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Everything posted by koolkarl

  1. Islamophobia I can understand as they have a long term terrible goal. If you think the EU is bad, take a look at Canada. I was recently in Yorkdale shopping center in Toronto, the biggest one, and I had to look hard to see a Caucasian. Mosques everywhere.
  2. Another step towards cashless society for the airheads.
  3. The US printing press is wasting its time on Ukraine. Russia does not want a NATO member on its border. Besides has anyone accounted for all the billions sent there already? Swiss accounts and his wife shopping on 5th Ave., for starters.
  4. Wish both Pelosi's share a jail cell with the poor fellow that tried to do the right thing.
  5. Hezbollah is getting desperate. Eliminating Iran would do wonders for world peace.
  6. That one was already in Japan for a long tine. Certainly Japan hasn't taken in any recently. I have been told the existing ones are not allowed to congregate anywhere and if they do, out the country they go.
  7. This guy is a 2 bit loser. Hope he ends up in jail for 30 years and take away all his money.
  8. If western politicians had any sense at all, send all Muslims kind of people back to where they came from and fast. I assure you Japan has never taken in one. They know what is going on. Infidels, or non believers in Islam, are the targets and you should thank Israel for doing something.
  9. You can only stretch an elastic so far before it snaps. A very dangerous game is being played.
  10. Democracy is only a word. Give the masses a roof over their head, a beer and some games to watch and they are happy.
  11. Dream if you like. It will happen and is the essence of CRS.
  12. My Singapore bank will disagree with you. They informed of this reporting of world wide income at least 3 years ago.
  13. Canada or Taxania as I know it, has always had a very loose immigration policy and would let in anyone breathing. They weren't bright enough to figure out if the immigrants could or would assimilate. Don't know of anyone who has been golfing with a Muslim there or over for a bbq. Many of this specific group have landed gov. jobs and assist their own kind. On top of that, Canada has an aging population and their women hardly have any kids but that certain group has many on purpose. Read America Alone to see what is in store. So it is payback time for Canada's poorly thought out immigration policies over many years.
  14. They have a small population and almost 2 billion Muslims want them eliminated.
  15. Why doesn't the west assist Israel in destroying these kind of things? What are they afraid of, losing trade with Iran?
  16. What is the matter with the west? Close the borders to one specific group forever.
  17. Why anyone would trust any believer in Islam is beyond me. And the west should kick them all out and back to where they came from. End of wasting tax dollars on them and innocent lives.
  18. Sounds like the chairman of BBC is a Muslim. It is astonishing how many news outlets are pro terrorists.
  19. And the euro is doomed to failure after they throw the kitchen sink at it. It is a doomed concept from day 1. And having Cristine Legarde, a convicted felon, head of the ECB speeds up the process.
  20. Since it is easy to demand a tax clearance certificate while renewing your annual visa, it is also possible to require you to show a tax clearance certificate if you want to leave Thailand (this law already exists but not implemented). Again, you get no health care or immigrant status for your money. I was aware of CRS coming here at least 3 years ago. It is reality whether you like it or not.
  21. The CRS agreement is the killer of the goose. Thailand has signed this with at least 144 countries. If you had a bank account in England, and you are a tax resident in Thailand, stay here more than 180 days a year, and your British bank has your address here then that bank will automatically report each year, how much you have in that Brit bank but also its annual income. If you lie to the Brit bank you could face criminal prosecution from the Brit gov. CRS was started by that snake Obama. This goose is also departing.
  22. More smoke and mirrors. They have the printing press and not a sole complains about it's continuous use. Go back on the gold standard to control these reckless, irresponsible politicians, all of them.
  23. Furthermore, they are not Palestinians. They are Muslims living in Gaza and historically, they were not the first inhabitants there. You have no idea what you are talking about and are brainwashed.
  24. Hamas started this mess Oct. 7 after they barbarically slaughtered and humiliated civilians. They refuse to release hostages, they wear civilian clothes, like cowards, and hide among civilians, the leaders stole billions in aide money and sleep in 5 star Qatar hotels. The Gazans themselves knew about those tunnels which took years to build, they don't complain loudly to Hamas about the bad conditions, they hide hostages in their home, etc They are all complicit in one form or the other. Besides I assume you are a non believer in Islam. Read a book called America Alone. You will be enlightened.
  25. Again the airheads are targeting the wrong group. In the Koran it states that if you are not a believer in Islam, you are an infidel and must be eliminated. Don't know of any other group with such a doctrine. A rock would understand this better.
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