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Posts posted by DefaultName

  1. 18 hours ago, fusion58 said:

    The geniuses who run my condominium have banned food and grocery delivery people, but construction workers carrying out renovation projects are allowed total freedom of movement throughout the building. It’s almost like money - and not the health and safety of the residents - is the main consideration.

    Yup, here too.

    • Haha 1
  2. It's a monstrosity, especially in its prominent position by the sea.  I know that there are rules as to how high buildings can be within a certain distance of the sea, and I'm suddenly wondering if that new flat bit between it and the sea - where they feed the poor these days - was intended to increase that distance and help make it legal.


    IMO, knock it down and burn it, and put that hideous new Walking Street sign on the pyre while you're at it.

    • Like 1
  3. On 10/9/2021 at 2:36 PM, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

    these righteous EV drivers probably either dont think that their car recharge comes from fossil fuels or maybe believe it comes from “ clean “ energy like solar / wave / hydro, which machinery in turn requires….. coal, oil.

    Many of them don't care, not all, but a lot.  They want to be SEEN to be green, but they don't actually care.  

    • Like 1
  4. 26 minutes ago, anthobkk said:

    That doesn't make any sense since the wife said she had been living on the pension of the Swiss guy for years. Why would she gave money to have him killed ? She would end up losing so much in the end.


    That would involve forward thinking.  Thais tend not to look beyond tomorrow. 

    Or, as a wife she might still get a reasonable pension.  And the house.....

  5. If you have your 13 digit ID number - the ones issued for this purpose start 60000 - then download the Mor Phrom app, and you should see your certificate and Digital Health Pass.  Or not, there are reports of issues with it (there's a shock  ????).  It worked fine for me anyway.

    Oh, there's a pop-up with a lot of Thai on it - something about post-jab feedback - and 2 options, the small Thai word is "close" and that gets me past it.

  6. I use surge protector extension leads in my condo (where I can plug in 5 things) but I don't actually know if they're any use at all as my wall sockets don't have an earth.  Does anyone know about that?  If they do work, maybe the OPO could use those.


    Not too worried personally as my building has good lightning protection - metal rope round the roof, which goes to the ground in several places.  Multiple local transformers cooking off causing power cuts haven't affected anything either.  Am I safe?

  7. 4 hours ago, DefaultName said:


    The two are separate.  Doing your extension does NOT reset the 90 day clock.  90 day is due 90 days after the last one, no matter what interactions you've had with immigration in the meantime.  Trust me on this, I got caught out the same way when I did my first extension a few years back.  They will staple a piece of paper in your passport with the new date, that's the one to use.

    Useful, unfortunately, Jomtien doesn't seem to do that.

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