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Pink Mist

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Everything posted by Pink Mist

  1. Very true. The property we are in has over 400 homes between all of the gated areas. The company which runs it is a corporate company owned by foreigners and Thais. The properties are in the names of the companies owners.
  2. If my spouse was Thai I would have bought a house with the Land and had a usufruct. Both my spouse and I are listed on the house registration and on the leasehold so she can keep on moving forward. The leasehold has a clause which also allows for the purchaser, if I decide to sell, to have the leasehold start over for another 30 years.
  3. The land lease I have has been registered at the Land Office and I have copies in both Thai and English. It also shows a right of survivorship to my spouse. Same as my house registration.
  4. Yes you have made that clear as your view. We can agree to disagree and move on. My views obviously are to expensive.
  5. Did you see my voting party I posted above in one of my posts. Completely different views and not those of Dems either.
  6. You are correct. Most of those leasehold that will be renewed are gated developments where the developer, land owners are also the property managers. I am talking about many houses and not your typical 1 house built on land owned by a relatives friend.
  7. Return to the beginning, as in the way we vote, nothing radical like what the MAGA republicans want, as that's not what I meant.
  8. Leaseholds can be extended at the Land office with the Land owner.
  9. Looks like a big series of quakes since yesterday looking at the info.
  10. When the tides out there is a small beach area, but in the dark it's not a good idea at all to try and walk down them.
  11. Yes here is some information on that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_standard#:~:text=The gold standard was the,ending the Bretton Woods system. The gold standard was the basis for the international monetary system from the 1870s to the early 1920s, and from the late 1920s to 1932 as well as from 1944 until 1971 when the United States unilaterally terminated convertibility of the US dollar to gold, effectively ending the Bretton Woods system. The gold standard was abandoned due to its propensity for volatility, as well as the constraints it imposed on governments: by retaining a fixed exchange rate, governments were hamstrung in engaging in expansionary policies to, for example, reduce unemployment during economic recessions.[9][10]
  12. Was just down in HH, this is a picture of the moss on those steps, or seawall. Downright dangerous even in the daytime.
  13. Standing at the edge of the chasm, looking down, and yet thet are ready to try and cross the deep dark chasm they have created. Now that's overreaching. Standing behind the former POTUS is a dangerous agenda.
  14. Sometimes you need to return to the beginning and rebuild. Of course that is just my view as two wrongs do not ever make a right.
  15. Now your getting close to baiting. Read the posts I made however you want. At no time did I claim to be a denialist or post any verbiage to indicate any type of rhetoric except the analogy of participation trophies. My posts have been in regards to manual hand counts and that's it. Agree to disagree with your viewpoints about why bother. I am a conservative liberal who votes accordingly, not a fan of the two parties by any means. Tell us how the voting should be done to shut down the issues you post about, denialists
  16. As I indicated as well, you can not please all of the people all of the time only some of the people. Enjoy.
  17. I posted to indicate where I believe the problems started, nothing more. You are correct that the biggest complainer has been the former POTUS who can never admit he has done anything wrong or lost. It's what feeds the class of people, his support base, I indicated by posting what I did about getting participation trophies without actually earning the trophy as a winner, and how they in turn follow his lead, ergo all of the recounts being done across the country try for different offices. My take, on what Shasta County is doing, is it will shut these type of people down. No room for error as hand counting is what is done now when a vote is disputed, or am I wrong?
  18. At the end of the day it's a subject that grinds on all sides. No one wants to ever admit defeat, hence giving out participation awards to kids, its teaches them they are still in it and somebody must have cheated to get the bigger awards. Like claiming the vote was rigged or stolen. Where do we begin to end the appeasement of all.
  19. Unfortunately, you can not please all of the people just some of the people. The current divisiveness between all sides needs to be put aside in order to move forward.
  20. Nowhere did I indicate anything in regards to voter fraud, but I see where your going with that train of thought. The point I am making is that if we did it the old way before todays issues, then the US could be seen as doing things which correct certain social issues. Just for information, I received two mail in ballots this past voting cycle here in Thailand. Had I returned them both might they have been both counted, or both thrown out by virtue of voting twice, just a thought.
  21. A troll post degrading the US Citizens has been removed. Please remain civil.
  22. This should be the gold standard, but in the new age folks want to know immediately upon the polls closing, and it has lead us to where we are now. If all ballots were checked along with ID and checked off on the master list at each of the polls this would help, but it would be very time consuming, to time consuming for many with hidden agendas. Look how long the hanging chad controversy took to eliminate in Florida so many years ago. If that's the way things are to be done then elections need to be held in June of the election year instead of November to give time to count and recount as folks now wish. Just my view however.
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