had stamped me out 30 minutes earlier, he said " you have used your 30 day visa ,pay 1200 baht for new visa".

    To which I said it was you who just stamped me out 30 minutes ago with wrong date stamp, all I got was a stupid look and a shrug.

    Then he changed tack and said ,you overstay 1 day you pay 500 baht and I stamp new, " How the bloody hel_l can I overstay when I only got my 30 day visa yesterday and you stamped me out of Cambodia this morning.

    Anyway he wanted some cash one way or another so after a lot of heated words (from me ) the big boss arrived on the scene and I explained the situation to him in front of the other guy.

    All I got was " you give him 300 baht and he change stamp,so I ended up paying 300 baht and he used white-out and overstamped with the correct date .

    The moral of the saga ,Check every stamp the put in your passport.

    That is obvious,never go anywhere in the world that requires your passport to be stamped and not check it before you move away from the person that as stamped it.At least you got away with only 300 B to learn an important lesson.

  8. Not correct. It's been done many times, and Ministerial approvals has been given often. The firm I work for does it all the time as a matter of course.

    Well, give us an idea and roughly how many per year are given? I have never met anybody who has gone down this route.

    I was told today that americans are allowed to buy 1 rai of land does anyone know if this is correct.some agreement with usa and thailand after vietnam war had ended????.Correct or false.

  9. Even when justice is just, its wheels grind slowly. Has Mr. Taksin been convicted of jaywalking or overcooking samtam? His wife has been convicted, and has jumped bail. How long does it take to extradite her?

    At the beginning of the day, this is about who gets to keep control of Thailand. PAD may discover they have all just been tools in the hands of the elite. If only that box had contained chocolates....

    How did his wife get into the uk she is a convicted criminal.She should not have got past immigration.Is their a sign of corruption in the good old UK??.

  10. Are you saying you are on the first year of a multi entry non immigrant OA visa obtained from a Consulate and you want to make an exit/return to obtain a new one year permitted to stay stamp before the use by date on the visa itself? If that is the case cross border and return for the second year - but be sure you obtain a re-entry permit for any future travel as the visa will no longer be valid for entry.
    Yes thanks for information
  11. Yesterday I was driving on Mun Muang at the intersection with Ratchamankha Rd and was pulled over at one of the police check points. I was wearing a helmet and had a female passenger who was not. I was asked

    for Passport and driving license. I didnt ' have either with me but I did have the green book. He wasn't interested in that. He started writing a ticket for not having these papers. He then told me I had to go pay Police station 2oo baht and return with the receipt and he would let me have my motorbike,otherwise He wouldnt let me ride away with it. He spoke no English and all of the conversation took place between Him and My Laos passenger,who couldn't read Thai. Eventually He decided He could release the bike if I went to 7/11 and bought Him a pack of cigareets and a lighter. Later in the day I showed the ticket to a Thai friend and was informed that the ticket was for 1.Not wearing a helmet 2.Not having the necessary papers with me. I hate to pay the ticket under these circumstances. Of course I don't mind paying for not having passport with me but that sneaky bastard putting in that I was not wearing a helmet just pixxes me off. This is not a rental bike so my passport was not at the rental shop. Now the question is: should I just pay the ticket and say TIT,or Go to the Police station and complain? I feel as though a Thai person would just pay,and the police love that attitude. I would rather file a complaint against the officer and perhaps create additional paperwork for Him and although nothing would ever come of it perhaps in the future some police might feel shaking down farangs is more of a hassel then it is worth. Anybody have similar experiences or advice?

    Now I have copies of both documents with the green book so please don't bother with that.


    1.If your passenger had helmet on.

    2. If you had the documents you are required to carry with you.

    You would not have had a problem ,your troubles are of your own making.Abide by the law of the land.

  12. Let me shine a little light on this (without getting the usual responses that it's illegal or a scam, you decide for yourself).

    A couple of visa companies (among them I recall Papa above Tops, the owner is an American with a Thai wife) operate a service for those not having the 800,000 baht or the required income.

    The process is like this:

    - You open a bank book in your own name (the bank will be designated by the visa company).

    - Then you give them your passport and two photos

    - The 800,000 baht is deposited into your bank book and they apply for the conversion into a non immigrant-O (three months).

    This process will cost you 15,000 baht (approx)

    - They will keep the bank book and apply for an extension of 12 months.

    This process will cost you 20,000 baht (approx)

    The bank book is kept by them.

    It takes about 3-4 days before the retirement visa is delivered. The stamp is legit and issued by the Pattaya Immigration Police.

    This has nothing to do with (Nigerian) scammers or whatever. I've seen a couple of passport who were waiting to be delivered to customers. It even came with the sticker which reminded the visa holder to

    report every 90 days.

    I am sure that they service quite a few customers per month. Again, if it's illegal or not ... you decide.

    It make no difference if they keep the bank book or not you could still withdraw funds from the account if it is in your name and you opened the account,only a matter of time until that is done.
  13. I read in another area of this forum that there is a discussion in this section (visas and work permits) that states Sunbelt has confirmed that new rules allow the issuance of a work permit to a retirement visa holder.

    Is it true that holders of retirement visas can now obtain a work permit and work while on a retirement visa?

    I did search for this subject before posting but with no luck.

    Thank you!

    As far as i am aware you cannot have a work permit on a retirement visa.
  14. 40,000 baht a month income for a married visa. 800,000 in a bank in Thailand for retirement visa, or 65,000 baht a month income.

    May I ask you, for a Canadian, farang married couple, aged 62 and 66,

    is there still the option available, of showing 1.6million, cash at bank, certified by bank plus evidence of that amount being in the account for at least 3 months prior to the retirement visa renewal date?

    it used to be certificate of cash at bank, OR certificate of monthy/yearly income. what happens if you have the 1.6 million in the bank but you do not have 130,000 baht a month income? thanks, Paddy.

    The requirement for you 2 would be 800,000 Baht in a Thai bank OR 65,000 Baht a month income.

    Only one of you need to meet the requirements. The other one "piggy backs" on the other spouses extension.

    We also both have o/a visas and the required money in the bank ,are you saying my wife does not need to renew her visa and she will be ok to be a dependant on my visa.Is their any likelyhood of my wife having a problem in the future if we did it this way?.
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