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Posts posted by filingaccount

  1. To drum up demand and excitement about your product lines you have to be exceptionally good with online social networking. If you just build a site and hope you will get clients you are sorely mistaken. Start by having a small ebay (or equivalent for the UK) site, take payments via paypal AND use Facebook to market yourself without marketing yourself. It will take time, and you initial purchases will be very small (eg. 1 item for a pound). You will quite likely give up after 6 months of failing. Why? Because you are selling what everyone already has easy access to everywhere in the world. How do you succeed? By inventing a fun, easy, consumer product that doesn't exist yet or exists in a non-desirable form. If you sell womens trinkets (eg. ear rings, rings, necklaces etc) be sure to have an online "customize here" option where clients can build their own trinket and you make it as ordered.

    If you want to discuss more, feel free to PM me at any time.

  2. Found a bottle. It's perfect.

    And it's naturally not for drinking, but a display piece and a conversation starter. Call it a way to broaden your horizons and accept that the world is more than just your own neighborhood (so to speak).

    Edit: Should anyone be interested in a bottle, I would be more than happy to point you to the exact address of the shop I bought mine in.

  3. Yes, I suspected it would be available in China town, but does anyone have a more exact location?

    3000-4000 Baht I can accept... it is a wedding gift after all.

    I'm not concerned about legality as it has already been verified to be legal in the country it will be sent to.

  4. So, I want to buy a bottle of snake whisky to send abroad as a wedding gift. Anyone have an idea where I could procure a nice bottle of said whisky? I am in Bangkok and I know my way around well enough to find most places.

    I know there is a plethora of snake whisky's in the north and in Laos, but this is a somewhat urgent procurement so I am limited to Bangkok and surrounding areas.

    Any help is much appreciated.

    I have already procured an assortment of vacuum packed and canned "odd snacks", but if you have a shop where I can get canned scorpion or similar I would be overjoyed.

  5. True heavily traffic shapes all ports. Eg. maximum 500 kbps per thread, unless the content is hosted locally.

    The only applications on True ADSL that work right are bittorrent softwares.

    There are of course ways around, but it is tedious work and would cost money.

  6. Step 1.


    This would narrow your choices down.

    Based on your few criteria you posted the Lenovo Thinkpad line might be a good fit. Check the X200, x300 and r400 lines.

    I always recommend people to go with a non-reflective screen. (if you do not know the difference, go to a Lenovo shop and put a glossy screen next to a non-glossy screen and compare. If you are annoyed by seeing your own face and the lights around you in the screen, then select the non-glossy version)

  7. "Cheap" is a very relative term. What is the maximum price you are looking at? This would narrow the choices considerably.

    One could say that a Thinkpad x200si at 27,700 baht is "cheap" compared to what you get in return.

    One could also say that a 7,900 second hand Celeron 1.2 Ghz based Laptop is "expensive" for the very same reason.

    One could say a Netbook is cheap or expensive depending on several factors.

  8. or you could separate by topic.















    Nothing: {62D8ED13-C9D0-4CE8-A914-47DD628FB1B0}


  9. Or you could try dreamstime.com or stockxpert.com

    However, at these places you would have to keep an extensive portfolio and sell by volume, rather than image-by-image to publications, to be able to turn a profit. If you manage to appeal to a wide audience you do have a semi-stable income though.

  10. Is there a question in there or a request for assistance?

    I could be wrong of course and you simply wanted to share.... If there is a question in there, add a minimum amount of info before hitting submit please.

  11. @welo

    I never had problems with DCOM service.

    I would suggest NOT buying a "ready made" external enclosure from a "brand". The warranties are generally shorter, and the price higher than buying separate parts.

    A reliable actively cooled enclose for 3.5" HDD's goes for about 1400-1650 depending on connections (USB, e-SATA, Firewire). A cheaper, but still very decent enclose sets you back 500-600 baht (USB only).

    Granted the warranty is only one year on the enclosure but you get 5 years on the HDD (as opposed to 3 years for most "brand" enclosures)

  12. OP's post is the equivalent of

    "My car is failing, no matter what I do it doesn't seem as fast as before. I bought new tires but it didn't solve the problem. Am I going blind or is the car failing?"

    To properly and quickly diagnose any system failure, please, please post computer specifications, operating system version, hardware vendors and driver versions at the very minimum.

    I generally want to help out but most of the time I just skip these kinds of posts and go to a post where there is enough information to help troubleshoot. However, I felt that I'd make an exception and point out the lack of info in this post.

    Hopefully others will read this and try to avoid these kind of less than informative posts asking for help.

  13. Performance for media playback is not important (besides, you lose the performance advantage using USB anyway). Heat, power consumption, noise and more importantly warranty, would be.

    Get the one with the longest and "best" service and support. Eg. with DCOM supported HDD's you just go to the service center to exchange broken HDD's.

    It is not a metter of if your HDD's will break, just when.

    If you only store movies and TV shows on the HDD it is not critical to back up as the loss would only be an annoyance of redownloading the content.

  14. It is simply that she most likely set the screen orientation in the graphic card settings (or someone played prank on her).

    You didn't list the operating system nor the graphics card manufacturer so I share 2 general ways to correct your screen orientation.


    Right click on the desktop and choose "Properties", then click the last tab "Settings". Click the button "Advanced" and a new window should pop up. There you should have several tabs. Select the one (depends on the graphics card manufacturer) where it shows rotation, orientation, advanced options or similar. Just set it to Landscape and click apply.

    Win Vista and Win7.

    Right click on your desktop and choose "Screen resolution". Here you will see "Orientation". Set it to Landscape and Apply.

  15. This is a common problem in Thailand where grounding simply does not exist.

    Quick and dirty solution.

    Simply attach a wire of about 2.5mm thickness to the case, pull the wire to a large metallic object (something much larger that your PC case) that goes into the ground outdoors.

    You can also try to use a quality extension cord with a fuse or a UPS (if you have one or the other) and see if the grounding problem "goes away".

    Sometimes it helps switching out the power supply, but this should not be needed.

  16. I would choose the one without the direct connection to the BTS.

    Who would want foot traffic from BTS users going through your building at odd hours?

    I tend to believe that Siri is of higher quality as well (hence the price premium).

    Noble offers their units at about 50,000 baht per sqm initially, so if the price is much higher than that you might want to think twice.

  17. I think "seesip" is asking for something more than just a hook up of cables.

    From the question it sounds "seesip" wants a solution where files are stored server side and can be worked on by any number of people on the network based on a user access system.

    It would be critical that when one user is selecting to work on an image others should be locked out of accessing the image with a prompt stating that <user x> is currently accessing/modifying the image.

    Although computers are generally reliable when used properly, it is well known that users generally do not follow recommended usage guidelines. This is why securing critical data should be top priority. It sounds that the image files are critical to seesip's business and would require at least a redundancy solution (eg. mirroring of files real time with manual backups to non volatile media frequently). It is not a matter if something would go wrong, it's just a matter of when.

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