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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. Maybe Anti Social Clubs for those who don't want to mix with anyone? How would that work? ????
  2. Our little Shi Tzu passed last year age 17 years and 5 months. Pretty good run, but 30 years amazing.!
  3. I feel confident the relatively new governor of the province will soon have the whole situation under control and then we can breathe more easily. Then I woke up!
  4. That book, the Bible? Full of just about everything that is being talked about today so I guess on the cards to be banned or censored? This world of ours is so f--ed up!
  5. AQI almost 200 in some areas this morning. Could taste the <deleted> in the air yesterday morning out on the golf course.
  6. Just try and stop the Welsh Rugby fans singing it come the six nations. Banning it is like red rag to a lot of Welsh bulls. ???? Next match, this Saturday- Wales V Ireland - wait for it!????
  7. Wake up tomorrow, again!
  8. Is it just me or are there a number of described incidents of bravado with the BIB that just seem to stretch credibility somewhat?
  9. How has that worked in the past?
  10. I guess that article is telling you where not to go for a quiet relaxed holiday.
  11. "be prepared to negotiate an on-the-spot fine and payment" This article appears to be advocating bribery and corruption?
  12. Now got Thai's prosecuting Chinese for letting off fireworks over the Lunar New Year in our moo baan. Not helped by the situation getting stirred up on social media by a few. Great community spirit, wonder what will happen at Songkran. ????
  13. Just watched the first episode of the American version of "Accused" excellent. Hope the others live up to it.
  14. Interesting read from other sources, CCTV cab drivers statements etc. Maybe not such a credible story from the Taiwanese "actress"? We will see.
  15. I have heard of fish in the ears but they were herring aids!
  16. Any thoughts on who they can send up in it?
  17. One of the requirements of being in politics in Thailand is to have a short term memory!
  18. If he does come back it will be with the blessing of somewhat more than two political parties.
  19. Looks like a few will be sent to early retirement, a few exonerated, some to inactive posts. Maybe a couple of real scapegoats? Others will take their place and life will be good and carry on as before. I do get the impression that BJ has some sort of key to some skeletons around the place?
  20. "But he said that the caretaker involved had been spoken to about excessive punishment and would be disciplined. " ? Out of a job surely?
  21. Both military governments, simply one somewhat worse that the other one.
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