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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. :o LOl my mate just rented a 2 bedroomed house literally 30 seconds walk to the moat for 5000 baht a month me guess you paid too much and paid the farang price he got free hot water too lol

    Any others going? Where did he rent it - newspaper, online, agent?

    Word of mouth through a mate of ours it was a few doors down from him

  2. \

    I think you will find that the price you paid for your bike simply included the registration fee. Some shops will quote you with and without registration (approx 60,000 Baht on big bikes). Of course, if the bike is a second hand model that was registered by the previous owner, then your 900 Baht may have been admin fees for the transfer of ownership and or province.


    Nope your wrong it cost me 900 baht on top of what the bike cost me, the bike was brand new zero miles on it i got the receipt for the 900 baht absolutely not 60,000 baht the bike is completely legal

  3. I have a large 900 cc chopper and it cost me all of 900 baht to register it and get plates easy peasy

    What's the rest of the story?

    LOL :o

    Yep there is a bit more to it than i made out and figured I would have to come clean LOL

    I bought my bike brand spanking new from the Kawasaki showroom just off the moat and rode it out the showroom without plates they called me 5 days later to tell me my plates and registration book were in an I could come and collect total cost 900 baht and a completely legal bike

  4. After taking the wife back as per the doctors orders a few days after the incident he checked the wounds all OK (i could of seen that ) he then prescribed more medication for her which I thought was totally overboard and told the missus that it was ridiculous that he gave her more pills she agreed and told him she did not want them as she was fine he still prescribed them

    while I think the treatment was good I do beleive they over prescribe there to make money

    Still was initially good experience

  5. I was curious to see where the hospital is and I found the following address on the web but I couldn't locate the address on the google map.

    10 Chiangmai-Hod Rd., Padad, Muang, Chiang Mai 50100

    can someone describe where it is?

    Head out past the airport ont he hand dong road and just before you get to the tesco lotus its on the left hand side not too well sign posted but you would see the big first aid cross sign and its right there just by the 7 eleven

  6. Buatong waterfall is flowing nicely. Was there on a ride two weeks ago. I don't think the Jed Pee Nong Spring ever slows down as the ground water stays pretty consistant. I enjoy a drink from the pool whenever I go there.

    Actually looking to scuba dive so those wont work looking for deeper places that I could dive

  7. Free nights. :o This is a scam. Buy one night at the full rack rack, they'll give you a night for free. It's a 50% discount at best. This "deal" has already been discussed here: Luguna offer

    Som nom nah LAGUNA

    I worked for this company a while back and they suck and treat there staff like Shiit also when you leave they never pay you what they owe you this promotion is a way to get people in and then they will hit them up for timeshare

    Bout time they realized that there staff are the ones that make them money and they need to be treated fairly finally the staff stuck together and hit them where it hurt there pocket book

  8. Doctor was a young guy everyone seemed friendly and efficient and the service excellent

    since I paid cash no issues with credit cards I would rather take cash out the ATM than use my CC anyways

    What were the other negatives other than the CC issue on that occasion

  9. Just got back from taking the missus to hospital where she had 21 Stitches in her head and leg after being pushed into the patio glass plate window (by a thai ghost she says :o

    She was at the next door neibours and I hear an almighty crash and glass smashing, seconds later I was called by the neibours and found her unconcious with blood pissing out her head, luckily I am medically trained as I was a diving instructor for 20 years so knew what to do and quickly stopped the bleeding from her head, was more concerned she was going in and out of conciousness.

    Finally she came round, at the same time her Mom fainted when she saw the blood, so now I got the missus covered in blood the mother in law passed out on the floor, 4 thai neibours yelling LOL, what a drama.

    It really could of been a lot worse I still don't know what happened since the patio doors next door had curtains up, she said she felt someone (a ghost) push her from behind :D I have to laugh a bit at the ghost thing but they truly beleive it.

    Anyway since I live out at Kad Farang I did not want to go all the way to ram so went to Klaimor hospital just past tesco lotus on the hang dong road and must say it was a very good hospital, doctor spoke english although seems to cater for mainly thais as i did not see another farang there.

    Treatment was excellent and they stitched her up, 7 in the head wound and 14 in the leg, gave her an x ray as the head wound was quite deep all in all cost me 2300 baht including medication

    Anyone else got experience from this hospital

    So its been a drama of a Saturday so far hope thats it for the day :D

    P.S can I get smelling salts here for the mother inlaw as whenever she see's blood she passes out

    anyone know what they call smelling salts in thai

  10. Maybe I have been living in Xanta, rather than Tie-Land. I have never heard of a new bike owner in Chiang Mai getting stopped for no plates. It almost always takes 3 to 5 weeks to get plates. I drove at night during the first month both times, without one thought about being stopped. My Thai partner's family gets two new bikes a year, no problems. I ride 132 kph in the right lane and pass on the right, even passing police; no problem. Maybe Xantese police are different. And paperwork? The windshield has current stickers; good enough.

    I love living in Xanta, without being fluent in Xantese.

    I bought my Kawasaki 900 vulcan form the Kawasaki dealer here in chiang mai and got the plate and book in 6 days they did say it would take a month but they called me 6 days later saying it is there already.

  11. You are in the UK dude Thai birds cannot get away with there bullshit in the UK such as thefts (call the police if she denies she took it and tell them you have been robbed she will soon come clean) Stabbings (while the BIB here in Thailand will not take action the UK police certainly will/

    You have been given some good advice here albeit some insensitive <deleted> who seem to think they are such smart aleks.

    Take care of ya Kids and best of luck

  12. To the Agriculture and cooperatives Ministry

    In the chiang mai mail on the front page is an article where 13 herbs are being labeled as Hazardous including the ones I have mentioned

    How insane LOL this place just gets funnier and funnier, they have held back on it becuase of public outcry citing cooking ingrediants


  13. Hello! Are anybody aware of MuayThai training camps, stadiums etc in Chiang Mai Thailand? If not in the city im interested in Lampang and Lamphun. I've heard about one place called Sitdabwad but can't get the address of the place.

    many here i a sure someone will post the address if not I will write it donw next time I pass the flyers

  14. As you say it's nice to hear of a foreigner doing something interesting that leaves an impression.

    Trouble is if he's that popular and blocks walking street, he'll probably get moved on by one of those (foreign) wannabe Thai cops in blue.

    :o:D:D Yawn yawn We dont move anyone on, THEOS maybe you need to learn a little about what we do instead of posting inaccurate information.

    Many acts block walking street and that's part of the attraction, with ref to this chap my thoughts are more work permit related especially if he is taking money, not that we would check that either but if the reg cops pass by he could get a check I personally saw him and wish him the best

  15. Hi - I know most hospital's will have them - Chiang Mai Ram etc. but any seperate clinics I can just walk into for a check up?

    I ask as I want to avoid going to my normal hospital - BKK of course has many - must be one somewhere surely? internet search not helped.

    Help please?

    Theres a doctors office on Loi Kroh on the corner just past the Wat on the opposite side of the road they can do check ups for ya and speaks very good english

  16. Just noticed that the site forces my Firefox to open in an IE tab, don't know if that could be part of your problem: changes at the destination site . . ?


    Very strange. I normally use Ubuntu. To open the site from within Ubuntu and Firefox, I must use a proxy. If I boot into native windows and try Internet Explorer or Firefox, I have the same problem. Thanks for trying.

    I have maxnet and No problem opeing the site

  17. [quote name=

    The other thing that you should think about is noise: big choppers really can create a lot of noise, and not everyone wants to listen. Why is it that people with big choppers think that everyone else wants to listen to them?


    Not sure what you drive Jim but you may of noticed that nobody takes a blind bit of notice of you they pull out in front of you cut in front of you, turn without looking and generally don't even see you or even attempt to look before they pull out.

    I assure you they see me/hear me coming and they actually LOOK before they make there next move, I for one am well happy with the noise my bike makes its very clear day after day that its safer to have loud pipes.


  18. good party it was Chas. THank u ! The sandwiches were awesome... and so was the company...

    Yes those sandwiches were great nothing like english sausage and bacon sarnies courtesy of Sausage king hope I dont get banned again for mentioning Sausage King

  19. The real posers park there choppers at the top of Loi Kro on the pavement

    They are not posers. They are just people parking in front of the bars they frequent. Whoever rides a chopper just to show off is the REAL poser. A motorbike should just suit the needs and pocketbook of the rider. A crotch rocket is hardly practical in Thailand, but who cares? If the owner likes it then that is all that matters.

    I frequent the same Bars but don't park my bike there but if I wanted to show it off that is the place to park either way your right about one thing if the owner likes it that's all that matters.

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