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Everything posted by srowndedbyh2o

  1. Please post back letting us know how the signup process went, and your opinion of the service. Although I’m very happy with the service I receive from virtualpostmail.com have been contemplating changing over to physicaladdress.com due to the monthly cost of their service. I’d be interested to see if they ‘make up’ for their low monthly cost with other fees or cost of mail forwarding.
  2. I have all my letters forwarded using standard USPS 1st class mail. My virtual U.S. address is in Nevada. Usually takes 10 days from shipping day to arrival, and costs from $5.20 for a single letter to $14.46 for 5 letters (ATM cards) mailed in a single oversized envelope. CC/ATM cards I don’t have them open and scan. I just have them forwarded to me in Thailand. When I get mail, I don’t usually have them forward mail immediately, I usually wait a week or so in case more mail arrives and then have them forward everything at once to save on mailing cost. Oh, and my Thailand address is way out in Isaan. No street address. Just District, Subdistrict, Province and house number.
  3. I’ve been using virtualpostmail.com Works great. If you don’t get a lot of mail each month, their $20/month plan allows up to 25 pieces of mail per month and the price includes 10 scans per month. If you need more, their $35/month plan allows unlimited mail and 50 scans. That said, I have been considering changing over to physicaladdress.com since they are about half the price of virualpostmail. Both have Florida addresses available.
  4. I'm adding the Toyota Veloz to my list. Has a lot of perks for the price, and has the best (slightly) ground clearance of the list.
  5. Thanks for posting the link. Info a bit dated, but still a great quick comparison chart.
  6. My wife and I are using the iPhones that we purchased and setup in the U.S. We are now in Thailand. I tried to download the app for Tesco ‘Lotus’s’ and I get a message that says “ This app is currently not available in your country or region”. Even though we are now living in Thailand, we hesitate to change the country/region code on our phones to Thailand for fear that some of the apps on our phones, especially financial apps will stop working. With our phones remaining set to U.S., we have so far come across one app that does not work here in Thailand. It is our “CashApp”. It appears to work when I transfer money from my U.S. account to my Wife’s U.S. account, but the transaction ultimately gets cancelled. I’m not trying to move any money to or from Thailand, just move funds between two U.S. accounts. When I contacted the ‘CashApp’, they stated the app cannot be used outside the U.S. It does not matter if the funds I’m moving are from one U.S. CashApp account to another U.S CashApp account, or to a U.S. bank, never crossing international boarders, but the fact that the app (phone) is ‘physically’ located outside the U.S. prevents the apps use. It has some sort of ‘geotracking’ so even using a VPN on my phone makes no difference. So my questions are; 1: If I change the country/region setting to Thailand, will there be issues with U.S. banking apps, or other apps in general? 2: What happens when I go to upgrade my iPhone and purchase it in Thailand? I assume it will come set to Thailand as country/region. 3: Being physically in Thailand, will I be Able to change the country/region to U.S., if needed? Thanks.
  7. Looking into buying a new vehicle. We don’t want something as large or expensive as a Toyota Fortuner or Mitsubishi Pajero, but would like something more ‘substantial’ than a Toyota Yaris, Suzuki Swift or Honda Jazz. The Honda BR-V and Suzuki XL7 look to fill the bill. If we went with the Honda BR-V we would probably go with the 5 seater option to bring the price down a bit as we would rarely, if ever need the 3rd-row seats. If we went with the Suzuki XL7 we’d probably leave the 3rd-row seats folded down, but would have the option of using them if ever needed. Any thoughts/opinions on either brand/model? Honda BR-V: THB 765,000 Suzuki XL7: THB 799,000 Thanks
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