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Posts posted by pontious

  1. I have not found one bank in the UK that will allow non residents to open accounts.

    The opening line usually says ''only available to UK residents''

    If you have an address in UK you can tell a 'white lie' etc but how do you open one if like me you have no UK address?

    How will it be tax free - once your persnal allowance is used up surely you will pay tax on the rest.

    You cant claim it back at the end of the tax year by claiming non residency? That would taking the 'white lie ' to extremes.

    CM if you know of a way do let me know - the rates onshore are good.


  2. Ian,

    You will need 2 letters.

    1. From your Thai bank - confiming your balance and last 2 or 3 foreign transfers. You will need a copy of your book with name page and last 3 months transactions. Dont worry the bank will be used to, and aware of what you want. It is in Thai with a nice stamp.

    2, Letter of pension verification fron UK embassy. You dont say where you live in Thailand but for instance in Pattaya and Chiang Mai there is a Consul who can do it for you ( todays price Baht 2020) to avoid a trip to Bangkok. There maybe someone in Phuket who can issue it but I cant remember.

    To extend is not complicated but do use the forum to ask questions from the experts (I am not one) to avoid wasted journeys to immigration.

  3. Have just renewed my 5 year driving license at Pattaya. 15 minutes for everything !!

    My passport expires next year so I asked if I have to replace my license when I get a new passport number?

    The officer said no - no problem.

    When I said the number on the passport and driving license would not be the same they replied ''change it then - up to you''

    Anyone know the correct answer or what you did on passport renewal?


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