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Everything posted by dunroaming

  1. Not necessarily. Obviously he used his hands for the massage so could be that. Doesn't make it any less valid as it was still a very serious offence.
  2. Yes indeed. Go Boris! If only he would, but I fear he will hang on until he is dumped by his own party
  3. Oliver Dowden was one of Johnson's most loyal supporters but even he couldn't keep defending the lying, cheating despicable Prime Minister any longer. Johnson won't resign and listening to the numerous press conferences he is giving, it is pertinent to note that not once has he acknowledged that the reason for the failure at the by-elections is anything to do with him. No doubt that there will be the inevitable plotting behind locked doors, but it will work much better for Labour and the Lib-Dems for him to remain screwing the Conservative Party from the front.
  4. Nostalgia alert! It was twenty one years ago when I first moved to Chiang Mai and rented an apartment in Rimping Condo. At that time my food shop was always at Tops in KSK or Central as we farangs called it. Tuk-Tuk was fifty baht each way with a ten baht tip. After my girlfriend (now my wife) moved in with me the Tuk-Tuk fare miraculously became thirty baht each way or fifty baht return, with the driver waiting for us. But as I am sure many of you ex-pats will relate to, shopping became a whole different ball game with her arrival. Warorot market replaced Tops for all the fresh food although we still used supermarkets for meat and frozen stuff. So KSK was a once in a while visit that was eventually replaced by Airport Plaza. Once we discovered Rimping Supermarket we rarely went anywhere else, even though my wife never stopped complaining about the prices!
  5. Cannabis is so readily available in the UK it is unlikely that anyone is going to rush over to Thailand because it is now legalised. Thailand has long been a country of choice for backpackers as drugs and cheap booze are, and always have been, readily available. This goes right back to the sixties. My first trip, (excuse the pun) was actually in 1969 as a continuation of my odyssey to India. And that brings me on to another point about cannabis in general. Just about everyone I know have smoked it at some point. Many have enjoyed the odd joint over the years and still do. Smoking cannabis isn't just about kids today, most of the people I know who still enjoy it are drawing their pensions these days.
  6. Looking at the cost of living rises in the UK and many other countries, I completely understand that Thailand offers far better value than most when it comes to budgeting. So for the pensioner expats it makes more sense to stay put in Thailand.
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