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Everything posted by koolkarl

  1. Safer to move out of Thailand based on whats coming.
  2. The bigots of Columbia University. Amazing. Fire them all.
  3. They have the same brain everywhere in one form or another.
  4. You are dreaming. I have been in Thailand more than 20 years and have never met a Thai woman who doesn't have money on her mind and I don't go to bars.
  5. Again, the ignorant western politicians have let in legions of this group, now the big problems start. They will never assimilate with non believers in a million years. Been golfing with one lately? Had some over for a weekend bbq? Never as you are an infidel. The current elections are showing people's enormous discontent and it will get much worse.
  6. They mean pro muslim. They don't mention that Hamas has zero interest in a 2 state solution. No mention that Hamas started this mess. No mention that Hamas won't release hostages, etc. No mention that all the airport security everywhere is because of one group and it isn't the Catholics. When will the west wake up and deal with this?
  7. Max age for any presidential candidate should be 70.
  8. Again the government is propping up legalized gambling, the stock market. Maybe they are anticipating a major sell off which will likely happen. When Al Capone was king of Chicago, he was asked why he never "invested" in the stock market, his answer, "nah, its too crooked." Just ask the Pelosis.
  9. They should put Canada on their watch list too. Muslims, such a lovable group.
  10. He makes the Thai people look like fools with his so called sicknesses.
  11. Hamas, the terrorists who started this mess and still are holding hostages, are labeled terrorists since day 1. And you must be a believer in Islam. Don't bother replying.
  12. France deserves it as it is the politicians fault for letting in multitudes of a certain group. The same fate awaits England and Canada.
  13. Jewish people have never had a goal to wipe out non Jewish people or convert them. Your comment is ridiculous.
  14. Its only taken them 100 years to finally do something. In the past 2 days, I have seen 4 diesel trucks, 2 of them quite new, belching black smoke as they gun them. It infuriates me. Ban diesel trucks entirely in cities with a population greater than 100,000 and now.
  15. A face only a mother would trust. He represents a religion that is determined to wipe out infidels, all non believers in Islam. From the age of about 2, they are brainwashed in schools and mosques to hate Israel and the US and infidels. The naive west listens to the ultimate propaganda, Aljazeera and its bought former BBC reporters and think that Israel is only fighting women and children. With almost 2 billion of them in the world, I wouldn't bet on the odds unless the west wakes up and fast.
  16. The minions have infiltrated western countries and this is one result. Unless the migration is stopped, I do believe it will get much worse.
  17. The airhead college anti Israel protestors are protesting the wrong group. Big oil apparently has been paying off politicians for decades and now it is Earth's payback time.
  18. Democracy is nothing but a word here.
  19. Too bad an IQ test isn't required to become a politician. Don't see Switzerland or Japan given muslims an open door either. They know what's up.
  20. Some ally. They are harboring Hamas leaders.
  21. Al Jazeera should be shut down in all countries. It is pure pro muslim propaganda and only shows 1 side of the story. Recently it has never said that Hamas should release the hostages and all stops. Not once.
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