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Everything posted by alyx

  1. South-Korea, right ? It is my understanding is that she is Thai, hence it would be quite difficult for her to remain there legally for a longtime Also, the last country anyone would choose when involved in that kind of fraud is....South Korea Harsh punishment and culturally quite appalled by anyone like that
  2. You should have a go at it as you do not seem to lack either one Regarding your question, I am pretty sure that authors are betrayed by their writing ... idioms can be taught/learned but Culture, hence way of thinking, is another matter Even a total immersion might not be enough
  3. The cost of decent cars in Thailand being what it is....only one new car in the parking lot should raise the flag ????
  4. You are missing the point....they are talking about the ones already/still in Thailand ????
  5. Luckily for you, you have quite a manipulative mind ????
  6. Not denying the fact he was teaching,,,,it is just the epithets and names the guy is given....it does not feel the profile
  7. Science teacher ....Kingpin....Dark web....legion Sorry ....I don't believe a word of it (not saying that the South African girl did not get framed ...by him or anybody else...or could even really be guilty )
  8. Anyone ? or should that be move to another thread ?
  9. Vaccinated Me: JJ June 2021 Pfizer November 2021 Moderna February 2022 Spouse: Moderna June 21 July 21 February 2022 Pfizer 2022 I guess that we are fully vaccinated We plan to return to Thailand in November December Is there a period of validity for these certificates as it exists in the Netherlands 6 Months and Greece 9 months ? I would have to have to do it again Thanks
  10. The thread is not about this guy but, nevertheless, this was stated in a previous post
  11. Hum....His father duly went to get him and escorted him back to Thailand from Malaysia...witnesses got scarce upon his return It was public knowledge that these two (brothers) were bad for the business and could not be controlled and a lot of club owners were quite happy not have them as patrons anymore
  12. The guy posted an apology on Tik Tok also pointed out that seeing these parrot fish for sale at the market was not an indicator of prohibition For the judges and curious like out there this is his @roslanofficial
  13. What do you mean ? Johor Bahru is in Malaysia As for wishing them to enjoy their punishment, I guess you have never heard of caning.
  14. yep....but it does not make the "local" headlines, doesn't it ?
  15. it will but not the way you think 555 You will be sued for defamation...????
  16. They should not have existed so... (at least the way they were)
  17. Not all, I just mean that there is not enough evidence , and we definitely will never have the facts .....hence speculation seems futile
  18. Well...this kind of advice did not stop AIDS ....and this is transmittable via blood contamination and during sex practice Monkey Pox is not an STD for God sake
  19. I understand that but he is not yet free to return to Thailand
  20. 5 years to go and he will be a free man But, to be honest, he is not the only one to have ducked justice
  21. Wrong....so wrong...you would be amazed by the number of people(men/women) who get tattooed nowadays and they come from all walks of life. Definitely not an indication that this poor girl had anything to do with that line of work, not that it would be a bad thing Breast implants ( for women ????) "rather unusual?? would you care to elaborate ?
  22. Well, cops are in for heavy fines as I have seen them, more than on one occasion ignoring the sirens to let a motorcade go by Of course, here, people are not used to throw their vehicles on the side to allow passage to the ambulances ( or even cops'cars)
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