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  1. I could never live in Thailand. It seems like most police will favor Thai people no matter what the circumstances.
  2. I have a Schwab brokerage account. I talk to guys that live in Thailand that have Schwab. They don’t have any problems. I have never heard of Schwab closing accounts of people living anywhere.
  3. When I talk to a Thai and I’m speaking in Thai and the subject of a foreigner comes up I surely say farang. If I said a foreigner in English they wouldn’t understand. I talk so Thais understand me
  4. You need to remember there wasn’t much to Biden.
  5. I thought that was normal. Remember your in Thailand where you could see 3-4 people riding on a motorcycle
  6. I would never. Some people might get an attitude
  7. I’m just glad I got my account when I did. I’m surprised that people complain when their bank charges them 45 baht. Must mot have much money at all. At least not to me
  8. Taylor is no prize. Phila took care of business
  9. I use evaporated milk. It comes in a can
  10. I never have a tab. When I get a drink I pay for it right on the spot. He’s lucky it wasn’t worse. I have never had any problems. Usually the other way around
  11. I find in Bangkok it’s fairly easy. The further you go north Isaan the harder it is. Nothing else go to grocery stores and cook it yourself.
  12. Not sure why people wouldn’t remember. Mine was a 55 Chevy
  13. I don’t look at the change that I get back at stores. And if my change is just a few baht I don’t take it. I mean what is 3 cents, 6 cents 9 cents etc? To me it’s nothing. But When I’m there it’s a vacation not a place to pinch Pennie’s.
  14. You’re not going to see many 10’s. Maybe a couple at a shopping mall. Maybe a couple at a night club. You’re probably seeing a lot of 8’s. And plenty of 6’s on down. Best thing you can do is find someone to your liking and go from there
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