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Everything posted by koolkarl

  1. It is the other way around Ahmed. It is Hamas who invaded a party Oct. 7, slaughtered unarmed civilians including babies, raped young girls and paraded them around Gaza nude, etc., always hide in schools, hospitals, etc., wear civilian clothes, still have not released the hostages nor given themselves up. Hamas and Hez are using their own people as shields. Their written doctrine is to destroy Israel. They have no one to blame but themselves.
  2. Likely Lebanese politicians were paid off by Iran to let Hezbollah do what it wants. Lebanon itself made its bed, now sleep in it.
  3. Its the other way around. Iran needs to stop supplying arms and oil money to terrorists. And the hostages still are not released.
  4. If no one burned fossil fuels, no revenue to muslims to fund terrorism everywhere. Not racist but reality.
  5. Muslims would have an antisemitic view even without the current conflict. And not just antsemitic but anti believers in Islam.
  6. Really! Read the Koran re the future of infidels which I assume you are one.
  7. Read the Koran re the future of infidels or non believers which I assume you are one.
  8. As per Sir Isaac Newton, the human race will go the way of the dinosaur by 2050. I believe him. Have a horse and cart in every driveway and the Earth will thank you and the muslims can go back to where they came from.
  9. One particular group uses it as 1 tool to greatly influence the gullible.
  10. Politicians just love sleeping sheep.... It isn't enough with cameras everywhere?
  11. Hidden tax called import duties. After all, it is foreigners who buy this stuff and money grows on tress in the west.
  12. Will eventually. Bangkok is below sea level.
  13. Really. I am a full time fx trader for 40 years.
  14. The propaganda constantly delivered via the media such as Aljazeera and Islam followers who have now infiltrated the west as the west sleeps is doing what is intended, brainwash the gullible.
  15. Mickey Mouse could be the next PM but it doesn't matter. There are no controls on these guys once elected. No plebiscites on major issues. They can promise you the moon before elected and never deliver when elected and that is fraud but again nothing happens. The 3 biggest problems in Canada are taxed to death, Quebec is a country within a country and too many certain immigrants, refugees that everyone loves to hate.
  16. Bank of Thailand intervenes all the time, this is not an exception. The baht is a controlled currency. One cannot buy or sell as much as they like and I am referring to hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions worth. It makes extensive use of a USD swap line they have in place with the federal reserve printing press. All currencies are monopoly money with nothing behind them except the sheep's confidence. I am surprised this Ponzi scheme has lasted as long as it has.
  17. Leaders of Iran are likely hiding in a school or hospital somewhere. The world will be a better place once they are gone forever.
  18. Erdogan is an uneducated, crude Muslim. His comment is as low as you can go. The UN is blatantly antisemitic.
  19. Just apply your deposit for your last months rent and tell them to inspect the place the day you move out. Can also offer to let them show the place for rent while you are there, provided adequate notice is given. Don't give in.
  20. As per Mick Jagger, being married is like being in jail. It costs nothing to get into and a fortune to get out of.
  21. Apparently it is a national past time in Thailand for landlords to keep the 2 months deposit. Has this happened to many of you and if so, what did you do?
  22. Drop a dozen bunker busters and their 14 years of digging with their fingernails is over in 10 minutes. I believe many people knew about these tunnels and as usual are all complicit in one form or another.
  23. Your attitude will be stored on a government computer forever and then we will see who is the airhead.
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