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Posts posted by dunroaming

  1. 1 hour ago, timendres said:

    Tased and zip-tied. Face in the asphalt. Straight to a holding cell.

    At a major international airport - federal charges.

    Daddy would be coughing up serious money to lawyers.

    Tempting and I think he should have been restrained pretty quickly.  But two or three cops could have restrained him without resorting to Tasing.  He wasn't armed or in fact particularly dangerous.  Just a sad, fat, drunk.  

    • Like 1
  2. Started looking through the main points of Johnson's deal.  Not easy to make sense of (at least for me) with lot's of fudges and ambiguous statements.  EU law being cut and pasted into British law as we all knew and a new committee is being set up to protect EU citizens rights and keeping the EU's working time directive.  Clearly that is intended to placate and bring on board some Labour rebels.  Transition period will be in place and full commitment to pay all the money due to Brussels.  So far it seems to be heavily weighted towards the EU and certainly worse than May's deal.


    You can see why Boris wanted to bounce this through before there was time for proper scrutiny.

    • Like 2
  3. 12 hours ago, nausea said:

    Don't care anymore, took the plunge and transferred money over, and have a steady pension income, so whichever way it goes I win/lose. I'm now looking at a 2 year window for them to sort this mess out. I must say, it's been an eye-opener to me, like, the way politics works.

    It's been an eye opener for me too.  I thought for a long time that politicians were pretty low life, especially when they were supposed to be representing the people, but never at this level.  Leaver or remainer we are all in the same boat and the fallout from all this will affect every one of us.


    Politics in Britain are broken and it may be that way for years to come.  We need to clear out all the dross and start again but who is there to get behind and trust.  I don't see any from the current shower. 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    You can pretend all you like but you know exactly what I mean and would be in agreeance had it been Miller-esque in reverse.


    Here's an example of a bloke working for Bliar painting Boris in exactly the same manner...


    No body trusts Johnson.  He has proved to be a dodgy con-man who lies at the drop of a hat.  Kind of like an Arthur Daley character on heat (literally) 

    • Like 2
  5. 6 minutes ago, Forethat said:

    Care to wager?


    IF there is a second referendum and Remain wins, I'll log out of TVF never to return again. If Leave wins you leave TVF for good.



    Well I would take that wager ????


    The constant argument seems to be that the people all want to leave and a few remain politicians are stopping that from happening.  The argument for the other side is that people have changed their minds now they know the reality of what Brexit means.  That is then countered by the claim that if there was a second referendum even more people would vote to leave!


    Only one way to find out but it appears the Brexiteers are too frit to test it.  I wonder why?

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  6. 3 minutes ago, el torro said:

    It's not that suprising - we're all sick and tired of the fiasco, and (as far as I can make out) the Boris deal means leave at the end of 2020?

    Boris's deal is just about the leaving bit.  After that we have to negotiate trade deals and to get them that will involve commitments to abide by EU rules and regulations.  That is why this deal works so well for the EU.  The EU laws are being (many already done) cut and pasted into British law.  As for controlling our own borders, we are on a recruiting drive to bring people here from abroad to replace the EU citizens who are choosing to now leave.  The vast majority of those people work in the National Health Service.


    So this withdrawal agreement is just round one of a very long and tedious process.  It will go on for years 



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  7. On 10/20/2019 at 1:49 AM, MarineEquine said:

    It was a bad deal. The UK would still have been subservient to the EUSSR. No Deal is better than a bad deal. 

    Well it is certainly a poor deal for the UK and quite a good one for the EU.  You would think the ERG and hard line Brexiteers would be fighting this deal tooth and nail. They did May's deal.  And yet they are not and the blame for the delay (stall) is placed at the remainers door.  But I think that the Letwin amendment helps Boris's deal.  Nobody trusts Johnson to play a straight bat and rightly so.  But if the amendment really takes no-deal off of the table I believe people will (reluctantly) vote it through.


    It isn't a hard Brexit and not a ridiculously soft one either.  It shows that it wasn't possible to get a better deal than May got without selling the DUP down the river.  Exactly what Boris has done.  Farage is screaming that it isn't Brexit at all but that idiot would do.


    So I think the deal will go through and the champagne corks will be popping in Brussels.  The pound will strengthen somewhat but not by that much because we are still a long way off of agreeing free trade deals.


  8. 1 hour ago, el torro said:

    Thank you for that silly article from (unsuprisingly) - the 'Independent' newspaper.


    What on earth went wrong?  I used to read the Independent, and found it mostly boring, but occasionally interesting.  The Guardian was my 'paper of choice' until the saga of brexit.


    Nowadays, they're as biased as the obvious tabloids :sad:.

    You are right all the newspapers are biased, they always have been when it comes to political opinions.  Then again why do we buy the newspapers we do?  For their fair and balanced reporting or for them reflecting our view and biases?  No brainer really.  It's nearly always spin, one way or another.


    Inevitably our opinions are influenced by the media as we choose who to believe.  Then those opinions become hard and fast facts in our heads.  Of course this is true! I read it in The...…….. 

  9. 7 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    More posturing from the EU. Of course they will approve an extension, their scheming bureaucrats working with the traitorous UK MP's was always aimed at preventing us leaving. They will extend and request we vote again, because they didn't like the answer they got last time. Democracy, EU style.




    Of course the EU want this deal to go through, Johnson has conceded in many aspects and it is certainly a good deal for them.  The people who should by angry and trying to stop the deal would be the ERG and all the hard line Brexiteers, but somehow they think the deal is acceptable.  Amazing how easily they have folded.



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  10. Moving on...


    "The Evening Standard can reveal that members of the European Research Group of hardline Eurosceptics are seeking advice from the Attorney General to support their view that if no trade deal is agreed with the EU by the end of 2020, Britain could switch by default from full EU rules to World Trade Organisation terms."


    Just when you thought....

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