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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. Tourists other than Chinese are of little interest to us.
  2. The ptb and backers will ensure that current incumbents time in power continues. One way or another!
  3. I assume you have GPS location? Anyway, try the likes of Grab at an earlier time. Once they get busy the drivers become more selective.
  4. A lot of of fireworks let off in and around the moo baan where I live over the eve in particular, and the first day of the the Lunar New Year resulting in multiple complaints about the noise! ???? I guess around 1.5 billion people around the world celebrating this event? Wondering if there will be reciprocal complaints come Songkran! ????
  5. And likely to be be so for a year or two at least. Covid has done worldwide financial damage amongst much other disruption..
  6. The PM is happy with only a 12th place mention?
  7. I am available for this visa, quite happy to promote Thailand to those from the UK although my influence may be a little on the low side nowadays!
  8. Don't got to France, it's full of French
  9. Doi Suthep is still just about visible. Once that has disappeared the smog is set. Plenty of burning should see that happen quite soon. Don't think the committees have served their supposed purpose again?
  10. A thread about to be closed or deleted I would guess.
  11. I think most of those from HK prefer to be be called Hong Kong people, no love lost with mainland Chinese.
  12. Not nice, hope the rest of the family are better. And scary with the bank! Can you adopt a granny in Thailand?
  13. That's a relief, it was a major concern!
  14. Sadly almost all. A reflection of age or memory or a combination of both!
  15. The sound of Wolves getting f---ed?
  16. Absolute chaos and mayhem with bodies everywhere. But I could be wrong.
  17. I guess BJ has special dispensation to crackdown on these guys. Stepping on the wrong toes in Thailand can have consequences which I think happened before but somehow is back in the fold?
  18. The old ones! VIDEO-2023-01-15-19-10-26.mp4
  19. Friends and family in China and just about everyone of them has had, or still has Covid, in the last couple of weeks. Fortunately all those cases appear to be mild.
  20. The current PTB are not going to roll over and let a non military backed party win any election. Some may roll to one side to let other persons have their agreed time in the driving seats.
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