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Posts posted by pontious

  1. I doubt it- if there was then many expats would use that insurance. Most sensible expats have medical insurance for an emergency. ie In patient only and not outpatient cover. If you have a heart attack or car runs over you or you are stabbed and spend 2 weeks in ICU then you are talking big money. Really big. My car insurance is 20,000 a year! If you have been here for a year I am surprised you got travel insurance for one year. Most are time limited. Just looked on K bank for you. Premium 2500 Baht. Total medical limit 50,000 baht - useless. Hospital 1000 baht per day. Best you don't have an accident.

  2. It seems the OP has an expired or lost/damaged card and is waiting for his NEW card to arrive, in the meantime has no access to his funds and the bank is providing limited help.

    Thats what I read from his post.

    Yes. This exactly. This is all happening here, during this month.

    I'm trying to sort out some short term emergency funds, most likely only possible from my account. But the bank is being stupendously useless.

    You are in Thailand and I assume the following. You only have one card. You have no internet or phone banking set up. You have no Travellers Cheques or 'Emergency Money' to cover any pitfalls. I would say it is not only the bank that is stupendously stupid.

  3. Just for the record I only renewed one of my two passports, not both at the same time.

    I just left Trendy not long ago and the application was completed in 15 min, very simple process with no issues.

    As previously stated I sent a mail to Liverpool last week asking what the procedure was when renewing one of the two passports and they sent a mail back with the following information.

    1. On the passport I wish to renew it needs to be sent with the application, and will be returned with the new one.

    2. On the other passport I need to copy every page and submit with the application.

    What happens if your Thai Visa's are in the one you send to UK?

    I am sure if you was holding two passports you would know the score.

    No idea - do tell - it may help others that have two passports.

  4. Just for the record I only renewed one of my two passports, not both at the same time.

    I just left Trendy not long ago and the application was completed in 15 min, very simple process with no issues.

    As previously stated I sent a mail to Liverpool last week asking what the procedure was when renewing one of the two passports and they sent a mail back with the following information.

    1. On the passport I wish to renew it needs to be sent with the application, and will be returned with the new one.

    2. On the other passport I need to copy every page and submit with the application.

    What happens if your Thai Visa's are in the one you send to UK?

    • Like 1
  5. Pax up, up, up - and still nowhere to park. International airport my arse.

    This post doesn't even make sense. If the amount of passengers continues to rise, of course parking would become even more scarce. There are quite a lot of international destinations out of this airport, so of course it is an international airport.

    You do not make sense - there is nowhere to park. I am aware it is an international airport. I suggest you take more tablets.

  6. Yes - north on Route 4 then stay on route 35 untill you see the airport sign - sometimes the sign has swampy in words on it and sometimes not. Lucky you are not going back to DMK - that is only signposted in the last six inches. bah.gif

  7. If it helps, this is what I wrote in another forum :

    Having to fly several times a month to Pattaya (via BKK) I thought I would give Kan Air a try yesterday and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.

    First U Tapoo, this has none of the comforts of Swampy – read lounge for BKK Air – so that is one let-down but it does make that up in so far as very few people at U Tapao and no long walks.

    The plan was 45 mins late in departing (the usual late incoming) but the driver made up time and we arrived just 25 mins late – this lateness may be their achilles heel as trying to pack in too many fights per day.

    I believe it was an ATR 72 (looked quite new) but there was only 14 passengers so we had plenty of space and the (2) stewardess’s were both very efficient and helpful.

    The big surprise was the food, a choice of 2 main dishes and at a standard to put many international carries to shame !

    Overall the flight was smooth and I would not hesitate to use them again however without more passengers using the service they cannot continue from an economic standpoint.

    On the latest schedule there are NO flights in or out from Utapao. Ho Hum.

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