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Posts posted by filingaccount

  1. Do not eat anything 16-22 hours prior to the local morning time of the day of landing. Eat your breakfast at 8 am (or whenever you normally east breakfast) local time at your destination. This resets your circadian rhythm in 1 shot.

    Hydrate like crazy. Water water water. No alcohol, no calorie drinks, no caffeine.

    SLEEP as much as possible. When you do not sleep, be up and about walking and hydrating. Try becoming a member of the high fliers club (if you are into that sort of thing. Gives you something to do...so to speak)?

    Have a great pair of earbuds to limit noise. If you have noise cancelling earphones, use them.

  2. @ jfchandler. It means exactly that. According to Thaivisa rules I can not post anything more.

    And I also suggest NOT to post a list of links to streaming sites. It would make blocking and filtering of such sites as easy as copy+paste. Let them work a little at least.

    I'll continue enjoying my streaming media from all the obscure places on the net far away from the page 1 search result websites....

    @ glimcoil. Business package users have always enjoyed a little less restrictions. You basically pay your way. Typically a Thai way?

  3. Many times a "full HD" or "HD ready" LCD TV will not display anything higher than 1024x768 (or perhaps 1280x768) resolution over HDMI to the PC.

    I have the same problem with my LCD TV. It is a 1366x768 LCD, but only does 1280x768 over HDMI, making the image unclear and frankly very bad.

    Using a normal PC15 cable of good quality allows me full resolution and good picture.

    Maybe the manual has information of supported PC resolutions?

  4. Intention: A+

    Presentation: F

    Execution: F

    Overall score: D-

    In short, I think the OP wanted to inform us that, when traveling, forwarding all your incoming mobile calls to your skype account which then forwards your call to your local SIM card saves you a bundle of cash.

    (Alternatively you can forward all calls to skype and use the skype mobile client on your phone).

    Edit: clarification.

  5. If you enforce a restriction on the location where these computer should be used then you should also demand people to follow the law.

    No one who is getting these computers would be able to pay for licenses. If I pay one MS-Windows license and one MS-Office license then I have paid more for the licenses than what I paid for my latest computer and that was a new one...

    It would also make the users accept the EULA that make it illegal to find out how the OS and other proprietary software works.

    So the people that receive these computers would certainly run illegal software if there is not clearly communicated that they are supposed to run free software.

    Otherwise it gives these people the wrong signals. Like it is ok to run illegal software...Not good!


    I wouldn't be able to "enforce" anything. I can only express my desire that the computers are kept at the intended location.

    I am also not a Microsoft (or other software company) authority so I can not state one way or the other in terms of "legals".

    I basically want your old computers (perhaps too old to run winxp or later) and install puppy on it and give them away with virtually no strings attached.

    I have extensively tested puppy, and found that the latest versions are "good enough" for pretty much anything, even on old hardware.

    No point in complicating things, as they are donations after all, and I think a gift can not have restrictions....

  6. Maybe listen to these guys... They may have some experience

    ACCRC: Alameda County Computer Resource Center 1

    fund the link here:

    What They're Using: Christian Einfeldt, Producer, the Digital Tipping Point | Linux Journal

    I think it is a great idea but be careful, before you know it the puppy may be replaced with some proprietary junk, incompatible with education... and the world would be better without it.

    So the question is more how to prevent that and how to overcome the the ignorance about free software.


    Thanks for the links.

    I'm not concerned about anyone changing the operating system or software. They would be welcome to do so. The drawback is that running a windows system on old and beaten hardware is that it would be very slow. Puppylinux is lightning fast, and has an incredibly low memory footprint, so even old beaten up donated computers would be usable again.

    As for the English only suggestion... It is all well and good, but I am not the one making the decision about that. The choice is theirs. Should they want to change anything, they are free to do so.

    There would be absolutely no restrictions put on the use of the computers, as long as they stay at the location where it was first donated to. Should they want to get rid of them, they would be free to return the computers at any time.

  7. "We have a website" is too broad a term to be able to accurately assess what needs to be done to "let the world know" about you.

    Much more information is needed to accurately offer suggestions and/or pro advice. Even then, such optimizations are never free nor cheap.

    Should you have an interest in securing our pro services, please PM me.

  8. WHat is the problem with his post? And just how can he show statistics on that. Asking for them is rather specious, I think.

    This is obviously his observations and he has merely come up with examples which reflect that, and I think anyone who has posted here for long has seen this type of reasoning. Now if you feel he is overstating the issue, or if you don't agree that it is prevalent, fine, but asking for statistics? Might as well as for "statistics" when someone posts that the had a bad meal at a certain restaurant.

    I didn't say there was a problem, per se, with the post. I simply wanted some facts to back up quite strong statements. I hardly think it is specious to ask for facts when presented with random opinion posted as fact. Moreover, one tends to read what one wants to read (aka. selective information intake). I can go into more details about that, but it's not relevant in this context.


    To form an opinion one must base at least some of it on fact, don't you think? How would one come to a personal conclusion without supporting evidence, if not by verifiable fact collected over time and stored (at least in ones own memory). If one decides to share <knowledge> then one must be prepared for <enquiry> and be able to present some form of supporting <data> if/when asked. If no such <data> can be produced, one must be prepared for <disapproval>.

    To use your bad meal analogy... If one has a bad meal at <restaurant> one can not state that <restaurant> is bad, only that the meal was bad. If one were to state that meal was bad, therefore <restaurant sucks> one would be stating opinion as fact, and one would be presenting unverifiable claims, at best.

    One sample does not make for verifiable repeat occurrences. However, if one has a bad meal, speak with staff/other patrons/the chef/owner/whomever relevant, and is able to collect fairly reliable facts (eg. 6 of 312 people experienced a bad meal) then one can with more confidence state <conclusion>.

    I hope this clears up why I commented the way I did. You might agree or disagree, but that is up to you of course. If there is anything that is unclear please let me know and I'll try to clear it up best I can.

  9. I'm surprised nobody has said that easy walking (focus on elongating your step) and light stretching of the legs, lower back and hip work, because it does help both medium and long term. The longer you stretch and walk, the better the end results.

    Adding chemicals to your body doesn't do anything except maybe relieve the pain momentarily. It doesn't help solve the problem at all.

    (In terms of numbing your nerves, you'd be better off punching the affected areas until numb. yes that's how bad it is)

    Get off the meds as much as possible and start moving around.

    (this should not be taken as medical advice, and consultation with a medical and/or sports injury rehab professional is advised.)

  10. I have had this in my mind for a while, and it keeps tickling my brain.

    Are there users here on Thaivisa willing to donate old PC's/laptops/pc parts for needy children/schools/other entity in need?

    The idea is to put puppylinux (puppylinux.org) on these old PC's, together with good software like Open Office, GIMP, Multimedia tools, Browser and other relevant learning software.

    Or alternatively give them the PC, relevant install CD's for puppylinux and show them how to install and config the PC themselves. Puppylinux is of course completely open source, and they have partial Thai translations I believe. This could be a great computer class extra credit thing too... create a Thai language version of puppy.

    What I would be looking for is anything over a P3 800 Mhz with 512 MB RAM and 5 GB HDD, preferably with a CDROM drive. Sound card not really necessary, but a good addition. Working keyboards and mice are a great plus, but these can be purchased for relatively small amounts.

    The only thing I would be concerned about is the legality of taking donated PC's, refurbish them a bit and then give them to the needy. Would this be allowed by law or should one acquire some sort of permit for this type or donations? (no good deed goes unpunished?)

    I'm still looking for places where they can be donated. I have a few places in mind, but nothing is set in stone. Of course, individuals can easily refurbish PC's themselves and give them away should this undertaking not be to their liking or there are regulatory hurdles in the way.

    In any case, I would love to hear thoughts, opinions, criticisms, praise, experiences, or random one liners....

  11. Which ISP are you using supernova? It's not working on my True connection.

    Anyway, I have very very good alternative sources, which I was forced to find through necessity, so I'm not complaining nor am i worried too much about sporting events.

    Sadly some other critical things are only available on justin.tv and ustream.tv (but that's for another discussion).

  12. Yes, it is a brilliant source if it wasn't for the fact that Thai authorities in their infinite wisdom blocked justin.tv and ustream.tv (which are the primary sources of atdhe.net's channels).

    fromsport.com is another great source, where some sources are still viewable and have not been blocked by the old and wise Thai authorities.

  13. Filingaccount, going OT, but please learn to read Google properly. The NataChata systsem was used legally in the UK and mainland Europe, never used in Thailand. It was an AI 'chat' system also used by charities to manage first points of contact, and with major stores for handling customer enquiries.

    Back OT please :angry:


    Well, a heads up would have been nice about the porn stuff. Not everyone appreciates that kind of stuff you know... specially with children around.

    You could have said that "Some of my developed products include NOT SAFE FOR WORK NOR CHILDREN APPROPRIATE".

    Not everyone knows who you are, so when you throw out some name and general search terms please make sure you make it known that <xyz> has nothing to do with you and/or some are inappropriate for some viewers and/or use better targeted search terms. Would it make sense to look any further if the first result matches all words exactly? How would one know which result is relevant to you expect trust your search terms to bring up the most valid and relevant results (aka. result #1 in google)?

    And if you wanted the topic to be ON topic, do not converse about different topics and invite users to action.

    I propose a clean up of your off topic posts and my following posts as well.

  14. When will I see a return on my 3 million investment, Simon?

    Actually, if you did invest 3 million baht in my SMS work, (and I am not looking for investors),then you would be seeing a return rather quickly..

    Try Googling 'simon luttrell sms' and you will see that 'Simon is de man' when it comes to SMS B)


    I did, and I didn't know porn sms chat was legal in Thailand. At least that's what the first result in google says. You developed the sms porn bot Natachata... If you didn't, maybe you should take more care of what you ask us to search for. :annoyed:

  15. Too many to post long stories about so just some hi-lites

    In no particular order:

    * Fake Levis jeans for 3000 baht (199 baht list price)

    * Fake sun glasses for 2000 baht (99 baht list price)

    * Indian soothsayer asking for no money up front for some unsolicited mumbo-jumbo then looked angry/disgusted/surprised when he was denied 3000 baht for his "services"

    * 500-1500 baht tuk-tuk rides in central Bangkok. "Better deal sil! Sigh-see!"

    * 8.5 million Baht for a condo valued/worth/bought at 5.9 million

    * 15 baht for 10 baht street pineapple

    * 5000 Baht for a "private speedboat", which in fact turned out to be shared tugboat after inquiry. (150 baht fee)

    * 2.5 million Baht to decorate a 60 smq condo. By a Farang company no less. Got the same done for 300,000 Baht including all custom furniture in teak wood. (by a Thai company)

    * Thaivisa classifieds (at least some)

    * The classic bait and switch at "tailors" offering US$ 99 suites with several shirts, ties, socks, their mother, and more. Turns out they want to sell you 45,000 baht jackets or some similar things valued at perhaps 1500 baht and of course are not tailor made.

    * 200 baht beer at bars/discos/pubs/etc when in fact they get the beer free from their sponsors singha/chang/asahi/etc.

    * The 70 million baht shophouse that was bought for 325,000 baht just 10 years ago.

    ...and a lot more.

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