I have a Schwab brokerage account. I talk to guys that live in Thailand that have Schwab. They don’t have any problems. I have never heard of Schwab closing accounts of people living anywhere.
When I talk to a Thai and I’m speaking in Thai and the subject of a foreigner comes up I surely say farang. If I said a foreigner in English they wouldn’t understand. I talk so Thais understand me
I’m just glad I got my account when I did. I’m surprised that people complain when their bank charges them 45 baht. Must mot have much money at all. At least not to me
I never have a tab. When I get a drink I pay for it right on the spot. He’s lucky it wasn’t worse.
I have never had any problems. Usually the other way around
I don’t look at the change that I get back at stores. And if my change is just a few baht I don’t take it. I mean what is 3 cents, 6 cents 9 cents etc? To me it’s nothing. But When I’m there it’s a vacation not a place to pinch Pennie’s.
You’re not going to see many 10’s. Maybe a couple at a shopping mall. Maybe a couple at a night club. You’re probably seeing a lot of 8’s. And plenty of 6’s on down. Best thing you can do is find someone to your liking and go from there