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Pink Mist

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Everything posted by Pink Mist

  1. Continued Troll posts and bickering ones have been removed. Please stay on topic and do not hijack the OP by discussing anything other than: Free circumcision program for young Muslim in Pattaya a cut above the rest
  2. Troll posts and off topic posts removed. The topic is: "Free circumcision program for young Muslim in Pattaya a cut above the rest"
  3. Post removed. 7. You will not post defamatory or libelous comments. Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person or business to suffer harm or loss. A statement does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either as a drawing, picture, painting, motion picture, film, or letters made visible by any means or by broadcasting, dissemination or propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand and elsewhere in ASEAN.
  4. Off topic posts as well as bickering posts have been removed. Next time suspensions will be levied. Stay civil to each other and remember the forum rules. 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed. 10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion. 11. You will not troll or stalk other members by misusing forum posts, private messages, reactions, emojis or by any other means.
  5. A series of baiting and bickering posts have been removed. Stay on Topic and quit bickering with each other.
  6. Personal Attacks between posters have been removed. Stop now or both face a posting suspension. 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed.
  7. A misinformation post has been removed. Covid is not the Flu.
  8. Off topic posted videos have been removed.
  9. Inflammatory Troll Posts have been removed. Stick to the OP Topic and remember the forum rules. 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed. 10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
  10. A reported post has been removed along with others. Stay civil and stop the baiting and bickering.
  11. Troll posts have been removed. Please stay on topic, stop trolling and baiting your fellow forum members, you know who you are. Keep it up and a suspension will be levied.
  12. A personal attack has been removed. Continue and you will be suspended. 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed.
  13. A baiting post has been removed. This is the last time, stay on topic or you will be suspended.
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