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Posts posted by filingaccount

  1. Condo units facing east and west get the same amount of sunlight in a day, unless you are in a country that has shifted its time zone,like Malaysia and Singapore where the sun does not rise until 7am.

    The reason why west facing feels hotter is similar to boiling water in a kettle. It takes time to initially bring cold tap water from room temp to 100C. Once water starts boiling, it only takes a low flame to keep it boiling. The afternoon sun is that low flame.

    Besides sunlight, natural cooling also depends on the direction where the breeze is strongest in the day. For Bangkok, it is south, from the sea. Thus, coolest direction to face, while still having a reasonable amount of natural light, will be southeast. North facing avoid most of the direct sunlight, but lack the breeze.

    Excellent summary, and I will back this up.

    Southeast is clearly the best for a cool, less humid unit.

  2. By far the most useful addons are related to privacy (eg. script blockers and search engine optimizers).

    I realized I only use 6 addons.

    no script

    optimize google


    web developer toolbar

    ultrasurf tool

    If I were to make it a short list of 5, then I'd remove the ultrasurf tool.

  3. I have also experienced True claiming better speeds with "new firmware".

    It's fake.

    It's a bold claim, but I have done extensive testing after their firmware upgrade showing my ADSL physical connection (not speedtest) upload speed going from ~890 kbps to 1240 kbps after "upgrade". A big 50% improvement... or not?

    Sadly, doing a little network testing and using semi-professional hardware, I found out that the "upgrade" was simply a patch to show the ADSL connection speed as fixed output value (eg. no matter how good or bad my line is, the adsl modem will always show "Connected at 1240 kbps").

    A simple way of testing this is to use old and rusty phone cables to connect to the modem. Basically, cables that sort of work but create so much background noise it's unusable.

    Verifying that the cable is indeed of poor quality I simply switched to another modem and compared connection speeds.

    With the other modem and bad cable I get anything from 200 kbps to 400 kbps upload speed connection. With a good cable I get about 889-892 kbps.

    With the True supplied modem and "upgraded firmware" no matter what cable, or line quality I have, it ALWAYS states "Connected at 1240 kbps". But of course with a bad cable the real world tests show grossly diminished speeds.

    True is doing everything they can, apparently, to cheat and steal from users. Most of the time they get away with it, sadly. I talked to them and they agreed that I should only pay for the 512 kbps upload package (standard), but they would "unlock" the upload to maximum, free of charge.

  4. Question 1.



    Question 2.


    Question 3.

    No real info exists I believe as there is really isn't any standard testing procedure. All is done with price in mind. The cheaper, the better it seems.

    You could call up the ISP's, CAT et alia but I doubt they will divulge any in-depth info regarding infrastructure.

    I'm sure you can answer some of your questions by processing the data.

  5. One could speculate that they (eg. CAT, TOT, Government and/or ISP's) are trying to sniff https traffic, and due to high encryption connections time out and popular services like gmail do not function.

    This issue seems to have affected about 75% of Internet users in Thailand the past few days.

    Sadly, there is nothing any one group of users can do. We simply have to wait it out.

  6. People do not have a clue even if you commented your open source code to death. But before that, they do not care.

    A programmer might have a great time with open source code, but an end user doesn't care. They generally have 3 questions.

    1. Does it work?

    2. Will it do what I want?

    3. If something goes wrong, do I have quick disaster response?

    The simple fact is, acronis is extremely stable, simple to use, provides great options, installs easily, doesn't require in-depth knowledge of command prompt instructions, have quick response times in times of need, and generally gives a great experience.

    Show me one open source software that does the same. Most likely you can't. Why? Because there is no incentive to make it as user friendly as possible. Acronis is in the business of, not to provide great software, making money. How do they attempt to make this money? By offering something they think is better than the competition. Right now they are better... simple really. The moment they are not, I would suggest the "new and improved".

    By the way. Skype is the most secure communication tool available right now. Why? It is closed source, uses non disclosed encryption techniques and thus protects your privacy more than any open source software could. In your reasoning, people should stay away and use another tool. Sadly people do not care, and hundreds of millions of Skype users are very safe.

    Oh, and I bet you do not do any graphics heavy work or video editing. Show me an open source tool that would compete with Photoshop. GIMP is nowhere near. Same for video editing, show me tools as flexible, easy to use and quick as for example Premiere Pro.

    I can go on for quite a while, but you get my point I assume.

    I have nothing against open source, and I think it is great we are inching towards less restrictive solutions. Right now, however, most open source applications are not quite there yet. The sad things is, it's never quite there yet, at least not in the 15 years I have used linux distros and open source apps. For open source apps to become the preferred solutions they must become the driving force behind innovation, but they are not. So far they are playing catchup, staying a couple of years behind what the big software companies do.

    And if you have questions about Acronis' business practices, I am not the right person to ask. You should ask Acronis.

    And to go back to my original point yet again.

    Backup manually. This is in most home users case enough.

    Strange really.... you bash acronis up and down, but haven't offered one single alternative that would work as well or better for a normal user. :whistling:

    Anyhow, should you want to continue the discussion, please PM and let's take the hair splitting off the boards.

  7. With Acronis you can recover from the recoivery CD without installing anything, so technically I would not see using it to recover data as a breach of contract

    True, but the point is that you don't "lose" your licence nor would you be "illegally" running this software after purchase no matter how long ago you bought it, or how many computers you have had since, or if the company goes out of business or were bought or whatever. Your purchased license is still yours.

  8. You need one license per physical machine. The one you had the license for is broken.

    You need to have a new license on you new computer to be able to restore. And if the licenses for this software is no longer for sale then you are trapped...

    and it happens... I'm responsible for machines a cannot restore legally... and I don't.


    Single user license.

    Not the same as single computer license.

    Directly from Acronis (http://www.acronis.c.../faq.html#lq8):

    Q: Can I install the Acronis product that I already have on a new PC or workstation?

    A: You can use your existing license to install the software on a new PC or workstation if your previous system has been decommissioned.

    Next time, please make sure you have your facts straight before bashing anything.

  9. No, the question is whether you can legally run it the day you need your backup.... If you cannot guarantee that...

    Care to expand on that? Why wouldn't one legally be able to restore backed up data with the purchased software?

  10. You'll end up spending close to what a new low end laptop would cost before it would be decently usable.

    I suggest picking up a 12-13 thousand Baht low end laptop. It will have everything they need.

    If you want more details please PM me and I'll help you out.

  11. There are good and bads in everyone...

    But I see some odd stuff in this thread:

    Let me point out the "stuff" you seem to be taking from my post.

    Backups ARE simple. No need to dress it up, make it sound complicated, confusing and/or potentially dangerous. It isn't. Most people only want their personal data saved externally. They do not need incremental backups, nor do they need many copies of the same file with slight changes in each one. Generally speaking what people need and want are temporary (or semi permanent) copies of data while their computer is being repaired and/or upgraded.

    And we are talking about what the OP needs, not what a multinational, multi-office, 600-people company might need (or whatever).... context?

    Acronis IS great. Don't tell me your installed software and backups vanish should the company go bye-bye. You still have your backups, you still have the software. Should Acronis change strategies, be bought, or go out of business, then by all means change backup solutions should you disagree with their new business ways. Still, that doesn't mean your backed up data has "gone bad" overnight....

    Just because it is not open source, doesn't mean it is "bad".

    You seem to have an issue with anything that is not open source. That's great. I'm all for it. It is your personal opinion, but that doesn't mean a closed source, proprietary software functions poorly. Many times these kinds of software functions much better (eg. Skype).

    To go back on topic again... The OP needs to ensure his personal data is safe while his computer is at the shops...

    That is simple and easy. Manual back up of data. Nothing complicated.

    If OP is sure the HDD is not damaged, then it might be as easy as pulling the HDD then sending the computer in for repair.

    Again, simple, easy, not confusing and doesn't require days or weeks of preparation. A couple of hours and you are set.

  12. If you are resident, why not start a volunteer group? Start asking for donations, pay locals to clean up. You help keep the country clean, generate jobs AND help the locals at no extra effort for them.

    Start by cleaning up, then dropping it off the mayors office.

    Ask where to drop off the crap found at the beach. If they do have a proper system of handling it, your problems are solved. If not, they get stuck with crap dumped each day/week.

    Hand out info leaflets on why having clean water is good for local business (eg. more tourism, better fishing).

    Something worth doing is worth doing right, and to have it done right, do it yourself.

  13. vegetable wash liquid?

    Isn't that "water"?

    A good thorough rinsing with pure water should be enough.

    If you are unsure, why not bring water to a boil, drop the veggies in a for a minute to eliminate surface contaminants?

  14. To make it simple., True is a bad company run poorly and with no customer service routines that helps the customer. They have potential though, but they do not seem to be able to make the whole system work well at all.

    Customer service reps have no incentive to help you, they get paid a low salary, and if the client makes life a little difficult they will try to ignore you. No benefit for them to work hard.

    Same thing with techs, they have no incentive to help you and will ignore/delay your requests for assistance should it be too inconvenient for them.

    Consider this.

    You have trouble signing up... Imagine the horrors you will face when (not if) you want to cancel...

    And as a side note. I just viewed their HD channels. It was B A D. The compression alone made the football unwatchable. The pitch looked like something green Shrek coughed up.

    It was embarrassingly horrible considering how True reps were boasting about how great the picture was. I had my laptop with me with a downloaded HD football match. I showed them real HD and they could say no more.

  15. 3 things to prevent sleepless nights.

    1. Backup your data. It's simple. Plug in an external USB HDD, and copy+paste your critical data (docs, compromising photos :jap: , game saves, etc)

    2. Back up your data. It's simple. Use any number of automatic backup solutions available. I suggest Acronis.

    3. See #1 and #2.

    Another things to consider when your primary HDD fails is to have an operating system that boots off of a USB memory stick. This would enable you to boot the PC and initiate a manual backup of recoverable data.

    PM me if you want such a solution. I'll make it for you if you send me the USB memory stick (even 1 GB is enough).

  16. The answer is 3.

    Call the True service line (3 baht per call) at 1331. They speak decent English and can probably identify your issue and inform you of such.

    It could be that the cell towers are full and they can't handle any more calls at that moment. The area where you are can make a big difference...as could the destination phone number.

    Does the problem happen at all times? (even at 3 AM for example?)

    Maybe you got a faulty Blackberry. Although it is unlikely, it could happen.

    Try to explain the problem to the True rep as clearly as possible....

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