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Posts posted by filingaccount

  1. Most likely the cable on the keyboard that has gone bad due to excessive bending.

    Swap out the keyboard and you should be fine. I suggest a NORTEK LYNEA (nortekonline.com).

    160 Baht keyboard at Panthip and it is nearly as good as those old IBM keyboards (you know, the ones build like tanks).

    Step one in computer "business" is ALWAYS to swap out the offending item. If the problem is solved (and it is 90% of the time), you don't have to waste any more time with it :)

  2. At the risk of sounding like a broken record...

    Begin by reading this topic: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Laptop-netbo...fo-t319781.html

    The primary benefit of DDR3 is the ability to transfer at twice the data rate of DDR2 (I/O at 8× the data rate of the memory cells it contains), thus enabling higher bus rates and higher peak rates than earlier memory technologies. In addition, the DDR3 standard allows for chip capacities of 512 megabits to 8 gigabits, effectively enabling a maximum memory module size of 16 gigabytes.

  3. Some more info would be nice? eg. Which ISP.

    I'm guessing you are using True, and an alternative DNS (such as OpenDNS), swap it to the True DNS and you should not have any problems.

    Alternatively you can use a VPN proxy and access your sites fine.

    This is due to True filtering and blocking other DNS servers and forcing the users to change to the True DNS servers....

  4. To summarize.

    1. True supplied routers have this "feature" built in. It will redirect you at least once per 24 hours.

    2. True ADSL disconnects minimum once every 24 hours. This causes the IP to change. If you want a fixed IP, you have to upgrade.

    3. Using the True ADSL modem/router enables True to enter and poke around your modem and potentially into the rest of your network at any time. This is a security hazard. The True backdoor enables others to exploit it. It's not difficult to do and can be done by anyone (I just found 2 users with the default password, and I could easily poke around. This of course I never do in any way shape or form.)

    4. Reporting this to True is quite funny and causes them to go "uuuuh, aaah, I don't know... I have to check. Don't tell anyone else"

  5. .

    This "test" has to be a joke -- Results from two tests below -- one dismal and the 2nd, beyond belief.

    I'm on a CAT 2 Mbps dedicated line that normally averages 1.7 Mbps -- the 2nd "test" claims 3.5 Mbps, which I've never seen CAT capable of.




    I've noticed ISP's caching videos users view.

    Test this by loading a 7-10 minute youtube video that is loading slow. Let is load until the halfway mark. Close the browser, reboot, reconnect to the same video. It will load at very high speeds up until the previous loaded point, then slow down to the slow speed again.

  6. Lenovos, in my own personal non soliciting way, are generally of good build quality. IMO better than other brands.

    The best builds are Thinkpads, so from your shortlist I would choose the LENOVO Thinkpad SL400.

    It's worth paying the extra few thousand. You should get 3 years international warranty, legendary Thinkpad build quality and durability and best of all, one of the best keyboards built by man.

    It's a business grade laptop at budget prices.

  7. It's quite bad when you see representatives of the various companies selling 3G services on the TOT network hawking their wares like any other street vendor. The only difference between them and the normal street vendors was that they were very loud and pushy, stepping in front of people and shoved a paper in their faces proudly proclaiming "HIGH SPEED! 7 MEGABIT!" (Maybe they were hired out of Panthip plaza and just changed the slogan from "Sexy Movie")

    Thais and foreigners alike looked quite annoyed at their "tactics". If they are there again tomorrow, I'll try to video their antics.

    If this is the best they can do in terms of "sales and marketing" how can anyone expect a reliable service with any sort of standards?

  8. Next time when you get good speeds on a public tracker, check and see if you have a 61.88.x.x IP or any other IP which is giving you very high speeds (normally they use bitcomet). This is a True caching server.

    I agree with True trying to find way to reduce international torrent traffic, however their caching solution doesn't cover all torrents, just new and popular ones (eg. TV series).

  9. I have been analyzing and probing Trues ADSL connection for a while now and my results are not "what I just got" but an average over a period of over 6 months.

    Generally speaking your experience with True is going to be good the 1st month, and go on a steady decline thereafter. The problem is that when it starts to go bad, it takes a gargantuan effort to get them to actually begin to solve the problem.

    www.measurementlab.net will let you know quite a lot.

  10. True is prioritizing common speed test websites. This makes the speed tests unreliable at best.

    You should download a file from a source you know would be able to serve you with more than your needed speeds. You'd be surprised at the difference in speed.

    Torrent speeds from public trackers are generally quite slow as true limiting the amount of concurrent connections. Well seeded private trackers allows you to go full speed.

    Pings vary between 330 ms to 1000 ms depending on destination. Higher pings when bandwidth is being used.

    iTunes downloads are hit and miss. Sometimes it comes at decent (~300KB/s) speeds and other times (or just another file at the same time) it slows down to a crawl.

    Youtube is hit and miss. Popular videos are cashed by google at servers with the Thai dedicated bandwidth (3 Gbps last time I checked), and those download fine, obscure and non local videos load slow.

    It seems like Friday night and Sundays are the "worst" to be online. Also around 3 am to 5 am every day it is normally slow as, I think, True is updating their caching servers.

    If you use an alternative DNS server, expect to have issue with non-loading websites and other issues related to Internet performance. Use True's own DNS and you will have less issues, but still have problems....

    Enable a VPN to bypass all these problems.

  11. I need at least 2 more 7-11's in my area... The closest one is quite far away at 180 paces.

    There is only 4 within my line of sight, plus one family mart. That is not nearly enough.

    Funny thing is that they still try to sell stale bread and bakery left over from previous days/weeks.

    It seems to be a great business for CP group, but a terrible one for franchisees.

    Thailand needs more 7-11s. God forbid anyone would have to move more than 15 metres to get their mama noodles.

    KFC delivers to your door. That's what we need from 711 now. HOME DELIVERY!

    (save that 15 metre walk)


  12. Seriously, please take your conspiracy theories to PM's....

    And if you only got 2 flaws out of that I bet you didn't really read it, or you didn't really understand it, or you simply read the first few lines and thought that "this must be all there is"....

    I will not respond to your less than informed views about the inner working of different battery technologies from here on out.

    If you want to continue to think that "business are out to get me for every penny I have", please do so. Perhaps you could boycott batteries, or boycott businesses, or perhaps start an NGO with the aim of "outing the conspiracy that battery manufacturers are out to get everyone".

    Furthermore I was, sadly, wrong in assuming that information presented in a logical and coherent way would actually be received positively, but apparently some people have trouble accepting new information. I have found this to be a curious flaw in human nature that we all should try to work on. Let me be the first to say I have many flaws, and I try to find and improve upon them, although more often than not it takes a serious effort and consequently time.

    To miodo2009: I apologize that this thread has been taken over by ongoing "theorizing" by individuals, and further, my tries to inform these individuals with facts.

    Anyhow, I will not respond in this thread again. If anyone would like to continue any discussion with me about this particular topic, please contact me via PM. Thanks very much.

  13. First of all, I said "If ... ".

    Secondly, how about you click on the link and follow through to the NiMH info found...? That will surely explain it. It's not complicated, but it might take you a few minutes to read it all.

    If you are unable to understand what has been written I guess I could digest the information and present you with bite sized pieces of text.

  14. I will not respond to the "accusation" that I have a vested interest in battery manufacturing. It is not relevant to the discussion, plus we are already way off topic. If you want to accuse me or call me names or generally need to put forward some "theories" you absolutely want to share, please do so via PM and keep it out of public discussion. Thanks.

    Let me instead point you to online sources with links, and I will let everyone make up their own minds...


    Just select any one of the batteries from the above link and you can read and understand the differences between different battery technologies and perhaps you can put 2 and 2 together and gain some insight to batteries and how they function.

    Actually, let me leave a relevant point right below...

    A disadvantage of lithium-ion cells lies in their relatively poor cycle life: upon every (re)charge, deposits form inside the electrolyte that inhibit lithium ion transport, resulting in the capacity of the cell to diminish. The increase in internal resistance affects the cell's ability to deliver current, thus the problem is more pronounced in high-current than low-current applications. The increasing capacity hit means that a full charge in an older battery will not last as long as one in a new battery (although the charging time required decreases proportionally, as well).

    "...batteries have built-in circuitry which at times acts pretty much like a "life timer" "

    It's not often I laugh when reading, but this really cracks me up every time. To use an Internet acronym - ROFL!

  15. I promise I will reply to you comprehensively soon. I'm running low on "charge" today....

    Just know that inkjet cartridges and batteries produces by my suppliers are two very different things. I don't know how you even can begin to compare two entirely different things. Apples vs. Oranges....

    And "someone who sells second hand equipment" is hardly an authority on engineering & production of batteries.

    Oh and in the meantime, look at the battery your old phone has and compare it to the specs of the new battery. Tell me what you find out....

  16. @ Thanh-BKK

    Just download Everest and look at the Battery wear level under "Power management". This will tell you how much remaining capacity your battery has.

    There is no such thing as a charge x amount of times and we disable your battery. Batteries wear out over time. Simple.

    Batteries start to degrade the moment they are manufactured due to the chemical nature of them. You will not be able to find any battery that keeps a charge 4 years on. Most batteries will last you about 2 years at decent charge. Yes, using and re-charging a battery increases the wear level, but there is absolutely no countdown device of any sort.

    There are some heavy duty batteries or GEL batteries that would last a bit longer, but those are not available for laptops.

    Oh, and you can debunk your own theory by simply wasting 500 minutes of your life.

    Plug in until your battery is fully charged, unplug for 1 minute, plug back in... repeat. Within 8-9 hours, according to you, the battery would be "dead" and unusable. Allow me to :)

    Edit: I wanted to add that battery wear is the single most critical failure point for solar power. If batteries lasted forever we all would be using solar power by now. Imagine a non-maintenance solar system. WOW! FABULOUS! FANTASTIC! CHEAP!

    Oh and "battery manufacturers" consists of much more than brand name manufacturers. If there was a "turn off" switch in brand name batteries, then independent manufacturers and most notably ME would pounce on the change to produce non-expiring batteries. I would make a killing overnight!

    And even more, if it was as simple as batteries has a turn off switch after x amount of charges, then why invest hundreds of millions developing better batteries using different chemical processes. Wouldn't it be simpler just to allow 600 charges instead of 500 and claim "better battery"?

    Think before spreading conspiracy theories.... gullible people might actually believe that crap.

  17. Car with the police for a week? What?

    Normally you wait around 30 minutes after the accident, people show up, pictures are taken, insurance people talk to each other, they try to establish who was actually at fault (and normally they are correct), and everyone leaves (unless someone died).

    You just drop off your damaged vehicle at your dealer garage whenever it suits you and the insurance pays it.

    If it isn't like this, change insurance company immediately.

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