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Posts posted by DefaultName

  1. By virtue of applying on all the sites they put out, I've ended up with 3 jabs;

    AstraZeneca - minimum side effects, just a bit dizzy, over by the time I left the hospital.

    8-weeks later

    Pfizer - side effects started a few hours later and laid me up for 36 hours.

    3-weeks later

    Pfizer - zero side effects.


    The first one meant a trip to Bangkok, the others were more local.  Which is why I didn't go for a second AZ, I didn't want to do the trip again, not because I didn't trust AZ.


    All show up in my Mor Phrom app.

  2. Right enough, I'm coping fine, but when my wife had to go away for a month to take care of a sick family member, I was not doing well.  The first week or so was fine, then I started getting a bit paranoid and getting angry faster. 


    I think of myself as pretty self-sufficient, seems that I'm more of a social animal than I thought.  Permanently alone, I could see me turning into one of those shouty people.

  3. The government screwed up early on by believing that the fast lockdown was all that was needed and not ordering vaccines soon enough.  But, they are redeeming themselves now, vaccinations are being done in increasing numbers and confidence is rising again. 


    We've gone from expecting bodies in the streets, to expecting re-opening soon. 


    This is a time for hope and looking forward, not recriminations and looking back.

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