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Everything posted by koolkarl

  1. Dual pricing also exists in hospitals, big time. Now companies like Shopee and Paypal (Thailand), make it extremely difficult to get a refund into a foreigners bank account without a Thai ID number, even for 100 baht !! The last time I looked at my trees in the backyard, money wasn't growing on them.
  2. If they checked the aqi or air quality index, 21,000 will leave within the week. Air is toxic in most of Thailand.
  3. I know of 3 other foreigners ( I detest the word farang), who have been in a similar situation, 2 of whom are dead and the other survived but financially broke and he is now back in England at 76, pumping gas for a living. Stick with your own kind and age bracket otherwise sleep with your eyes open.
  4. I find it extremely offensive. Would all the Thais like it if we called them farang in our home countries? We have names and mine isn't Farang Corleone !!
  5. Notice the government doesn't list all the taxes added onto a liter of gas and if they did, most of the price is composed of taxes. If the government truly cared, they would temporarily drop some of these gas taxes. You pay a big premium to buy an electric motor or partly electric and the only mechanics that can work on electric are dealers.
  6. If the vaccines are effective against covid and I seriously doubt it. World needs hope and that is mostly what these vaccines give. Just look at the stock markets level and housing prices in many countries. Without hope, the politicians will be running to the hills.
  7. They have been saying the same thing for years yet nothing has been done. Most of the air pollution blows in from China, if you look at the wind direction chart. But these same politicians have to breathe the same air and refuse to stand up for a natural right of breathing clean air. And as far as I am concerned, this persistent, deadly air pollution is far worse than covid.
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