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Everything posted by dunroaming

  1. It is all irrelevant. The property was split into several flats and it is reported that she was staying there as an Airbnb. Therefore renting on a short term basis.
  2. I am sure locally there would have been plenty of opportunities if that was his intention
  3. I have renewed my passport in Thailand (Chiang Mai) some fifteen years ago and it was very simple, straightforward and easy to do.
  4. Clearly this is just a PR exercise based on nothing more than a disgruntled young man's so called "experience". Everything he writes about life in London is factual but everyone knows that. There appears to be an overwhelming amount of discontent amongst everyone young and old in the UK at the moment.
  5. The Conservatives are pretty much dead in the water after the last few years of screwing up everything they have touched. Two by-elections on Thursday in what should have been safe Conservative seats and Labour wiped the floor with them. But be clear people were not voting Labour in, they are voting to get rid of this shower of inadequate imbeciles.
  6. It sounds like she did confront the Abbot with the evidence video and he threatened her, demanding she delete it. She defied him and reported it. Don't forget she was going up against a figure of enormous authority and power. Easy to say she should have done this and that but she was up against the system and the fact that the police did nothing about it gives an insight into that. The fact that she had to turn to an "influencer" to try to get listened to speaks volumes about the levels of corruption in Thailand.
  7. I agree. But there is a sea change when it comes to peoples attitude to Brexit. Illegal immigration has soared since Brexit and many of the lies that it was based on have now been exposed. However this is not a discussion about Brexit and my only point here is that I feel that there are far less people this time around who would swallow all the Farage bull<deleted>. In several other countries in Europe there has been a noticeable swing to the right and I think that much of that is over illegal and to some extent, legal immigration. In Britain the government have been on a serious immigration drive to replace many of the EU workers we lost over Brexit. Some of that from Africa and the far east where they are fast tracking nurses for the NHS and social care. They have also ramped up overseas recruitment for the universities which brings in big bucks for them, with foreign students paying far more for their places. This doesn't explain all the increased immigration figures but it should be noted that the vast majority of them are legal immigrants and not coming in small boats. There are certainly headlines (from the looney right wing rags) suggesting a Johnson/Farage dream team but I would be amazed if that ever came to fruition. If it did then surely that would be the final nail in the coffin of the Tories!
  8. Interesting points. It has taken a long time for Labour to dump the likes of Abbot and the Corbynites, but finally they realise that the loony left makes them completely unelectable Now you have Starmer being coached by Blair and Mandelson. But no matter how you dress him up, Starmer is no Blair and cannot really bring the party together. In short Labour still doesn't look like a viable government in waiting, However the Tories have systematically screwed up just about everything they have touched and their credibility has been shot to pieces and they are lying (sic) in ruins. The rot really started with Cameron and his austerity measures but things seriously went downhill when Johnson and his ne'er do wells took the reins. No point in repeating the chaos that followed as it is all well documented and indeed continuing. There is no doubt that Farage will try poaching hard right members of the Conservative party for his Reform Party, unless he actually tries to join the Tory party. Problem with that is that it is likely to weaken the Tory Party more. In fact I think that anything that divides the Party even more will have dire consequences in an election. Sunak has virtually no chance of bringing the party together behind him, far too many loose cannons out there. The plotting and scheming behind closed doors is even more prolific now than in Johnson's day. So we don't know when the election will be called but I doubt it will be soon given the disarray that the government is in. And I have gazed out over the horizon and cannot see any knights in shining armour to come and rescue us all. I expect there will be enough people (reluctantly) to hold their respective noses and vote Labour to get them over the line. As for the turnout? Expectations are not high but people may turn out because we desperately need to get rid of this shower of imbeciles. Time will tell!
  9. Were you there? All you have is an opinion and mine is different to yours.
  10. You think this whole thing was a set up to extract money by making a false claim of rape, involving the police? Whatever makes you happy mate.
  11. So you think she was savvy then? Really??
  12. She said no sex if he stayed over and he ignored that and raped her. That's as clear as it gets!
  13. Glad to hear you don't condone rape because that is clearly what it was. Certainly the young lady was naive and it is a hard and brutal lesson for her. Fortunately it is something she can move on from and at least the guy may think twice in the future.
  14. It's about nine years ago but friends of mine from the UK moved to a "retirement home" near to Chiang Mai. They were a couple and the price was for per person sharing. So that would be £3,000 per couple per month now. They paid nearly £2,000 a month back then. I believe there was an in-house restaurant that was adequate but uninspiring. All was fine until they needed quite minor medical care and then the costs escalated substantially. There was also a clause whereby you had to use the medical services available through the resort including dentistry! In the end the financial side became unaffordable and they felt they were being ripped off. However if you are single and in good health then it sounds like a very viable option.
  15. As always on the website, speculation is rife 😂
  16. Well it wasn't exactly Eton so not sure about the fagging 😂. However none of us know about his state of mind or what sort of pressures he was under. Surely the school and his guardians should have been more responsible. The school certainly has a duty of care and they have inhouse counselors to oversee the welfare of their students. I hope they will be held to account for their obvious failings in this case.
  17. I call it as I see it. I lived and had a business in Thailand for over 15 years. I have a Thai wife (been together for over twenty years) and our son was born in Chiang Mai. My wife's family contains several policemen of differing ranks including a police colonel. Her sister manages a local government office in Nakhon Sawan. Most of my information comes from members of her family. I enjoyed my time in Thailand very much and having relatives in the RTP opened quite a few doors for me. As for your point about incest. The report was specifically about an incident in Thailand so obviously that is what I was responding too. Incest is also rife in many African and Asian countries as well as in the west. But the article wasn't about them. Was I bashing Thailand? I took off my rose tinted glasses concerning Thailand many years ago. It has many things to enjoy but like everywhere else it has a dark side.
  18. Actually a mixture of methamphetamine and caffeine.
  19. "we were all allowed to have sex with her as long as we did the vacuuming and washed the dishes." Sounds a bit like my marriage 😄 I was making no judgement call with my comment, but I was referring to Thailand and the situation there, not as a general point of view. Your experiences with your sister and brothers are obviously a private matter for you and your conscience. The legality of your actions may be questionable but hey! Whatever floats your boat.
  20. Or Yaba OR possibly a mental illness that has nothing to do with drugs at all.
  21. No. Her family are made up mainly of police officers of varying ranks. It is not uncommon for them to be involved in domestic violence offences and they often involve rape within families.
  22. Incest has always been rife in Thailand but it is rarely consensual. Brothers, uncles and even fathers are usually the guilty ones. My wife told me that in Thailand mothers are always very wary of leaving their daughters alone with male relatives. Obviously with good cause!
  23. Well I guess he stays in Phuket anyway ????
  24. I assume you mean never confess if you are innocent? But I agree with you. Maybe now they will disconnect the electrical wires from his private parts, put away the waterboarding kit and revert to proper police investigating.
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