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Everything posted by dunroaming

  1. Just been announced that Demonic Raab will stand down at the next general election. Jumping before being pushed! I am a constituent of his and after the last election he lost most of his considerable majority due for his stance over Brexit. About 80% of us were remainers and he just raised a middle finger to us all. Polls, (I know they are a waste of time) have been showing for more than two years that he would finish a poor second in any election (We are in Tory heartland here) but the latest shows he would be lucky to finish third. There are now talks of street parties but I prefer to wait until he has finally gone.
  2. It is not the Russian people responsible for the war in Ukraine, that lies with Putin. Hence the amount of Russian young men trying to flee the call up.
  3. But nobody can point to one positive from Brexit. The most glaring example being the vast increase in immigration, both legal and illegal. Promises based on lies cannot possibly materialise because they were never viable in the first place. I think it is perfectly simple
  4. Thousands do it! A levels finished and off you go travelling. Thailand is a tick box destination at that age. How many chubby 17 year old boys can get told several times every day that they are a "hansum man" by dozens of attractive young girls who are happy to (deleted) your brains out over and over again. The kid is making memories!
  5. It is true that the last general election was a massive endorsement for Johnson's interpretation of what Brexit would bring. But they were all lies and people chose to believe those lies ( at the time). Eventually the lies start to be exposed and that has resulted in the massive losses the Conservatives just suffered in the Local elections that have just been held. Nobody likes to admit that they were sold a pup and amazingly there are still some people STILL in denial!
  6. Of course brexit has failed. It could never have done anything else. It was based on lies so how could it ever been a success. And yet the people responsible for those lies and deceit are still ruling the country today but with a different set of lies and deceit. The only chance the tories have of staying in power is with a complete clear-out of the top table, especially Johnson, Gove, Sunak, Braverman, Patel, Shapps etc. etc. Do it now or we end up with a Labour/Lib dem coalition. The Tories have lost all credibility, nobody believes a word they say!
  7. There are many ways to leave Chiang Mai and the country including land borders.
  8. A few days in jail, a large fine as compensation for the tuk-tuk driver and then be thrown out of Thailand with no chance of return in the near future would be my take on it. More than he would get in Britain but he is not in Britain is he.
  9. The people who voted for her to become Prime Minister are the idiots! Roll on the general election so that we can get rid of this showers of incompetents forever.
  10. Why on earth this woman is given any air time at all is beyond me
  11. The problem is (as always), being in police custody for that amount of time and the manipulating methods of the police to extract confessions, suspects will end up saying anything to end their torture! No good expecting true or accurate confessions from police interrogation. Whatever the real version of the truth is, it is unlikely that any of us will find out.
  12. They are teenagers so of course they take risks, what teenager does'nt. Unfortunately people of all ages die from recreational drug use and alcohol too. It's a sad loss of life whatever age.
  13. I think it helped that this story was reported in the newspapers and actually on BBC news. Also helps that the victim was an attractive young lady. Can't imagine the same concern if it was some drunken fat bald bloke!
  14. The Brexit that people voted for was based on a series of lies. It has been shown over and over again and yet the people responsible for those lies have never been called to account and never will be. Consequently Brexit could never work but still many people are in denial. I understand that, nobody likes to admit that they have been conned. So what next? Those in the government who are still trying to claim that Brexit is a success are rapidly falling by the wayside with all the fantastic new trade deals are not worth the paper they are written on. Illegal immigration continues to rise and we have recruitment campaigns in Africa, India and other non EU countries to try to shore up the exodus of EU workers. The NHS is just about at breaking point thanks to many of the doctors and nurses returning to their own countries in the EU. Brexit is not the cause of all of the UK's woes but it means that moving forward is much harder than most of our neighbours.
  15. Report in the Sun! Total bull as always from that comic.
  16. And most of those people are doctors who can take retirement from the age of 55. So you are correct. But it is because the NHS was devastated by the Exodus of doctors and nurses following Brexit that have never been replaced.
  17. Well that is news around where I live in affluent Surrey. The food banks have more than doubled in the last twelve months and we are being canvassed to support them. My sister lives in Shropshire and the church there have started taking a stall on the weekly market to distribute food to the needy.
  18. Well I would be interested to know what "is beginning to happen". Are you referring to the recession? To the fact that we cannot fill the thousands of jobs in the NHS? The continuing reliance on food banks? Or maybe the government asking retired people to go back to work to sure up the dire labour shortages? Or maybe inflation? Turns out that "project fear" has become "project reality". There is certainly no shortage of options for "beginning to happen" although many of these things have been coming for quite a while. Are the <deleted> still moaning? Absolutely! But with very good reason...
  19. It's all about photo ops and sound bites. Pathetic, but that's all they have got to offer
  20. Brexit was an unmitigated disaster but as always, there will be some brexiteers who will still hide their heads in the sand and put their fingers in their ears and shout Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! Nobody likes to admit they were sold a pup and this was quite a big one! Reports say (ha ha) that less than a third of brexiteers still believe that Brexit was a good thing. Well if that is what the polls say, then I suspect the figure is far greater.
  21. I have got a track record of getting my predictions completely wrong on TV. As in, "No way are the Americans stupid enough to vote in Trump as President" and "the Brits are never going to vote for that clown prince Boris Johnson!" So I am going to now say that France will beat England and knock them out of the world cup, sincerely hoping that this prediction will be as accurate as my previous ones! After all, this is the world cup and strange things happen. Imagine pitching Spain against Morocco for a penalty shootout and Morocco wiping the floor with them!
  22. So you came to a country as an immigrant where many of the locals resent you being here.
  23. Meanwhile the NHS is overwhelmed because they lost the vast majority of doctors and nurses through Brexit. There is consequently a massive recruitment campaign to bring in nurses and doctors from Africa. Farmers are desperate and crops are dying in the fields because they don't have enough pickers. The list is endless. But let's not forget that it is the Brexit lies that are now being exposed and yet we still have the same morons running the country. But you make a valid point that the education system is badly lacking thanks to the continual cuts to the education budgets. And now we are waiting to hear on Thursday that there are going to be more cuts to services.
  24. Well, there are certainly millions who are still in denial, refusing to admit they were sold a pup! Many are now saying "well we are stuck with it now, so we just have to make the best of it". Pathetic and defeatist response.
  25. There are now numerous examples of u-turns about Brexit. In fact it is hard to find anyone who admits to voting for it. The boss of Next (a prominent brexiteer) has now come out pleading for the Prime Minister to relax immigration restrictions as he can't fill the vacancies he has. When asked why, he said that this wasn't the Brexit that he voted for or that was promised to the people. I have no idea why he should be surprised by that. None of us are!
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