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Posts posted by craighj

  1. Hi Escapis


    I know that DVD's average around 4gb and at that size my couple of 2tb hard drive won't last too long.

    The confusing part for me is exactly what you have mentioned, what is the best (simple easy to use, one touch if possible) software to get to rip and convert. Do I need to have a number of applications to do this? While i have a basic understanding in a lot of things, I have little to no knowledge about getting my DVDs onto hard drives.


  2. Hi Escapis

    I was guessing that the ripping process would take time, only an assumption based on the size of average DVD. I plan to do this over a period of time so I'm OK with that.

    As you said I think playing them through the laptop and TV should be easy enough, it is really only the technical piece of how to / what way to put them onto the external hard drives. Ensuring that I can maintain quality and minimise size of the files.

    There seems to be a number of opinions on what to use and how to go about it???


  3. Thank you all.

    As I mentioned, I simply have a few thousand DVDs in my collection. I guess close to 5,000 from most regions around the world.

    Some time ago I started to take them out of their cases and build A4 booklets to try and organise them. However this still leaves challenges from a space and easy access point of view.

    So I thought why not buy a few 2TB external hard drives and deal with this with technology. Unfortunately I just don't know how this all works technically.

    I have a Macbook pro and I have a couple of 2TB external hard drives. Ideally I would like to be able to play them back using my LED large screen.


  4. Hello all

    Not sure if this is the right forum, though I'm sure I will pointed in the right direction if it is not.

    I have thousands of movies on DVDs and they take up a lot of space, hard to find what I'm looking for at any one time etc, etc.

    So I thought the best way to solve this was to burn my DVD collection to external hard drives, play them back via my Mac or directly through my TV.

    This issues is, technically how do I do this. That is in simple terms how do I go about burning them on to a hard drive and them get them to play back on my TV?

    Help anyone?


  5. Hello all

    I don't think this is the right forum, but I'm not sure where to put this?

    I'm looking for information about either schools or technical colleges for teaching automotive mechanic courses?

    I have a son who is finishing standard schooling end of this year, beginning of next year and want to be a mechanic.

    Thanks in advance, Craighj

  6. Hi

    I have house in Mukdahan, well about 5km outside town and about 1.5km from the main North / South highway.

    I already have the standard Sat TV package, mostly Thai TV with some stuff from India ect.

    Does anyone have any information on the best internet packages in Mukdahan and can you get a Sat TV package for English speaking TV chanels?

    Any help would be appreciated.


  7. Hi Tribaldovas

    Offically all companies and employers must pay as a minimum, the mandated minimum wage within the province they operate in.

    While the government has raised the minimum wage in a number of provinces (unfortunately different amounts for different provinces), minimum wage requirements have been in place for many years.

    Reality is that all multi national companies, large Thai companies and government agencies adhere to minimum wage requirements. However some small companies / employers / family businesses either pay what they want or pay cash. Sometimes this is offset by bonuses and or other more generous conditions. Sometimes it's just daily hire and daily payment.

    I hope this helps.


  8. Hi Ubonrthai

    Mukdahan tower is an interesting place for a visit and is easy to find, on the edge of town on the Southern side. Inside you will find a number of displays referring to local history and the different tribes around Issan. A small entrace fee and a great view of the town, river and Lao.

    There are a couple of national parks fairly close to town one being Mukdahan national park 17 kms from town on Mukdahan don tan Road.

    Mukdahan also has the Indochin market on the banks of the river and also a smal night market. There is also the second friendship bridge into Lao.

    Plenty to do for a first time visitor, however once you have been there a few times you need to explore further out to find something new.


  9. Thanks to both of you, I now have 2 days filled. The other couple can be filled with family and normal activities when I'm home.

    Appreciate the responses.

    If you are ever are around Mukdahan drop me a note and I will buy you a beer.


  10. Have you tried the suckling pig at Geng Kabao ? or a bit further afield Wat Pra Namtip near Roi Et (about 2-3 hour drive) well worth a visit

    Hi Livingthedream, now that does sound good. My wife, along with every other Thai I know loves suckling pig. The best I've found has been in Lao across the friendship bridge.

    Can you supply a few more details, no problem driving to Roi Et, or close by.


  11. Thanks DJH77

    Yes I've been to the church of the 7 Martyrs a couple of times and it is interesting. I've also had the pleasure of eating at Mukdahan Manor etc.

    Not much of a golfer although wifey is, maybe I can caddy for her.

    Oh well I will do some exploring and see what I find, maybe drive further up North or out West a bit.

    I'm guessing there are no fishing parks within cooee?

    If I find anything interesting I will drop a report on the forum.

    Thanks again


  12. I have a house in Mukdahan and get up there every chance I can get.

    I've been there many, many times and have been to most if not all of the local attractions, markets, tower, reserves and parks.

    Mukdahan is a nice relaxing place and I plan to retire there one day.

    My question is, is there or are there any other places of interest not to far from Mukdahan. Say a few hours drive?

    I've been to Nakhom Phanom, into Lao and to most of the surrounding temples.

    The reason i ask is that I'm planning to in Mukdahan over Songkran and would like to some exploring


  13. Hi Vistana

    I have no doubt that there are a number of houses for sale in Mukdahan, however from my experience the best bet is to actually be there.

    I'm guessing you might find something that fits some of your critera but not all and then you have the location to worry about.

    I built a place there 18 months ago using a local builder and it went quite well.

    To be honest I have forgotten the name of the company i use and would need to get the builders name and number from my files.

    If you PM me I will dig this out and send it to you.

  14. Another one that believes their opinion is the only one that matters!

    Ever tried Issan beer, very nice drop.

    Trouble is it is only available occassionally and I've only found it in Mukdahan?


    Another one that confuses cheap with nice.

    • Like 1
  15. The Ploy Palace hotel in Mukdahan has a mini bus pick up service from Ubon Ratchatani to the hotel.

    You don't need to be staying in the hotel to use the service, if I remember correctly it costs 300 Baht one way.

    I can recommend it.

    The hotel phone number is +6642631111


  16. I just purchased a BBQ from Doc and he and his team's service was outstanding to say the least.

    The only problem is I've not had a chance to use my new BBQ yet :realangry:

    Oh and yes, my wife thought i was crazy spending the money, however after she saw the BBQ she understands the reasons why.


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