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Posts posted by dunroaming

  1. This election will not necessarily put the Brexit debate to bed.  Johnsons deal is like May's deal, not really out completely.  That will lead to years of negotiating a trade deal with the EU and will not (as Johnson claims) be done and dusted by the end of 2020.  A hung parliament would leave us back at square one making it harder for Johnson to push his plans through.  This is another step but in which direction?

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Hugh Lao said:

    As a bystander from Oz, whoever wins will make things interesting. If Boris wins will he leave with no deal? Then it will be interesting to see who is right regarding a post no deal British economy. The remainers or the brexiters. I personally think Britain will end up fine.  If Corbyn wins how long will it take for the economy to crash and burn or will many of the economists also get that wrong and the Uk ends up with a more even society? Somehow I doubt it. Like with most things, the truth normally lies somewhere in the middle. If finance still lends business borrows and consumers spend, the economy will still burble along. The remainers cant lose. If the economy goes down they will blame Brexit. If the economy goes up they will argue it would've gone up more if Britain had remained.

    Fair assessment.  If the Tories get a majority then it would allow Johnson to extract himself from the ERG and the hard Brexiteers and then push through his "fantastic" deal.  That would then be the beginning of a long drawn out negotiating process for a trade deal with the EU.  Johnson's deal is actually just a re-hashed version of May's so we would be half in and half out.  No deal won't happen if Boris is PM.

  3. 10 hours ago, steve187 said:

    lets wait til Thursday evening, early Friday morning, these polling companies are good at getting it wrong, but lets hope the pensioner does'nt win.

    And right on cue the new poll today says that the Tories lead has been slashed!  I think we have all given up listening to polls as they swing one way and then the other.  


    I think the Tories will win, or rather Labour will lose.  A lot of holding your nose voting will go on.  Interesting that my sister, who is a committed leaver and lifetime Conservative  is really struggling this time. She says "How can I vote for a despicable liar like Johnson.  It will be endorsing someone I detest and who is clearly not fit to lead our country?"  Yet she and I know she will do exactly that in the end, as the alternatives are just as onerous to her.  

  4. I have avoided all things to do with this election because it is just churning over the same Brexit arguments over and over again.  We are being led by liars and charlatans and to hear these people being defended when they should all be ridiculed is truly disgusting.  None are worthy of our votes but we cannot sit on our hands and then blame everyone else for the way they voted.


    For me it is all about trying to get rid of the hideous Demonic Raab, my local MP and I will be voting accordingly though it will be through gritted teeth.

  5. 21 hours ago, lungbing said:

    Labour have no idea outside the Islington dinner party set.

    Used to be that way certainly and still is with the middle grounders but Corbyn is much too far left for all that.  


    Head to head later today with Johnson and Corbyn.  I expect Johnson will win that one hands down.  He is much better at pulling the wool over the eyes of the electorate than poor old Jeremy who still insists on sitting on the fence and dithering.

  6. 4 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    This girl admits to dancing with Andrew in a London nightclub and later going back to a flat with him for sex. Even if that is true, that is hardly being trafficked or forced. The acts she decribed seem to have been done willingly.

    She said that she was pressured to go out with him and have sex with him.  So all depends on whether she and all the other girls in Epstein's "world" are lying or not.  With Epstein being "silenced" you would think that there is plenty of weight to the allegations. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. Andrew was always led by his dick in his younger days and even ended up marrying that old slapper Fergie.  The advantage of being the brother to the heir is that you get a lot more freedom to push the royal envelope and screw around.  Never the sharpest knife in the box as is being displayed by this train wreck now.


    This wouldn't be getting the attention it is if it wasn't for the lack of real news out there.  Everyone is sick of Brexit and it is a bit of light relief to that.  Andrew may squirm a bit for a few days but come election day it will be forgotten completely. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, WillyPlatt said:

    Churchill allegedly said 'If your not a socialist in your 20s, you don't have a heart. If your not a capitalist in your 30s, you don't have a brain.'

    A lot of Margaret Thatcher supporters most likely said one thing and voted another.

    No doubt a number of this forum's brave brothers and comrades do the same.


    We are all hypocrites, even those in denial

    • Haha 1
  9. 53 minutes ago, WillyPlatt said:

    May's election disaster happened because she had the personality of a brick.

    May made ill judged TV appearances where this was highlighted even more.

    Corybn came across as a robin hood character in an age of austerity.

    He is a good campaigner and will always have the support of the something for nothing brigade.

    For example, non taxpayers playing the benefit system and a bunch of university students, not to mention the unions.

    Sir John Curtice says the chances of a Corybn majority is as close to zero as possible.

    He agrees with the bookies 4/7 on for a Tory majority.

    Lib Dems and Brexit party poll ratings are going down.

    Corybn should do well in the TV debates.


    Interesting take on Labour supporters.  You have Unions who are trying to protect their jobs and income and non taxpaying benefit dodgers who are trying hard not to have a job and income.  University students who have always backed the socialist Labour Party!  I remember those days very clearly even though most (like me) go on to vote Tory once they are making proper money in the real world.


    Reports constantly say that Labour is no longer the party for the working classes.  Other reports say that we are a middle class society now.  Are the Tories still the party for the wannerbe middle class and fat cats?  And what do we call those who can't find work now they  have lost their jobs due to the companies closing down and are using food banks to survive? It's all very confusing for those who have to put labels on everything and every body.

  10. 10 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    Pretty sad state of affairs when people are so skint that they would sell out their own country for a % of gdp or 10,000 baht a month extra on their pension. Fortunately you guys are the minority and always will be.

    And yet the pensioners were predominantly those voting leave and the leave campaign was all about how we would have more money if we left the EU, AKA the bus.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    Latest polls indicate a Boris/Tory clear majority of 60 seats. I find that hard to imagine, but that is clearly what is being forecast.

    Polls are universally unreliable and are usually proved to be wrong.  Having said that I am not surprised by it showing the Tories with a strong lead.  With Labour still sitting on the fence and Corbyn in charge it is unlikely that people would admit to wanting to vote for them.


    It would be much simpler if the main parties ditched all this campaign brown stuff and just simplified their approach.  After all this is just about Brexit and all the rest is hot air and empty promises.  How about


    Vote Tory for a no-deal Brexit

    Vote Labour for a second referendum

    Vote Lib Dems to stop Brexit.


    That would at least de-personalise it.  It then wouldn't be about voting for Boris or Corbyn or that Swinson woman.  It would cut through all the bluster and leave you with a clear distinction.  It would in effect be another referendum but that is what it more or less is anyway.  All the rest is just window dressing. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, vogie said:

    Labour keeping up????, by my reckoning they're a country mile ahead, free broadband, only going to cost us 86 billion. Oh and free uni tuition fees are back by popular demand, they said they really mean it this time.

    Sometimes it's very hard to tell if Boris is lying or not, with Labour they just havn't mastered the skill just yet.????

    Still the Tories are the party for the working class now, long live the revolution.????

    For Labour to give us all free broadband they plan to re-nationalise BT.  But let's not get carried away.  Neither party will deliver what they promise, just like Brexit it is all hot air and bull.  But they know they don't have to.  As long as enough people buy all the hype they will win and then we are stuck with the muppets for another five years!

  13. 5 minutes ago, vogie said:

    So now we have remainers hanging on to Nigel Farages every word, who would have thunk that.

    I am loving the way that Farage still thinks he should be taken seriously and how the Tory Party are running scared enough to do exactly that!  It's got nothing to do with being a remainer or a leaver.  This election is proving to be exactly what people predicted.  Who can get away with the biggest lies wins.  Unfortunately Labour are having trouble keeping up.  I guess it is the price of sitting on the fence for too long. 

    • Haha 1
  14. 7 hours ago, evadgib said:

    This has been superseded by the overnight revelation made by Farage, Doris Karloff, and a BP panelist on BBC QT (3 separate claims) that the tories (inc No 10) had contacted & coerced multiple BP candidates to stand down, offering peerages and other inducements as they go.


    Richard Tice/The BP have contacted all candidates & will compile a dossier of supporting evidence shortly.





    Boris was asked about it on the BBC news channel this morning and denied it.  We all know that is a lie.  Who would have thought the PM's behaviour is making Nigel look like a poor victim ???? 

  15. 2 hours ago, evadgib said:

    What's up with Raab or is this just because the posters having a pop at him are on the opposing side?


    Serious question as I know little about him either way.

    Raab is my local MP.  So it is far more than his position on Brexit even though his constituents voted by nearly 80% to remain.  When challenged on this he simply raises his middle finger.  More than that he does little for his constituents treating the majority like plebs.  He totally relies on the old school retired majors of which there are many! Enough to save him?  Maybe.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Kadilo said:

    ...... and yet the Tories still can’t get a majority Government .


    As someone living in the UK I can say that we are bombarded with this constant barrage of electioneering rubbish every day.  You can find a poll telling you that Screaming Lord Sutch is going to win by a landslide if you look hard enough. 


    It is not so much about the Tories winning as Labour (under Corbyn) losing.  All those years ago when Thatcher lost the plot, it would have made sense for Labour to move in and win an election.  However with Kinnock as leader that was never going to happen because just like now, he was unelectable. In the end it was the Tories who saw the end of Thatcher.


    It is most likely that the Tories will win the election, it is more about the majority they can achieve (if any). For me it is about doing my bit locally and our focus is to get rid of Raab.  An uphill battle in Tory heartland.  Obviously Labour is an non starter in leafy Surrey so we are turning our attention to getting the Lib Dems to topple him.  Time will tell and we are waiting to see if the Brexit Party field a candidate here.  If they do then they will probably do the job for us.

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