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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. I recently (few weeks ago) transferred via Bangkok Bank NY branch.
  2. I have heard 7 days for CW but have always done last biz day before so Friday OK for a Monday. Best have 1 year statement also to be sure - they have never handed mine back. Bank book must be updated on the day and photocopy of that page also. After finish at bank pay in Bt 1000 and then withdraw day attend CW then update passbook in wall machine and photocopy. HTH
  3. Via Bangkok Bank New York branch or was that what Fidelity blocked?. I can do through Interactive Brokers.
  4. Toothpaste. All brands are like chalk dissolved in engine oil and very low quality vs European product. Colgate "professional clean" is nearest to Eur quality.
  5. Me too. It was always that way with the old 90 day interface, and i can't imagine they have thought to accommodate 'in country' passport changes in the new one.
  6. I hope that means they can be done online as before without having to reenter to get in the 90 day database with new pp number..
  7. Yes I guessed that, but i am wondering what paperwork they would require for you to do that.
  8. As per other thread, I meant when the next one comes due with new passport number.
  9. Joe, I meant when the next one comes due with new passport number. What paperwork is required to do the report with a new passport number - I can't imagine "none".
  10. For those who transferred stamps, what was required for new passport 90 day report? New TM 30?
  11. For those who transferred stamps, what was required for new passport 90 day report? New TM 30?
  12. You will need a bank account using an agent, and it has to be one of the banks they deal with - check in advance. People are posting that it is getting very difficult to open a bank account and agents are now assisting with this for a fee.
  13. Seems it is very recent or is random - maybe just one supervisor at one set of desks and some on here went to those desks and others didn't? I thought because I was using an agent there might have been an assumption that there was "facilitation" of my extension and thus further "facilitation" could be asked, and the agents asking who did my extension (me) supports that, but others are saying they did everything themselves and got asked. The agents reaction to my "huh?" was "look it's not me, they are asking for more and more documents now" Maybe we are at the start of a new round of tightening.
  14. If you are addressing me, I already stated that due to illness I didn't really want to go to CW otherwise I would have done it myself like I do for annual extension. It is my understanding that 90 day and transfer stamps do not require my physical presence. Fact is by using an agent I have avoided 3 trips to CW and it's 4 hour wait times (my experience with extension last time and with a 90 day report). As others have stated showing a bank book has not previously been a requirement so why would I have gone to the bank and got a letter in advance? . Legitimate companies I worked for used agents for visa and WP.
  15. The only comment I have heard on those is that the IO knows what you have done, but if it is entered into the system they don't question it/you about it. Now, if someone low level at a regional office was freelancing, as I think recently happened................
  16. If they are done within 'the system' they are regarded as the same. Problems occur when the stamp comes from some lower level person freelancing on their own behalf. This is what gets busted. Outright fakes also are out there.
  17. both passports, bank book was all that was needed. My concern was that they might not recognise the old extension not yet transferred to the new passport, but they absolutely knew old extension valid even if not in new passport.
  18. Everybody has to be inconvenienced to provide bank statements so that they can catch out somebody who had 400k in the bank but forgot his bank would deduct bt200 for the debit card. As always, collective punishments just in case one person might get away with something.
  19. So unnecessary and superfluous. Can they really not wait until the full year is up to cancel some non compliers visa. ?
  20. This kind of thing........................Who would think to update their bank book and get a bank letter when nowhere does it say that is needed. (obviously the person who will come in and say that Imm make the rules and it is up to us to comply)
  21. just come back from doing it with no problems. Accepted new passport with no stamp tyransfer recognising stamp in old one valid. I needed a valid passport for letters and that is the new one. Old one would no do as corner cut off. Needed both to change passport in bank system.
  22. Yes had Embassy letter, and yes you may be right that it would not matter for Bank letter as PP number actually not on it. I needed a valid passport for letters and that is the new one. Old one would no do as corner cut off. Needed both to change passport in bank system. just come back from doing it with no problems.
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