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Everything posted by dunroaming

  1. Much easier to identify than that. It's brexit and at last people can see that. Not just brexit though. Bad governance for the last ten years or so and incompetent morons who have systematically destroyed what was once a great country. Our failure to keep to deals agreed by Johnson and his cronies means we can no longer be trusted and that trust will take a long time to restore.
  2. Certainly could apply to many other ethnicities. On the other hand, my son is eighteen and we live in the UK. Girls here tend to be far more "positive" about such things. They all seem to carry condoms at all times and boys are not only expected to wear them but virtually have to pass a physical to be allowed anywhere near the treasure trove! ????
  3. Well in the cases I quoted, the Nanny was in a relationship with a boy from her village and when she fell pregnant, he did a runner! My wife's niece was given too much alcohol at a party and was pretty much raped. She was terrified that her father would find out (he was quite a senior policeman) and it would bring disgrace to the family. Hence my wife's involvement and our housekeeper's daughter was bullied into it by a family member. She was 14 years old. I think you will find many instances where the girl has little say in whether the Thai man/boy uses contraceptives.
  4. I have said this before, but it very much depends on where you are in Thailand. I lived in Chiang Mai for thirteen years and left in 2010. In the preceding three years we had occasion to use the Chiang Mai "Family Planning Clinic" to get terminations for three girls. One being our nanny, one being the daughter of our housekeeper and one for my wife's niece. You simply went to the clinic and the female concerned was interviewed and explained she was in no position to keep the child. Then you paid the fee (can't remember how much exactly but not excessively expensive) and they did the procedure there and then. My wife took the girls and I waited outside in the car. I was told it was best if I wasn't seen at all. An hour or so later the "patient" was sent home and told to rest for a couple of days.
  5. The problem with government reports is that they are government reports. Let's not pretend that they will be accurate at any level. I live in Tory heartland (my local MP is Raab) and for the first time I am getting requests to support our local food banks which are opening up all over the borough. They are also looking for volunteers to man them.
  6. I am quoting Shell because they are the latest to declare, but all the oil companies are making record profits. The government are coming under more and more pressure to impose proper windfall taxes.
  7. Yes, this time more in line with ones imposed by the other European countries for the current crisis. Shell have just announced a profit of 8 billion pounds, just about double to last year. There is a 25% windfall tax but that can be mainly offset by a "commitment" to more investment. Good news though. At least Hunt is "mulling" a windfall tax on banks, contrary to Johnson and Trusses position before. The right of the party must be pulling their hair out!
  8. Well you could start with a windfall tax to the energy companies like in the rest of Europe. That way the public debt would be reduced drastically and not lay with the tax payers to pick up the bill. Fat chance with these cretins though as they are in their pockets. Sunak's cabinet line up confirms yet again that it is jobs for the boys and girls who supported his leadership bid. Expect more of the same from the same inadequates.
  9. The government knew that the Conservative members wouldn't vote in Sunak (a man of colour as you put it) so had to get to the position of cutting them out and just putting forward him as the only candidate. Many of them will be squirming in their beds now. I agree that having him as PM is the best option for the Conservatives at the moment but more importantly for the economy. He is a Goldman Sachs man through and through.
  10. Problem is that only the current government can call an early general election and this shower are never going to do that knowing that they would lose by a country mile. Therefore, another change of PM is the most likely while the country screams and shouts but has no influence whatsoever.
  11. Pound dropped back again and now one cent back up. Hunt making an emergency statement in ten minutes time that should bring the pound up again, but we are in the deep brown stuff yet again thanks to the morons in government. New Prime Minister anyone? Beggars belief but no surprise with this shower in charge. Desperately need a general election, but more importantly, a viable opposition party!!!
  12. A British national called Mr. Tacker. What "shade" do you think he is then? Thailand has always attracted "Farangs" looking for underage girls and boys. Along with plenty of other ethnicities.
  13. Now hearing that most Tory voters are saying that Sunak would make a better PM than Truss. Beggars belief!!!!!
  14. Seems that some are still singing from an old song sheet. The Labour Party started their conference by singing the national anthem. The likes of Corbyn and Abbot are long gone with Starmer taking his lead from the right wing leaning Tony Blair. Just for clarity, I have never voted Labour and would sooner eat my own teeth than do that in the future. But it is clear that Britain cannot continue with these morons running the country into the ground. A cabinet full in incompetents put in place by the most incompetent of them all. There needs to be a complete overhaul of politics and politicians in the UK. There are simply no contenders at the moment who can turn this around. Problem is that the general public haven't got the wherewithal to see beyond the same old Tory or Labour boxes to tick. It has been said for years now that "we are in uncharted waters" or "we are in unprecedented times" and then just carrying on in the same way. We have a Prime Minister and Chancellor who are in hiding (though unlike Johnson, not in a fridge or a shed) and getting underlings to face the difficult questions. This is no way to "run" a country. Screaming for a general election isn't going to fix this because you are then left with having to vote for the same inadequates and ne'er do wells that are in place now. And I don't have the answer, but maybe we should have teams of experts calling the shots rather than a room full of amateurs who go from Health Minister to Home Secretary are the drop of a hat.
  15. Full of admiration for the way she kept it all together under enormous pressure.
  16. Short answer would be yes, but I think the pound could well fall further. I moved my business base to Europe when Brexit was announced, whilst still living in the UK. I therefore trade predominantly in Euros with a sterling option. The situation in UK is dire and with these charlatans in charge will only get worse in the short term. I have been a Conservative all of my life but last time voted Lib Dem. No general election in sight so the present government will milk it as much as they can until they get kicked out! So, I will wait for now but keep as much of my profits in Euros as I can, until I see where Britain and the pound are going to end up.
  17. This is much bigger than Russia invading Ukraine. It is Putin's play for power and that is why the international response has been so strong.
  18. Unlikely he will stand down unless ill health forces it. He has declared that he will "serve" until he pops his clogs and Camilla will see that he keeps to that. Charles is a marmite figure with more people disliking him than the other way round. The monarchy will never be the same again now that the Queen has died. I have never been a royalist by any stretch of the imagination and think that they are all unworthy with the exception of William and Kate. Difficult to get my head around saying King Charles without tagging on Spaniel at the end
  19. I wonder if Thailand will have a royal representative at the Queen's funeral?
  20. He is right that some tourists come for just that. However there are many who come predominantly for the nightlife and girls. You can probably now add those who will be attracted by the easy access and legality of cannabis. Bangkok has long been known as the party city of South East Asia and that isn't going to change anytime soon
  21. I moved back to the UK from Thailand nearly twelve years ago. I brought my Thai wife with me and our son who was then seven. We settled in Surrey but very close to South West London where I had lived before. We were then guided by Offsted reports to get our boy into a good state school. I know Brighton very well and we often go there for weekends. I have a very close friend who lives there with his family. Firstly, using Brighton as a comparison is ludicrous, as it has house prices close to Central London, along with 5* restaurants on almost every corner. Pattaya is way off of mark for any Thai comparison. Silom in Bangkok would be closer the mark but still a poor comparison. I would suggest that Southend on Sea is more in line. Lots of cheap places to eat and a raucous and rowdy nightlife. Plenty of drunks vomiting up their shish kebabs and party girls staggering about and peeing on the seafront. Away from the seafront, there are numerous B&Bs for all budgets. (My apologies to any Essex ex-pats in Thailand, I am simply painting the picture). And yes I do know Southend, as my sister lives in Hockley, just down the road. My wife still visits her family in Thailand and often stays with our friends in Chiang Mai. According to her, the smart restaurants are very close, price wise, to the ones near us. Hotels are less expensive in Thailand for what you get, compared to the bigger chains in the UK but budget hotels like Travelodge and Premier Inn tend to be cheaper. House rents on the other hand are much cheaper in Thailand apart from parts of Bangkok and Phuket. Food in the markets is obviously cheaper,but the supermarket prices are quite comparable. Wine in the UK is cheaper but Beer is more expensive. But quite honestly, these comparisons are rubbish. Whatever I quote, somebody else can quote something different. The only thing I would say is that, at the moment, Britain is going through all sorts of serious problems caused by different factors, including, the war, massive inflation, global warning and the disastrous effects of Brexit. So for now, I would sit tight in Thailand if I were you.
  22. Of course it's not our fault, it's the French. Without Brexit there wouldn't be the border checks that are causing the chaos. The border checks that Johnson, Rees Mogg, Davis and the rest of the toe rags promised wouldn't happen. The "Led By Donkeys" video has the actual recordings of them all saying that on camera!
  23. The list is extensive. Can't be bothered to do your research for you. But for those so blinkered they cannot see, probably best to stay in ignorance.
  24. Breaking almost all the agreements Johnson made including the Northern Irish Protocol with legal action looming. Dover gridlocked this weekend with lorries parked up on the side of the motorway and people waiting up to twelve hours trying to get to France for their holiday. Prices soaring and shortages in just about everything including medicines and essentials. So pleased I moved my business base to the Netherlands but would welcome the opportunity to bring it back to the UK one day. Slowly people are realising the total screw up Johnson has made of the whole deal and the lies he told to "Get Brexit Done".
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