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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. The Abhisit government is not illegal!

    If you wanna discuss illegal governments then lets talk about the two times Taxsin won landslide vistories through massive vote buying. And there's plenty of evidence of this, including numerous comments on this webboard.

    The opening comment of this subject says 'embattled' pm. Rubbish, he's not embattled at all, this is not a correct comment.

    Will the red shirts win next week and overthrow the government. No chance in hel_l. Do you really think the anti-taxsin masses won't react if the red shirts have many more paid and unaware followers next week? Just wait and see.

    And, Taxsin has recently made lots of comments about illegal coups / the military illegally getting involved in politics in 2006, then this week he has tried to instigate a coup to overthrow the Abhisit government. No credibility or constistence in anything this fugitive criminal says.

    :o:D:D I gotta get some of that stuff your smoking mate

  2. Yeah, I too am curious. Can you please tell me what he sells, where he buys it, where he buys his shipping materials, and the names of the people he used to design his website?

    Ok I will give you an idea of what he does.

    He has his own clothing line and has designers design the clothes, he has multiple locations that actually make/sew the garments for him, he then uses his studio to take photos of the items and then his 14 girls do the posting on ebay and manage sales. He has a contract with DHL which do the deliveries for him.

    I cannot direct you to his site as he does not want anyone copying his work which would be easy to do here in Thailand and I completely agreee with him on that point, we all want to know how people make money looking for that magic formula, he has found it and good luck to him the jammy bastard :o

  3. A friend of mine (farang) turns over 1 Million baht a month on ebay he has a slick operation running 14 girls on computers a photo studio for taking pictures of products. many sewing houses etc wish i could get a small portion of his monthly income LOL :o

    hard to believe.. tell us his ebay name(s) so we can all check it out/his feedback(s) etc..

    Very hard to believe, i think you are full of s*%t!!

    First of all I would not direct you to his site so you can try and copy him secondly I really want to respond to your inciteful reply Bkkdawg but since you only have 26 posts and are abviously new here I am hoping a moderator will tell you to behave yourself or you will get your legs smacked which will be a lot less painful that what i would do to you.

  4. If this is true I think Abhisit can handle it. It would have been really hilarious to have seen Samak on that show though.

    The interviewer will eat him for breakfast I watched several interviews with him on CNN one in Asia they asked very soft but direct questions and he squirmed in his seat, on Hardtalk he wont get away so easy for sure

  5. Absolutely agree but then you have to look at who posted it :P I hope the guy makes a fortune and I bet he makes more than Siriciha John does posting 23000 posts on TV :D:D:D makes you wonder :D

    hahahaha... and is your business some sort of standard to go by? :o

    evidently though, you're not familiar with the now-closed threads of Harry's Foibles... but if you were... it's all there.

    Sounds to me like your a little bit jealous that he is making money from his writings and its a case of sour grapes on your behalf :wai:

  6. Can any one reccomend someone in Chiang Mai that can remove a virus from my laptop I have tried 3 different anit virus softwares with no joy it keeps coming back its a root kit Agent Gen soft V and apparently has to be removed manually which is beyond my computer skills

    any reccomedations

    thanks in advance

  7. Couple of points

    1.) The police have no authority to order anyone to shut donw a website its a civil matter and if the copiers knew anything they would know that

    2.) Unless a site is copied verbatem and your logo used then just because they use the same template and colors that does not constitute copying

    3.) So are you saying that the restaurants will refuse calls for takeaway food and being picked up by another deliverer Hmmmm they must be making boatloads of money to be able to refuse orders not coming in from meals on wheels

    4.) If the copyier whom i presume is Thai had any brains he would start a Thai version of Meals on wheels and deliver to the thai people who outnumber the farang market by miles. hel_l you could even expand your business to include this hel_l I might even do it.

    I have had multiple business models that people try to copy and you know what I could not care less they see a good idea and think they can do it 99.999% of the time they cannot.

  8. It's ironic that he "blames society, the system and her" and yet doesnt seem to be prepared to accept any responsibility himself.

    The girl was a stripper. One can safely make the further assumption that she sold herself for sex or, at best, had a colourful past.

    If I was marrying someone like that, the first thing I would do is demand an HIV test before either marrying her or going in - how to say this politely? - bareback.

    But, of course, one can't expect people to be responsible for their own safety. Much easier to blame everyone else.

    Straight. "Ooh, I got HIV from a stripper I met in a strip joint. Give me some compensation" :o

    The guy sounds a bit thick.

    Ya gotta feel sorry for posters like this. no compassion

  9. Running away to avoid presenting his case and accuse everyone else from distance? True coward.

    Or, perhaps, he realised that there's no substance whatsoever in his allegations and so they are indefensible in court.

    Maybe one day you will fall foul of the law and see if you are treated fairly maybe then you might change your small minded opinion.

    Can't say I blame the guy for running

  10. If your going to go sailing your fancy rich yacht around dangerous seas close to the province of people starving with no money or possessions don't be surprised if your attacked!

    Its like walking through a ghetto wearing a Rolex! what do you expect?

    Really, soft rich white folk having 'an adventure' really should do more research and take more precautions.

    Of course its all very sad and my commiserations go out to the family etc etc etc...but really!...stick to a boating lake in Surrey loves.

    pathetic post

  11. At the end of the video clip it looks like some Thai man tried to punch one of the perpetrators while the police were transferring him on land.

    I wonder why, they don't like the Burmese nationals? Affects the tourism trade maybe... Would they do it to a fellow Thai if it was he who committed the crime?

    Yes they would I watched a you tube video of a car crash here in thailand where a car rammed into the back of a pick up truck while rescue workers were loading a motorbike on the back of it a horrific crash he just ploughed into the pick up trucj apparently the guy hit lost his legs

    Anyway while the cops cuffed the driver the friends of the injured one kept trying to attack the guy and got in a few good punches before the cops gained control

  12. Its all Bars in chiang mai that are being forced to close 1 hour earlier than there license allows legal closing time is 1am as I understood when I had my bar, but who is going to argue with the cops

    There's a new sheriff in town and he wants his tea money

    Should be back to normal soon

  13. damion5000

    No more Spicy?

    i was told by a bar owner the other day that hotshots and bubbles are allowed to open untill one am

    but spicys can still for some reason ? stay open untill 3 am

    is spicys still owned by the daughter of a senior policman ...... does anyone know ?


    Spicy is owned by a high ranking BIB

  14. I think Thailand will be happer without any tourists at all

    If I was on holiday and all the bars closed at 12 I would find another country to spend my money

    I was out till way past 12 last night in a bar and it was not closed I found that when I had my bar and they were doing this it was mainly the girlie bars they were picking on.

    I know one thing when they did that before and then came around for there monthly tea money I told them where they could take there request and shove it they never got another Baht off me after that.

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