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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. I'm thinking of getting a big bike in CM, but parking in the city seems a major hustle.

    I will be visiting, Central Airport, Nimanhemin and Kadsuankeaw areas regularly, but would not enjoy having to squeeze a large bike between all the scooters and pull it out again a few times a day.

    How are owners of big bikes are doing it? Any secrets or tips? Are big bikers perhaps using a little scooter for the city?

    Any input would be appreciated.

    I own a large expensive Chopper and you are right sometimes it can be difficult to park in a safe place where someone is not going to ding you however I NEVER park where the scooters park if I head to Airport Plaza or central I always park in the car parking area rather than the bike area, sometimes the security has a problem since I am a Motorcycle however he can see my bike costs more than most cars in there and allows me to park there after crossing his palm with some baht.

    I now have some regular parking spots which are safe if I am out on the town some are friends bars that have special parking and others are secret spots that I cant let you know otherwise when i get there your bike will be in my spot :o however I am sure you, like me will find suitable spots to park.

    The real posers park there choppers at the top of Loi Kro on the pavement

  2. ~

    Has anyone seen the American style Whack-em/Squish-em rat traps here?

    They chewed thru the aircon condensation drain hose in our attic and destroyed the kitchen ceiling and it is time for the GRIM REAPER to visit! (heh, heh, rubbing my hands together and drooling a bit)..

    Nope, no cat wanted as a pet and da wife won't let me put snakes up there. I thought about using one of my clubs that I used to use to slaughter baby seals (before you even start on me) but our ladder is not tall enough to get me up there - besides, you know how the phone rings when you are in the most inconvenient places...


    Why not use the live trap and trap them live then you could let them go without needlessly killing them in case your wondering yes I do LIKE RATS and they are very clean and very very intelligent animals. :o

  3. Theoretically, but 50,000 baht is worth winning, especially against a farang...The table was also cordoned off with tape, so there was no seat to go back to. He didn't make any great effort to remove himself from my eyeline, though.

    I have no problem stopping my play and telling my opponemt to move his ass out of my eyeline its a basic courtesy when playing but I agree thais do sit right in your eyeline until I tell them to shift

  4. Have they come up with a complete set of rules(written) yet?

    Yes they have the rules now posted on the wall now for all to see


    the play is very open and the standard is very highand they tell me they are having a big comp in a few weeks with 50,000 baht for the winner more details on that next week

  5. [

    To the question of the estimated cost for the Harley parts.

    Yup, those overweight, slow, bad handling pieces of chrome-laden pig iron, built with largely 100 year old technology,


    Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about, its obvious know nothing about Harley Davidson

  6. Really? Then I don't understand as the police said that it was very little, just a unit or two over the limit. I must recheck. Thanks.

    Hmmm not sure where you are originally from but legally drunk is legally drunk not matter how little over the limit it shows on the breatherlizer, you should be thankful that your dad is not locked up in Jail as he would definately be in any western country.

    He was drunk end of story no excuse if he had not had a drink another story

  7. One guy was drunk the other had a illegal vehicle on the road so BOTH parties had no business being on the roads

    If his bike was licensed you would be responsible for its repairs and Harleys are notoriously expensive here in LOS and I dont think that the price quoted is that much for a Harley repair as it would include all the body work repaint job etc even an old harley here in LOS will cost you over a Million Baht

    Maybe if the driver was not impaired by alchohol this may of been avoided 2 large Singas at over 5% alcohol is more than enough to put someone over the limit.

    P.S Ricchi is the main Harley guy here in Chiang Mai and while i have not met him I have many biker friends who have and he's a top knotch guy that knows his stuff if he says thats what it will cost to fix then thats the estimate and there not need to try to discredit him he knows his stuff

  8. The handicap if I remember is rated by letters if you are

    A player play to 5 frames

    B player 4 play to 4 frames

    C player 3 play to 3

    D player 2 get to 2 frames

    So if an A player plays a D player it will be A has to get to 5 frames and the D only to 2

    If a B player plays an A player it will be A player has toiget to 4 frames and the B player to 3 and so on

  9. How many players were there? What's the ratio of Thai/farang? Are the house cues any good? And, most importantly, how much is the beer?

    16 players double elimination and its a handicaped comp although this will take time till its accurate

    ratio thai farnag about 50-50

    House cues well they are house cues I will be buying my own

    Beers 80 baht for big beers although they ran out with us brits drinking there had to actually force a heneiken down at the end of the night and lets face it thats not a Beer :o

  10. Well I went to the Cue club on monday and played in the tournie and quite enjoyed it the rules were a little strange but if they are the international rules then so be it but certainly takes a bit getting used to but I can see its a totally different game to what we play.

    My thoughts on the tables and the game itself in comparison to what I normally play on is this

    Its more of a Potfest meaning the games are over in lighting speed one mistake and normally game over with a decent player, thats Ok and its always nice to pot balls however I did not feel challenged and there was no tactics involved just break and clear the table.

    While I enjoyed the game and will certianly go and play there again I will stick mainly to the other tables as I stand by my original comment that the rules and the tables we play require more skill and tactics and you need to know your angles to get out of snookers and be way more accurate when making a pot this requires more skill and you have to use your brain if put in a snooker to work out how to get out of it.

    I am certianly happy I attended they had a few HEATED issues/arguments about the rules, and the owner will have to post them on the wall to avoid issues like that in the future.

    I think everyone had a good time and I am looking forward to next weeks tournament where I will bring my cue this time :o

    The Quality of the play was very high and there are certianly a few excellent players that play there and I look forward to getting more used to the tables and the big cues and balls

  11. The rules should be posted.

    2 shots on a foul won't be one of them.


    Are the rules posted in the club ??? as mentioned there are many different rules depending on where you play and it should be clear to players what the rules of the club are prior to playing I personally dont care what the rules are as long as I know before hand.

    I will plan on bringing a few players on monday with me and give these bucket tables a go my bet is one of the players I bring will win

    C u there

  12. Glad to have amused you FC :o I was just jestin about the bar girls!

    I have been known to play with Bar Girls but thats not important right now :D

    So educate me; where are the good tables in Chiang Mai? Where do the "very best" of Chiang Mai's players play? Where are the competitions already being played on good tables played?

    The best players play at Blue Sky Bar on the moat just up from Mad Dog the tables there are decent although not top knotch by any means but acceptable, Competitions are held every sat evening starting at 9pm (8 Ball) Ladies tournament on sundays and a 9 ball tournament on tuesdays.

    If you think 3 quid an hour is more expensive than the UK... when was the last time you were in the UK??!! When I left (2 years ago) an hour at the Riley in Scotland was at least £6/hour and you'd be very lucky to get a game in a pub for 50p - more often than not it was £1. My mate lives in Guilford and it's £12/hour at Riley.

    Fair comment cant say I have been there lately but 150 an hour here is on the very high side considering pool is free in 99% of the bars in chiang mai

    Anyway, each to their own. I prefer high quality american tables with big balls and big pockets, you prefer thai tables with small balls and small pockets.

    I can play on any table just that when you play on the snooker tables when you change to the big pocket tables its just very easy as the pockets are so big and the table allows for inaccurate play and the ball still goes in, on the small pocket tables you have to be spot on.

    I agree most Bars SHOULD have the big pocket tables instead of the snooker tables as most punters are not good players this allows for quicker games as any player can get the balls in easier and games are over quickly if they are charging per game as in BKK this makes more sense.

    As for you taking me to school... I'm ready when you are! But the lack of punctuation in your previous post would suggest that perhaps it's you that needs to go to school :D

    As to punctuation CAN'T BE ARSED to worry bout that crap I will allow the Spelling and punctuation police here on TV (presume you are a one of em) to rip me apart and I shan't lose any sleep over it

    As for the challenge I think it should be two pronged on both the big and small tables best of 9 frames. You choose the big venue I choose the small venue

    Name the time and place

    P.S heading out on a Bike trip today till friday so anytime after that

  13. playing on those tables around the moat is more of a chore than a challenge, if you ask me. More often than not the balls, cues, cloth and cushions (i.e. everything) are of really substandard quality. I used to play for one of the teams in the Chiang Mai league, but packed it in as I was sick of playing on those horrible tables.

    Like bjohn34 said, everything at Cue Bar is tip top, and in a different league to anything else in Chiang Mai. Makes for a much more enjoyable pool experience.

    And don't spout this "the pockets are like buckets, it's too easy" pish. If you think it's that easy, why don't you come along to the competitions when they start up, and you'll find out really how challenging pool in Chiang Mai can be.

    Or you can continue playing bar girls on those god awful excuses for pool tables, thinking your playing like Paul Newman.

    Up to you :o

    Just stopped laughing at this post almost slit my sides I was laughing so hard.

    I happen to play the best players in chiang mai not bar girls I also play on good tables I agree most places the tables are sub standard and so are the cues (I have my own) however a good player can adapt to any table and ajust his play within a few minutes and to say playing is a chore shows you probably are not skilled in the game enough to play on what is basically a snooker table and it requires way more skill to play on those tables and actually get the ball in the pocket instead of it hitting the cush 3/4 down and still going in on the bucket tables you like so much.

    As for the competitions I am fully aware of the skilled players in chaing mai as I play the very best of them on a regular basis in the competitions already being run on good tables.

    At 150 baht an hour which is 3 quid is outrageous and more expensive than the UK not sure they will make it

    anytime you fancy a game maybe I will take you to school

    UP TO YOU :D

  14. I went to the Cue Bar this afternoon and played for a couple hours. Tables are Chinese made 4.5x9 America style and they play good. They are level and fast. House cues are not bad although I did not recognize the brand.

    For serious US style pool play, the Cue Bar is definitely way above any of the bar tables I have played on in Chiangmai.

    Not cheap at 150 baht/hr.

    Pockets the size buckets not particulary a challenging game for us that play on the main tables found in chiang mai

  15. I was told by a supplier months ago that the owner of mikes supplies all the burgers for the chain and had approached him to make and provide the burgers as the franchise owners had to buy from the franchiser (mike) however he told me he wanted the lowest quality meat to increase his profits

    Now if I was one of the franchisee;s and I was required to sell shit i would do the same and dump him and get my own quality burger made I ate at Mikes and thought it was absolute tasteless crap and have not eaten there in over 18 months as it really was the worst burger I had had as they steam it rather than over open flame or even on the griddle instead they put a lid over it and it steams that combined with grisley meat not my cup a tea

  16. Ate there last night, and have to say it was the worst food I've had in CM...

    The rice was hard (crunchy) and cold, and kind of clumped together, like it had been standing out at room temp for the last couple of hours. This is probably the easiest way of getting food poisoning and a bad case of New Delhi belly.

    I told the Indian owner, and he said "that's how Indian rice is, it's different to Thai rice"...

    uhhh, having spent a LOT of time in India, I don't think you could make ANY excuse to justify just how bad it was, and the only person he was convincing with that was himself! He swapped the bowl with another, that was exactly the same as the first. Yuk. Disgusting! i didn't touch it past the first mouthful.

    The chicken was dry, and tasteless. The pakora and popadams tasted chewy, as though they had come out of a microwave.

    Waayyyy to much salt on everything.

    this is not the way to build up a regular clientel, and no way to stay in business. In a town full of such good restaurants and great tasting food, it's hard to have a meal as bad as this one was. :o

    Avoid, avoid, avoid!

    I have eaten there many many times as do my friends I just had a takeout there and as usual the food was VERY GOOD and I find the above post to be a little harsh saying to avoid when in reality while it may not have been up to your standard if you read the multiple posts on this restaurant most are very very good reviews and for indian food in Chiang Mai you cant really find much better than this so give it a try the owner is VERY VERY accomodating and in the very few instances I have had an issue he has bent over backwards to appease me and correct anything that was not to my liking.

  17. oscar snooker club chang klan road

    hi members.......

    does anybody know the location or even better still the telephone number of the above?

    best wishes...


    Its not Oscars its called Cesars Snooker Club just past the Shangri la hotel on the right hand side (coming from night bazaar) one road back as you past the shangri las you will see a vacant lot on your right hand side take a right there and you should be bale to see the sign for Cesars although theres a big tree blocking it a little.

    Just head down there take your first left and its right there

  18. The last thing they want is him in Thailand and putting him in jail might make him a martyr figure even bigger than before.

    I overheard some of my staff talking about Abhisit Vejjajiva's claim that he would immediately revoke Thaksin's passport. They wanted to know when he would do the same to the leaders of PAD. :o

    No respect whatsoever for thai political system its a complete joke no democracy here and no respect for it

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