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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. A touch of sarcasm in my post, at least it was the way I meant it.????
  2. That will work!
  3. He is a governor it must be true.
  4. Sadly I tend to think they would accept coups. But just my opinion based on having been through 3 in Thailand.
  5. Free and fair election followed by the military in power for another 8 years.
  6. They must have been using the weather app on my expensive IPhone, has trouble telling what the weather was, or even is now! An actual correct forecast rarely happens.
  7. Latest series of both Van Der Valk and Grace now available. Somebody else mentioned a Town Like Malice, one of those that is so bad it's worth watching, some great old music.
  8. Shed and Buried - Motorcycle fanatic Henry Cole and his friend Sam Lovegrove travel across the UK in search of automotive bargains they can restore in their workshop and sell ..
  9. Some great places. Was stationed at Culdrose for a couple of years about 100 years ago
  10. UK-renewpassport.net No website and domain name not even registered.
  11. Great fun, easy watch. Spin off to Beyond Paradise but not as enjoyable.
  12. And Chiang Mai will continue to enjoy a very unhealthy 200 + aqi !
  13. Rabbit Hole -Kiefer Sutherland - enjoyed first 2 episodes. Equally enjoying, but very different, Bob Odenkirk in Lucky Hank.
  14. Public and tourists, as opposed to only tourists in the headline.
  15. This assumes that the owner of the land agrees or has not deceased and passed it on to someone who does not agree to extend the lease. I got a little more nervous the older the owner of the land that we leased got. Relieved we got the sale when we did to be honest.
  16. Had a 30+30+30 lease in Chiangmai. Sold after 18 years to a Chinese who used a shelf company to purchase so lease was voided with agreement from the landowner who we knew well. Would I do it again, probably not?
  17. There was little chance of ousting this government at the best of times. This scenario guarantees Prayuth and his mob another 4-8 years.
  18. Great escapist movie series, I would have thought he would have killed off most of the protagonists by now but apparently not, number 5 in the offing and a spin off. Also enjoyed Bill Nighy in Living as well. Slightly less frantic than John Wick.
  19. Doing the modern thing, asking on a health and medicine forum that has a few experts on it.
  20. When I see anything about gun mentality in America for some reason I tend to just associate the acolytes of one person and one particular party in respect of weapons of death. But that is just me and I am not American.
  21. I think a committee is requiredin this situation.
  22. Recently had a slight metallic taste in my mouth. Checked the usual suspects but does not seem to apply. Living in Chiang Mai where we have daily AQI readings in excess of 200 and going much higher.on occassion, could that smog be a factor?
  23. Currently have an IPhone 13, the installed weather app to put it bluntly is beyond useless. Any recommendations for a weather app for Thailand , particularly Northern Thailand that you can recommend? Thanks
  24. Wondered if it was just me but after a search- "Milk (and other dairy products) are a really good source of tryptophan. It's an amino acid that can help promote sleep, so it can come in particularly handy especially if you're used to tossing and turning before finally getting off to sleep."
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