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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. I also agree, Abhisit did OK on hardtalk.

    Howecver i'll say again, i have little respect for the show anyway.

    And to the poster who suggested that "Abhisit is in the PM seat illegally, and Samak was elected by a majority mandate", my response is:

    - Abhisit and his collation have come together and formed a legitimate government through the appropriate Thai laws and electoral processes.

    - Samak came to power through massive vote buying, as did Thaksin.

    B.S mate ya havin a laugh :o

  2. Deny Deny Deny was all he did I would of preffered for him to be truthful and say yes the military has a part in making me PM but it was a neccesity of the perceived situation at the time and I am trying to change that so it does not happen again

    all he did was argue the clear truth of how he got to power and to imply he is the same as gordon Brown well that really hurt his credibility as no military were involved with G Browns situation plus his party was actually elected by the people unlike the yellow shirts.

    Also he sounded really bad where the Rohingo migrants were concerned, I felt the presenter did not do her homework very well as he kept saying there was no abuse when you can pull it up off the internet

    I would of prefered to have the other presenter who I feel would of done a better job

    All in all he came over ok but you cannot give credibility to someone who denys all the questions

  3. When the kind English gave away America back in 1783, there was a vote to change the language from English to German. Apparently English won by only a few votes.

    Could you imagine German being spoken with an American accent? A bit like the Canadians speaking French.

    And they could sure cook eggs and hash browns.

    Well one things for sure in the USA they ask you how do you want your eggs and its done to your specific requirments here in thailand its the other way round and egg as they come

  4. What planet are you from, in which part of my initial post did I mention that the dog had not been trained? In which part of it did I tell you that it had been left to roam with 'the pack'?? I didnt say any of that.

    None of the dogs on the property are untrained, none of them roam the property & I can tell you that farmers

    all around the world are constantly on the look out for new dogs to work & with that in mind & after having sampled many breeds of dogs I would have to agree with those that posted previously that stated that the pit bulls are an extremely stupid dog & during the time that we had this dog I was not overly impressed. Many people could learn a trick or two from good farmers who probably have some of the best trained dogs, you should take some time out to go and have a look, it may stop you from making such stupid comments.

    Neverdies profile message

    "Spent the first half of my life living between Zimbabwee & Egypt before moving to Cuba & working in a Cigar factory. Moved to Australia & established myself as a property tycoon before opening a worm farm in Sudan. Now Live in UAE & stay in Thailand often with some of my wives "

    HMMM neverdie, based on your profile message i have to conclude you were just trying out farming as you were trying out a Pitbull then you tried out worm farming and then tried out Cigar making then you tried out a few wives that your still trying out then you tried out being a real estate mogul now your trying to sound intelligent and your failing at that too

    Ahh well you keep trying :o

  5. I read on cm108.com that it will be closed from midday til 6pm. I am not very optimistic about the enforcement of this if it's really true.

    Edit: I'm told that this was also announced on the news. It also announced 200 security individuals (army?) would be placed around the moat. Can anyone confirm this rumor?

    Have not heard about Army but the TPD and TPD vounteers will be out in force and placed at 6 desginated tent stations placed around the Moat each area is a smoke and alchohol free zone maybe thats what you heard about I have not been informed of any army though.

  6. But exactly what has Thailand (or a Thai) given to mankind??

    What exactly has 'your' country (or one of 'your' country men or women) given to mankind?

    If, by way of example, 'your' country happened to be the United States of America, would you offer as one of its gifts the invention of atomic weapons and the only two times practical use has been of them to murder hundreds of thousands of human beings in an instant? In that case, imagine how awful the poor Thais must feel that they cannot begin to match such gift giving. :o

    You might be speaking Japanese or German if the US had not invented that

  7. I bought a car from another farang and we both were not sure what was needed paperwork wise he was leaving back to australia and I got a good price however now I have a problem in that all we did was write a bill of sale on abit of paper and I got a copy of his passport. he has since left thailand and I find I need power of attorney papers copy of his visa and he also did not sign the bluebook/

    I have all papers for the car plus a copy of his passport and all service papers etc

    any suggestions how I can get round this (I dont have contact info for him in Australia)

  8. Thanks for starting an unnecessary feud. I have purposely tried not to trash her - as you have pretty much done here - and I have nothing against her or her food - but I have only said that the food was not up to what it was before when I was recommending it all the time on Thai Visa. However, these are my complaints about the breakfast (since you brought it up).

    The breakfast is expensive compared to most places and always was. It is about 180-200 baht at Leprechaun (it was 200, but I think that she has recently changed it to 180) compared to something like 120 at Mad Dog and a little more in other places for an English breakfast. I thought that it was worth it in the past and now I don't.

    Now: The potatoes are about 25% of the amount that they were when Dominic ran the place - at least when I have eaten there - and I love potatoes. Also, I don't think that the coffee is fresh anymore which I much prefer, but on top of that, you used to get a big pot and could drink all you wanted, but now you only get one cup. Also, you used to get a lot of French bread and now you only get a few pieces. The rest of the breakfast is probably the same as it used to be - although I got 2 eggs instead of the three that Dominic served – but it is not the same one that I recommended in the past.

    Since we are on the topic, another thing that disappoints me now is that the fish and chips are made with Thai fish, but they used to be made with cod and I thought that they were the best in town before the change.

    Well my apologies if I have started some kind of feud however I dont think I have said anything out of order

  9. So after all the talk about english breakfast I found myself at the Leprehaun on loi kroh last night and mentioned to the owner Porn (never met her before) that there was talk on TV that she USED to have the best english brekkie but now apparently she no longer does as the quality is not the same and the portions are not what they used to be when her husband was there.

    She then said she knows who is saying bad things about her and indicated UlyseesG (by the guy with the bookshop)and I said why would he do that and she said because they were not happy that she split with her husband and they do not want her to do good.

    she then tells me she uses the exact same products as before and she proceeded to show me her invoices from Yorkies.

    Anyway I though I might as well order and see for myself and thought I might give her a bit of advice if it was not up to scratch

    So it arrives minus the baked beans she bought them a few minutes later, the 3 eggs were all overcooked, bacon was good (only one rasher) as was the sausage (one) one slice of black puddiin and overall it was Ok and she also forgot the toast. I did mention the tomatoe ketchup was terible and she should use Heinz and she insisted it was heinz but it was rank

    Anyway overall it was ok but I thought a tad expensive for just one rasher and one sausage 175 baht she said she had made it cheaper it used to be 195

    best in Chiang Mai dont think so but its ok if they remember to bring it all at the same time and learn how to cook eggs

  10. Owners of Pit Bulls and any breed of dog bred for security work should be required to take a class on how to care for and train their dogs. I have lived with a pit bull and that dog was very sweet and nice to people it knew. But if someone it did not know tried to enter the house then it would become alert and start to get agitated, but it would quickly respond to our commands to calm down. But pit bulls which have not been trained properly are dangerous. Therefore it is the owners and not the breed which are responsible for most of the attacks. I have seen some shocking treatment of dogs in Thailand. Ranging from complete Laissez-faire approach to pet ownership to people who lock their dogs in cages for months at a time, neither is a good way to keep dogs. For me a pet should be treated like a member of the family and not like property! The disconnect between the dogs and the family might be the reason for the attack.

    Best Post so far, and spot on

  11. Well THANKYOU Tigs, thankyou for your kind words. Its interesting you seem to have picked my situation fairly well, whilst farangcravings is beating away at his little member with some crazed viggor! :o

    . Its probably a good thing that old grandad has passed on, he would of gutted and made slippers out of the filthy creature & he would of done the same with farangcravings if he was man enough to back some of his comments up, but I doubt he would, we all know what the keyboard warriors are like. :D

    I stand by my comments and it seems now your only defense is now to call me childish names which just confirms my previous posting anyway I can back up my comments and aint no keyboard warrior hiding behind a computer

    Anytime you want to find me its real easy, Blue Sky Bar on the moat in Chiang Mai

  12. In my experience, you are basically right, but not any student will call their teacher 'Ajarn'. Prathom and Mathayom schools are a good example. Some may call you 'Ajarn', but it is usually out of respect because 'Ajarn' is used mostly in universities. In universities, it is more common to to use 'Ajarn' with your teachers, but I think you will find that the issue of respect is more common. I agree with you that this fom of respect (and others) is mostly given because of your job, rather than qualifications. My job is not an Ajarn, but a teacher, When you are here more than a few years it will make more sense to you. :D

    If it's out of respect, shouldn't it be that other people name you ajarn. IE your username is William but people address you as ajarn on the board. Naming yourself ajarn clearly shows conceit, arrogance and ego - all very unThai qualities. You've been here a long time and should know that.

    'ajarn' and 'kruu' are similar but slightly different. 'ajarn' means more of an expert in a particular field who passes on that knowledge. language teachers are often called 'ajarn' as they are experts in a particular language. Anyone can be an ajarn. If you teach people how to clean shoes, you may be called ajarn but never kruu. 'kruu' seems to be more of a general term for teacher and usually applies to teachers in primary and secondary education.

    No doubt a certain 'expert' will be along in a moment to tell me I wrong.

    Hey Loaded

    your wrong :D not sure what my expertise it but I guess I can think of something :o

  13. The prices at the top of the first post may simply be lower because they do not include the taxes and surcharges. It is quite common that such prices are listed and quoted.

    Blatant false advertising its the tax and surcharges that are not included European Union is working on banning Airlines from advertising without including the tax and surcharges and cite False misleading advertising which is what this is period

    very annoying for sure

  14. It might seem stupid to you but having grown up on farms it is quite common place for people to want to try out different types of dogs & a farm is a great environment for most breeds, especially with a group of people that have time for the animal & provide it with a healthy environment to live in, personally Ive had everything from Golden Retrievers to Rottweilers, Shepards etc. Theres nothing stupid about that in my opinion.....are you suggesting I stick with one breed after nothing but success with the exception of this one VERY VERY dangerous breed of dog?

    Now your telling me you need a special licence & intensive training to deal with this very dangerous dog breed are you? Perhaps they should stop selling those things to the general public.

    Wake up to yourself monkeyboy!

    You sound like the typical chaz character that gets a dog for the wrong reason (to try it out Duhhh) without any knowledge of the breed and without any commitment to really looking after it, ultimately you suffered the consequences now you blame your ignorance and stupidity on the dog and use it as an excuse for your obviously stupid behavior

    nuff said old timer


  15. OK, In response to peoples reactions at my harsh criticism I would like to add fule to the fire.

    1) Pitties are dangerous IF not trained well

    2) Pitties will defend your property with lethal force

    3)Pitties must be supervised if in groups

    Keep these things in mind and nobody will die.... remember number 1 is crucial !

    Hear Hear I can use as an example a Guy that has a Pack of 30 dogs mainly Pitbulls and Rotties and never has a problem even takes in these abused Pitbulls that are chained up all day and rehabilitates them into a well conditioned animal and then they are adopted by familys and the like

    his answer is again its the owner and he can prove it time and time again by churning out stable well behaved pitbulls.

  16. Obiously you did not read the BOLD text in my post, I read news where POLICE was using PEPPER SPRAY and TASERS to try and get pit bulls to stop biting a person, IT DID NOT SUCCEED!!! They even reported, it just made them more angry.

    You may scare off a Thai soi dog with it, but not a fighting dog in attack mode.

    Absolute Croc you only have to watch a few episodes of Dog the Bounty Hunter to see that Mace works and instanly repels Rotties and Pit Bulls usually they use the Bear Mace large sprayer

  17. 37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


    Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

    NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

    Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

    Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

    Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

    Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

    The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

    Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

    -- The Nation 2009-04-05

    Pitbulls were never bred to attack humans the were bred for dog fights and are one of the most loving breeds towards humans. You get far more attacks by golden retrievers, german shepards and rottweilers.

    Besides beeing locked up in cages, starving from malnutrition and lack of socializing them, the owners are soley to blame. Thais are famous for abusing their pets...


  18. And there are farang on this forum that have these dogs, good idea to publicse it id say,.

    Nothing wrong with owing a PitBull if you are responsible and know how to train and handle it Period no different than a rottie Alsation or other large powerful breed. it just mainly irresponsible <deleted> own these dogs that fight them and want to look tough without the proper training you are right it is a dangerous animal.

    I beleive the dog should not be outlawed but a license should be required after an extensive check and training course on how to handle the breed.

  19. After having owned a fair few breeds of dogs over the years (back home in Oz) I bought a Pit Bull, as after the bad publicity that surround the dog I was interested to try one for myself. The dog was kept on my farm with a number of other breeds & treated well, exactly the same as the others. I have never had a problem with a dog killing livestock or anything before.

    Approximately the 18 month period after having no problems with the dog whatsoever it went on a killing spree one morning & killed 2 other dogs, a goat, a sheep & some chickens, all in a matter of minutes. As I approached the dog, calling it in it charged me, at which time I got into my cruiser & sat there as the dog went wild at the side of the vehicle. I ended its day with a 243 round to the head.

    I never was there for the start of that killing spree, I have absolutely no idea what set the dog off & I nearly quite possible became one of its victims at the end. I don't need a dog like that, I can't see that anyone does, yes the breed has a bad reputation, a very bad reputation & its not hard to see why. The only good Pit Bull is a dead Pit Bull.

    So you got the dog for the wrong reason knew nothing about it and Voila you should never of got the dog just cause you wanted to try it out do you realize how stupid that sounds

  20. Will these fools never learn. Pit bulls were bred to kill. Sure some can be nice but even the nice ones can have a bad hair day and severely injure or kill. The breed should be outlawed and those who own them should be required to carry LOTS of insurance and be held personally responsible. Ironic that it was the owner who was attacked. A good pit bull is a dead pit bull.


    If you have NO IDEA what you are talking about you need to say nothing your post shows you have no idea about dogs

    Bred to kill what poppycock

  21. That is shocking news. RIP to the poor woman

    Stereotypical for the breed.

    Absolute PoppyCock your post should of said

    Stereotypical for the owner

    its not the dog but the owner that is at fault these are powerful dogs and most owners have NO IDEA how to handle dogs such as these normally its a macho reason for owning them with no idea what it takes to own one of these dogs

  22. Wonder what type of driver's license one needs, motorcycle or car? :o

    Tuk Tuk license for Thai's only.

    They have issued the rare special case license (Thailand to UK by Tuk Tuk etc) but a no on for normal use

    My friend bought a Tuk Tuk one that has the motorbike on the front and he has tried to register it but they will not register a tuk tuk as special license is required he has a sign not for hire on it but still he cannot get it registered and legal

    So he just uses it without registration but I have not seen another private one in Chiang mai besides his

  23. With the number of new member over the past few weeks who seem to have such a high regard for tackey and his past political/business escapades, it brings to mind people who hire PR firms to further their own agenda. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but when you attempt to sway other people/groups and or debate with others, homework needs to be done, thus presenting true, rational facts. Otherwise some of the people may consider it propaganda, brainwashing or just plane bull sh.t.

    Thailand was doing much better under him than it is now

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