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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. You have answered him in a terms he can understand.
  2. The reaction of many, is WTF I didn't sign up for a third world tour - thought I was coming to Thailand. Can't imagine the hotels on the soi get much in the way of rebookings.
  3. If you still have any money left they can't be the real deal.
  4. A Thai GF will be able to help you with that.
  5. Bangladeshis mostly, especially the ones in big all male groups. A Farang woman described it as "Like a gang r@pe waiting to happen", so that's another demographic that might be coming less. The more farang, more upmarket upmarket venues/hotels seem a little out of place with the street level demographics. The Ambassador is opening a night club, I can already guess that the demographic will be big gangs of Bangladeshi men and a handful of those local "ladies" who have no other market.
  6. Journey time is on you. You chose to live a long way from the Provincial immigration office, your choice. I am talking about a four hour wait excluding journey.
  7. Oh, bully for you, perhaps you have never had to wait four hours to do it.
  8. Well, you know how it is. If you're sitting on a the floor of military helicopter heading out over the sea with your wrists tied behind your back and a length of heavy chain wrapped 'round your ankles, you're not coming back.
  9. Sounds like a drug your drink girl.
  10. They do that in 7-11. Nothing more annoying than having one of them in front of you doing the "My friend tell me there is special deal"
  11. People get disturbed by the revisionism - the attempt to rewrite history to suit current political agendas. If all the characters are fictional why the authors focus on historical accuracy WRT to wether a named historical figure could have been a t a certain place at a certain time?
  12. I think the producers should include historical inaccuracy warnings, lest people think it true, or is that the intention/ We know the answer to that, don't we children.
  13. Isn't this a historical 'costume drama', or are they all dressed in Reeboks, and fiddling with their 'phones?
  14. The fact that there is no mention of sub Saharan legionaries is of itself proof. You are like religious people saying it is up to everyone else to prove that God doesn't exist rather than them to prove that he does seeming as it is them claiming his existence.
  15. The concept of sub Saharan African legionaries is so out there, I think it is up to you to prove that there were if that is what you were suggesting. Always demanding evidence from people but slinking away when you are asked. Your tactics are plain for all to see.
  16. what a pathetic' response, I hardly think someone who was so concerned with historical accuracy they were actually checking if someone would have been present, actually thought it necessary to specify that the characters shouldn't be black.
  17. The author is quite clear she is seeking to be historically accurate, so that rules out black people in high places at that time.
  18. I'm sure you know, but for the benefit of those who don't this is termed "revisionism" - the rewriting of history to fit current political agendas.
  19. I am wondering how "To Kill a Mocking Bird" would work with a white actor. I remember how our Leftie English teacher was incensed at the injustice of how the jury verdict didn't fit the evidence. It was a work of fiction FFS, albeit supposedly representative.
  20. He seems to be very shy, he clams right up when asked to support his arguments - just slinks quietly away.
  21. "Mantel said she spent five years researching and writing the book, trying to match her fiction to the historical record.[6] To avoid contradicting history she created a card catalogue, organised alphabetically by character, with each card containing notes indicating where a particular historical figure was on relevant dates. "You really need to know, where is the Duke of Suffolk at the moment? You can't have him in London if he's supposed to be somewhere else," she explained. ' Not sure how having black actors portraying characters fits in with that, kinda contradicts history.
  22. What are we talking about, abortion? At some point in late stage pregnancy there is indisputably another person involved, so it is not "our bodies ourselves". Both extremes are wrong. Abortion is not a "health choice" in anything other than medically indicated abortions e.g. ectopic pregnancies or rape/incest pregnancies.
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