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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. 1/2 litre of pasteurized milk at bedtime does it for me. Maybe one overnight pee break but often 10-11 hours sleep each night.
  2. Before mine there were 11 posts, there are also 11 rings around Uranus. 11 is the number next up.
  3. Don't see any way that the military will not still be in power in one way or another after the elections.
  4. I posted whilst I was sleeping, it was simply a dream! ????
  5. Massive fines for the "real owners" of the land where the arson takes place, it's not exactly difficult to see the burning or where burning has occurred. Jail for repeat offences. Maybe create a no nonsense fire police if that were possible in Thailand?
  6. AQI in Chiang Rai much better only over 250 in places down from 450 a couple of days ago. But I am sure the music is very nice.
  7. The air is so thick in Chiang Mai that you would not be able to see tourists even if they are there.
  8. The air in Chiang Mai is most definitely chewy not too tasty though. Most days the warning is "hazardous"!
  9. Amazing, increased bookings during THE major holiday in Thailand.
  10. Spoke to a few Thai's last week and some foreigners in Chiang Mai, they are wearing masks because of the appalling air pollution. Tempted to myself on the golf course yesterday, the air was chewable but I find masks uncomfortable and my lungs are probably shot after breathing in the sh-t for some 20 years.
  11. Interestingly my 95 year old stepfather in the UK has this week contracted Covid for the second time in a year following visits to the the local hospital!
  12. I remember the Saudi's pouring over the bridge to Bahrain for the booze and Rusdian girls.
  13. Why anyone thinks there is going to be free and fair elections I do not know. The same old military faces will still be there for some time to come.
  14. Never ate greens. Not too keen on fruit either.
  15. Don't drink alcohol is probably the best one. Only problem is you don't get to feel better as the day goes on!
  16. Friend had this a couple of months ago, it was a meter problem. Checked and there was an outstanding bill that had not shown before. He was sent a new bill including his latest bill that he paid at 711, the system missed another figure on the bill which was the outstanding amount from before. He was cut off when he went away for a couple of weeks.
  17. Used now for weather prediction in BMW's but apparently does not work for that either
  18. I wonder just how many skeletons in closets he is aware of?
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