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Everything posted by koolkarl

  1. It amazes me that the Thai people do nothing. Democracy is only a word. Personally I wouldn't invest 100 baht in such a political charade and the existence of CRS. Keep their country.
  2. Canada wants them all. Certainly not Japan, S. Korea or Thailand or any muslim country.
  3. With a name like Shafik, no wonder she promotes anti Israel policies and politically correct west has given her another kick at the can in England. Unbelievable.
  4. And if a male teacher abused a young female student, he would get 20 years min.
  5. And what do all the corrupt politicians respect? Zero controls on them.
  6. So many clucking hens. Thailand is a member of OECD and has signed the CRS agreement with more than 40 countries. Thailand did this as there are advantages to Thailand. If Thailand wants to keep these advantages, they must adhere to the rules of OECD and CRS. Living in Thailand more than 180 days a year makes one a Thai tax resident, thus supposed to file a Thai tax return by March 2025. It is easy for immigration to link your visa renewal to proof of you filing a Thai tax return, whether you like it or not. The CRS effects are yet to be implemented.
  7. Along with a political system that denies the people of Thailand, the man and party they already voted for and a baht that is artificially way too strong.
  8. Its to get people and sellers used to a digital currency, the ultimate government control. Kiss cash goodbye in the near future.
  9. Even educated people are extremely ignorant of what is in store for them eventually if they are non believers in Islam or infidels.
  10. Yet you are lucky to get 1% per annum on a term deposit which leaves a whopping 1.5% spread. Banks are making money like no tomorrow.
  11. Their political system is just like the baht, distorted.
  12. And the British government is terrified so has started throwing the book at it's citizens just like Canada did with the truckers. Ironic as this was caused by the government's immigration policy for ages. The government can't understand that oil and water won't mix in a million years.
  13. Ans Irish dictators just recognized Palestine as a state without consulting it's people. Payback time.
  14. These hero bouncers, who always fight in groups, should be found guilty of attempted murder and given serious jail time. If not, the world should be notified how dangerous it is here.
  15. DXY has a long way to go up and so does the JPY. Bitcoin to the teens.
  16. Iran deserves to be silenced once and for all.
  17. Thai central bank intervention. No doubt they have arranged swap lines with with other central banks, so the Thai central bank can sell other currencies at will and buy the baht. The advantage of a fiat currency system. If all countries were back on the gold standard, this deception would be impossible. With such a huge interest rate gap between the US and Thailand, normally the baht would have fallen off a cliff.
  18. These airhead losers don't deserve to live in the US. Send them to Gaza.
  19. These 3 deserved the death penalty as soon as they were caught instead of wasting time and money keeping them locked up. What a joke of a justice system.
  20. Her stepdaughter, another airhead who is anti the wrong group.
  21. May be a national symbol but go outside of Thailand and not a soul speaks Thai.
  22. He just found out he has to file a Thai tax return by March 31, 2025, reporting all incoming remittances for 2024.
  23. I can imagine a lot of this brainwashing goes on in many mosques everywhere. Years ago, it was revealed that in schools, very young students are brainwashed to hate Israel and the US. A step in recruiting suicide bombers and making your life miserable at an airport. Adopt a policy towards them as Japan has adopted.
  24. Have resided here for more than 20 years. Have only foreign credit cards and rarely use them in Thailand, except online. The few times I have used a credit card in Thailand, more times than not, a fraud occurred so cash it is for me.
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