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Pink Mist

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Everything posted by Pink Mist

  1. A misinformation post has been reported and removed.
  2. A post baiting another forum member as well as a reply have been removed.
  3. Off topic posts and a post with unsubstantiated claims have been removed.
  4. A post in violation of Forum Rules has been removed as well as a response. 17. The ASEAN NOW news team gathers and disseminates news bulletins from Thai and international sources, and republishes them in the news forums for our members' information and enjoyment. Our news team works hard to bring quality content to the news forums and should be respected for their efforts. Comments such as "slow news day" or "clickbait headline" are disrespectful and unwelcome. Such comments will be sanctioned. Original articles, especially in the Thai or foreign language press can sometimes have grammatical mistakes or misspellings. ASEAN NOW is not responsible for these nor does ASEAN NOW have the right to alter content it is reprinting from another source. Similarly, ASEAN NOW is not responsible for any opinions reflected or quoted in reprinted news stories.
  5. OP has been locked and closed due to it's Trolling nature. 10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
  6. Some people do make mistakes in life. It does not make one a criminal. Mental health issues are not immediately known in folks until diagnosed. May he RIP.
  7. A personal attack has been removed. Continue attacking posters and you will be suspended.
  8. An off topic post as well as a Troll post have been removed. Links have been provided to uphold the post posted by another. Please discuss the OP Topic and not another poster.
  9. here is one for you that I will provide https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-carlson-fox-news-racism-great-replacement_n_6446e9cce4b04997b5734f22 Regardless of who takes over, Carlson has already changed the network — and the country. For years, he used his cable news platform not only to broadcast racist conspiracy theories, but to bring televised racism into the 21st century and this one https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tucker-carlson-fired-worst-things-he-said-racism-immigrants-1234722751/ The Fox host was a staunch opponent of the Black Lives Matter movement, and often invoked racist tropes and stereotypes to justify violence and discrimination against Black Americans. On June 3, 2020, Carlson centered his monologue around a montage of unarmed Black Americans who were killed by police, laying out his reasoning as to why each victim deserved to have been killed.
  10. For those that believe Tucker is a fan of his former workplace leaders and is truly a Trump supporter, this might make your eyes gloss over and basically implies why he was let go. Many e-mails of Carlson's were sent to Dominion during the lead-up to the hearing. Defamation suit produced trove of Tucker Carlson messages (msn.com) After saying it was “pretty disgusting” that more attorneys hadn’t pushed back on the claims of Trump’s attorneys who were trying to overturn the election results, Carlson wrote: “And now Trump, I learned this morning, is sitting back and letting them lose the senate. He doesn’t care. I care. I’ve got four kids and plan to live here.”
  11. Collecting more testimony and evidence to make the case airtight it appears. Investigations like this do take time to get all if the T's crossed and I's dotted. Will be an interesting case as it involves many of Trumps associates as well as he himself.
  12. Does this mean that FOX News is going to return to being " Fair and Balanced" in order to ressurect itself? One can only hope....
  13. Is FOX news now returning to being " Fair and Balanced" to save itself?
  14. A trolling portion of a post has been removed as well as a posted reply. The OP topic is not regarding emoji use. The OP is: Thai food and A/C
  15. Bickering posts have been removed. Please keep it civil and move on. Next time suspensions will be levied.
  16. Two posts without substantiation of posted information as to who the poster is referring to have been removed.
  17. A troll post moving the OP off topic has been removed.
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