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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. Nothing too interesting this year; only that the plastic bags that hang around your neck (specifically the ones given out by Dtac), were supposed to be water proof.


    In which case why was my mobile phone and a wad of change, floating around in the bag like a goldfish in a bowl. :D

    Luckily my phone is pretty much indestructible, quick dry out in the sun and back to normal.

    what make of tel is that sally I need a new one after songkran LOL

  2. There is a discussion on whether Abhisit is actually in charge, and to answer this question we should perhaps take a look at the glaring double standard that exists in Thailand.

    When the PAD causes chaos and enormous financial loss by shutting down the country's international airport, shooting and fighting in the streets, the army did nothing. When the Reds cause chaos, the army intervenes. Corrupt politicians in the yellow camp, and there are many, are ignored by the judiciary, whereas corrupt politicians in Thaksin's camp who are the elected government of the day are hounded for infractions as small as appearing on a TV cooking program, and expelled from office.

    How undemocratic. There is a school of thought that says that Thailand is not ready for a democracy, that the poor majority is too stupid to vote sensibly and should therefore have its representation diluted by the elite. That is what the PAD has said publicly, but who trusts them or the old guard generals and elite who sponsor them and who have never really done anything to improve the lot of the average Thai.

    Thaksin's lot are highly unpalatable, but they were an elected civilian government, marking the first time in Thailand's recent history that worn out and corrupt generals and career bureaucrats were not calling all the shots, bickering amongst themselves, and getting nothing done. The PAD tore down a fledgling democracy that was an example to other countries in SE Asia, and replaced it with mob rule. What they should have done was show how much support they really had by beating Thaksin at the ballot box, peacefully. They seemed unable to do that, and now we are in an unending cycle of street violence and Myanmaresque military intervention.

    I notice that a lot of foreigners seem to miss this obvious double standard, automatically vilifying Thaksin as the devil incarnate, while holding up Abhisit and his lot as clean and democratic. Looking at the Bangkok Post or the Nation, which most foreigners depend on for political insight, I can see why. They are clearly biased toward the PAD, and have been since its inception.

    Abhisit is a nice guy in a party just as rotten as the rest of them. In charge of Thailand he is not.


  3. In this day and age there are many very powerful nonlethal forms of crowd dispersion such as sound and heat producing weapons that can clear a crowd in minutes. With Thailand's propensity to have mobs gather I can't understand why they don't invest in such tools? They could have brought such a weapon to the ASEAN Summit and had that crowd hottailing back to their normal routine in Issan like getting drunk on a porch somewhere and knocking up the local girls, or racking up a big gambling debt and robbing their neighbors. Rather than disgracing Thailand, worsening the economy and thus having repercussions that worse the lot for everyone.

    Well you sound like a right eliteist , yes put the poor people back in there villages and let them get drunk and bang up the local girls and let the rich minority continue to rule the country like they have for centuries

    Democracy means listen and do what the majority wants and the majority in this country is the poor people

    when the yellows realize that maybe the country can move forward

  4. Now I am not one to believe shit like this however when I see it with my own eyes its hard to deny it

    I just got home and got out of the car and the wife said whats that in the sky, so I gazed up and I saw something not sure what it was but we wached it for 10 minutes going back and forth then it would stop dead then go in all directions quite fast, then we saw another one and then both were moving in the same manner.

    All I can describe it as was Smoke in no particular shape as it would change shape, I had plenty of time to determine if it was something normal and its nothing like i ever saw before and if it was not me posting this I would as probably like most others that I was a quack.

    The sky is clear with a few clouds there was no sound and each of them was illuminated, I thought it might be lights from the ground but there was nothing to indicate that

    Weird for sure never seen noting like it

  5. a quick but interesting exercise:


    The fact that it's so hard to tell the various staffs, pitbulls etc apart on that website shows how similar they are.

    Lots of hits on Google for Staffordshire Bull Terrier attacks:








    After having owned a fair few breeds of dogs over the years (back home in Oz) I bought a Pit Bull, as after the bad publicity that surround the dog I was interested to try one for myself. The dog was kept on my farm with a number of other breeds & treated well, exactly the same as the others. I have never had a problem with a dog killing livestock or anything before.

    Approximately the 18 month period after having no problems with the dog whatsoever it went on a killing spree one morning & killed 2 other dogs, a goat, a sheep & some chickens, all in a matter of minutes. As I approached the dog, calling it in it charged me, at which time I got into my cruiser & sat there as the dog went wild at the side of the vehicle. I ended its day with a 243 round to the head.

    I never was there for the start of that killing spree, I have absolutely no idea what set the dog off & I nearly quite possible became one of its victims at the end. I don't need a dog like that, I can't see that anyone does, yes the breed has a bad reputation, a very bad reputation & its not hard to see why. The only good Pit Bull is a dead Pit Bull.

    A salutary tale about pitbulls. As for you writing you tried out the breed, well I guess that applies to any dog owner, since anyone who owns a dog for the first time or a breed they haven't owned before is effectively 'trying it out'. So not quite sure why you were taken to task for it. Thanks for posting.

    Why THANKYOU Merck. The reason I am being taken to task is quite simple, we are dealing with some truely moronic imbociles like farangcraving who has absolutely no decent arguement in relation to this very dangerous breed of dog, so he has chosen to attack my character instead, they have done this by either twisting my words or adding information that I simply did NOT supply. You are 100% correct though, people all around the world try out different breeds of dogs, everyday.

    Any domestic animal that requires such extreme levels of training & control to STOP IT from becoming a DEADLY PSYCOPATHIC KILLER, has no place in any decent society.

    Farangcravings your above post is pathetic, the property has been in my family for decades, any time you want to see a real decent working dog let me know & I will organise a tour for you, if you keep your big mouth shut for a few minutes, you might learn something, but I doubt you can do that.

    :o The pathetic one is you, No twisting of words no adding of anything they were your words verbatim from your profile, but I completely understand that you have made yourself look a real <deleted> and now have to try and do damage control, anyone can check your profile and see YOUR WORDS unless of course you have changed it now but they are still in my posting.

    I know you like trying things so Try not to say anything else as your argument is already lost, you will probably fail at that too

  6. Sorry to say, but Box Jellies have been in Thailand for many years, but IMHO the authorities have chosen to keep quiet about them rather than alarm (scare off) the tourists.

    I was hit off the coast of Rayong about a year ago and have the lovely scar to show for it and my neghbor's daughter got stung quite badly, survived, and has some very bad scars to show for it.

    We need to spread the word for hotels and resorts to keep a jug of vinegar and there also needs to be more education for health providers on Jellyfish First Aid as most Thai doctors have never had to treat such injuries.

    The Box Jellyfish will only become more common as their natural predators are nearly extinct and as the Gulf of Thailand warms. Wearing a sting suit when jellies have been spotted is not a bad idea. (Perhaps this is why most Thais swim fully clothed?) :o

    To my surprise Thailand is very successful to keep any "bad" news out of European newspapers. I know about the vinegar but does the heat treatment help on these?

    Hot water is the normal treatment for a stingray stings or cone shell stings however it only till recent that it is being reccomended as a treament for jellyfish stings. I have treated MANY jellyfish stings mainly Portugese man O War jellyfish and Always Vinigar took care of it real quick also had success with urine.

  7. To the poster who suggested rubbing the sting with an onion - do not ever rub the area with anything. This will spread the tentacles around with the effect of increasing the venomated area.

    As stated, pour on vinegar, carefully remove the stingers and use heat (as hot as you can stand) to alleviate the pain. Prepare to rescusitate, get to hospital.

    As a dive Instructor for more than 20 years and a first aid instructor it is not normal to use hot water to treat a Jelly fish stings however lately a few experiments report good results for using hot water as treatment.

    However it kinda hard to find hot water on a beach or on a boat so you use the normal initial first aid which is Vinigar windex or urine if you have nothing else these should render the stings harmless, then remove any tentacles and treat for shock seek medical attention of course if you have hot water be sire to try it.

    hot water is however the only treatment for a Stingray sting or cone shell sting imerse the area in as hot a water as you can stand without burning the skin this will alleviate the pain for this type of wound.

  8. Abhisit - sorry, but your hopeless.

    Every one has a right to protest, but within the law.

    Where are the cops ? Stupid question really.

    Just like the yellows did RIGHT yes stupid question the cops were watching just like before at least both are being treated equally


    Maybe we should have a military goverment cause they sure acted in the coup

  9. Red-shirts battle blue-shirts in Pattaya

    PATTAYA: -- Red-shirted protesters armed with giant firecrackers, Molotov cocktails, sling shots and batons, battled with local people who formed a line to protect the venue of Asean +6 summit venue here Saturday morning.

    The clash happened at 8:40 am.

    The outnumbered blue-shirted local people was scattered and ran for cover when the red-shirted people attacked them.

    Several explosion sounds of firecrackers were heard and the red-shirted people were seen as firing slingshots with bolts at the blue-shirted people who tried formed a line in front of the Royal Cliff Beach Resort Hotel.

    The red-shirted people formed a line and kept advancing until the two sides stood confronting less than one metre apart and the clash broke out.

    The red-shirted protesters were seen carrying Molotov cocktails but none had been thrown at the other side yet.

    Terrified local residents closed their houses and many were seen weeping with fear.

    So far, the security authorities had not step in to stop the clash yet.

    -- The Nation 2009-04-11

    Just out of interest... 10 military trucks and 4 military transport coaches with approx 400 Thai troops on board steamed passed by shop heading for Pratumak Hill where the protesters are massing...

    I got caught up in the protest last night, and saw the previous yellow shirt protests in Bangkok a few months a go.

    Things are different this time. The red shirt protesters seamed more like hired thugs than the 'family outing' yellow shirts.

    I do belive that things are about to get messy :o

    Give me a break seemed like hired thugs I remember seeing the yellows on tv waving pistols looking like real thugs

  10. You cant have ordinary people terrorised in their own homes by nutters with molotovs. This has gone beyond peaceful protest. It is time for the authorities to take action.

    I agree but then again nothing was done when the yellows were touting Guns and being violent in Bangkok when it was there turn

    they are all as bad as one another

  11. "The Redcoats Have Taken Over Downtown Chiang Mai, streets blocked"

    The English colonial army has taken over Chaing Mai !???? :D

    sorry i just could not resist :D

    Can't help but notice what a lovely avatar! Sorry I just could not resist. :D

    Yes eldar1. Would you please PM me with her telephone number :o

    While you're at it, please PM me with her number too! :D

    She's about 10 years old you pedo's

  12. I have a Vulcan Custom 900, or actually it is owned, ridden by a 155cm, 50 kilo girl. Actually she rides basically the most conviviality available bike to get out of our garage at the morning, mostly this is the Yamaha FS1 (yellow color).

    This Vulcan Classic is ridden by a 184cm 115 Kilo Bloke :o did not see the custom for sale

  13. It seems to me that some Thai people feel the need to take to the streets to try and alter the government, policies and course of events with demonstrations. While it most certainly cannot be considered all Thai people or even a majority since the numbers on the streets compared to the total population is really quite small, it seems that there is no understanding from either group of demonstrators that crippling the government, the economy or anything else is not necessarily productive.

    Is there a solution for this problem? Or is it just going to get worse?

    Easy answer to this

    Have General election let the people vote of course this probably wont solve it cause current power would lose and then demonstrate and take over the airport again and ignore the majority vote.

  14. So after all the talk about english breakfast I found myself at the Leprehaun on loi kroh last night and mentioned to the owner Porn (never met her before) that there was talk on TV that she USED to have the best english brekkie but now apparently she no longer does as the quality is not the same and the portions are not what they used to be when her husband was there.

    She then said she knows who is saying bad things about her and indicated UlyseesG (by the guy with the bookshop)and I said why would he do that and she said because they were not happy that she split with her husband and they do not want her to do good.

    she then tells me she uses the exact same products as before and she proceeded to show me her invoices from Yorkies.

    Anyway I though I might as well order and see for myself and thought I might give her a bit of advice if it was not up to scratch

    So it arrives minus the baked beans she bought them a few minutes later, the 3 eggs were all overcooked, bacon was good (only one rasher) as was the sausage (one) one slice of black puddiin and overall it was Ok and she also forgot the toast. I did mention the tomatoe ketchup was terible and she should use Heinz and she insisted it was heinz but it was rank

    Anyway overall it was ok but I thought a tad expensive for just one rasher and one sausage 175 baht she said she had made it cheaper it used to be 195

    best in Chiang Mai dont think so but its ok if they remember to bring it all at the same time and learn how to cook eggs

    Breakfast at night?? HMMMM?? :o:D:D

    Well I had just got up so it was my morning :D

  15. What will the Tourist Police volunteers do if they see me with my beer in hand?

    Ask you politely to move out of the Alcohol/smoke free zone into an area NOT designated as such a place and allow those that do not wish to drink or be around people that drink and smoke so that they can also enjoy the Songkran celebrations.

    You have a right to drink just as people have the right to try and avoid the drunken crazyness and these areas are allocated so famillys and others have a place to bring there kids and enjoy a less boysterous songkran.

    Again i am sure it will be at the discretion of the TPD to determine if its just a Dad having a beer with his familly or a bunch of yobos staggering around drunk and causing problems the areas are not that big so theres plenty of places you could be drinking without any issues.

  16. All Black rugby team - the most successful sporting entity (team or individual) in the annals of world sport.

    Now that has to be the biggest load of crap posted on all forums of Thai Visa today. :o

    Ive posted a load of crap today and was hoping to win the BB award for today but I will take step back and accept a close second :D

  17. what about the rats when did you see them ? infested means an aweful lot of them

    There have been lots of rats around the moat for years. The last time they fixed the cement either killed a lot or just keeps them better hidden, anyway, sometimes you see them running along the edges of the moat and on the footpath at night.

    Ok so not infested just a few here and there.

    If I was a rat I would certainly choose a better place to spend my time such as close to the market food stalls lots of good stuff to eat round there.

  18. Well, farangcravings

    There is no point in picking on me, this thread is about the tragic drowning of a child and perhaps maybe the best ways that this can be prevented from happening again the future.

    One way would be to put up signs saying swimming in the moats is prohibited and impose a 2000 baht fine for offenders, the same fees as for smoking in public places. 2000 baht is a lot for a Thai.

    Just the signs could act as a deterant.

    Im not picking on you Sassiene I am simply asking you to back up what you post you say the moat is rat infested I simply am asking you where you came to this conclusion as I have seen no rats.

  19. Saw kids swimming in the moat near Maddog today. They have hung banners across the moat warning about deep water stretches of the moat but kids won't read. The bloody police should be patroling and throwing the kids out of the water. And what about those farang tourist police? If one's reading this, do something useful and patrol somewhere where you may be of benefit.

    I saw the same thing yesterday, plus a banner warning of deep water.

    The kids use ropes tied to trees for swinging themselves over the water and diving in.

    Problem for the Farang police is that they can only do what the Thai police allow them to do and have no say in the matter.

    Sassiene where did you learn what the TPD volunteers can and cannot do ???? are you a TPD volunteer ?????

    No I`m not in the Farang police, but if I was, I would enjoy hitting people with my jambouk.

    I do know a couple of guys in the Farang police. Both have told me that they are always accompanied by a Thai policeman when on patrol and have absolutely no powers to make decisions as to what duties they perform.

    Now, this could be wrong, so if anyone out there is in the Farang police, lets hear it from you.

    Thought that might be the case

    what about the rats when did you see them ? infested means an aweful lot of them

  20. Saw kids swimming in the moat near Maddog today. They have hung banners across the moat warning about deep water stretches of the moat but kids won't read. The bloody police should be patroling and throwing the kids out of the water. And what about those farang tourist police? If one's reading this, do something useful and patrol somewhere where you may be of benefit.

    I saw the same thing yesterday, plus a banner warning of deep water.

    The kids use ropes tied to trees for swinging themselves over the water and diving in.

    Problem for the Farang police is that they can only do what the Thai police allow them to do and have no say in the matter.

    Sassiene where did you learn what the TPD volunteers can and cannot do and the fact none of them speak thai ???? are you a TPD volunteer ?????

    Has anyone seen rats swimming in the moat?

    In almost 3 years I have not seen one rat in the moat although there are many elsewhere.

    Last year prior to Songkran they drained the moat 3 times and refilled it with clean water for Songkran to reduce the infections of ears and the like, not sure if they have done it this year.

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