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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. The AfD are not far right, they a are just normal people with traditional conservative values, or is that the Far right? ''In his own words: We as Germans need a conservative revolution based on Christian values as well! Are Christian values wrong and to be condemned? As for being a porn actor, provided everyone was over 18 and entirely consensual why is that a problem? It's not as if he got in the shower naked with his daughter or something like that? we live in the age of onlyfans. I suspect there will be some pornographic material emerging where consent was very questionable if the Diddy tapes are released. Is he currently a cocaine user? If he has overcome cocaine addiction that would indicate strength of character. It seems there is cocaine usage somewhere in the Democrat Whitehouse, but the Left ignores it so presumably it can't be that big a deal? A conviction for theft is never good, but it seems it was 12 years ago and the fact that he has not been incarcerated suggests no further offences. Under UK Law the offence would probably no longer be on his record so he is arguable a reformed character and thus to be commended for rehabilitating himself. Offender rehabilitation is an important part of society and every attempt should be made to rehabilitate criminals, wouldn't you agree? Overall a Guardian hit piece to smear a young man who has had issues in the past but seems to have overcome them admirably, or does the Guardian not believe in rehabilitation, or only selectively? For example, they ran a piece celebrating Chuck Berry after his death and did not mention his conviction under the Mann Barr Act for transporting underage women across state lines for immoral purposes. i am sure there are more examples of selectivity. I just don't see the Guardian focusing on known issues when it is "their" people. You seem to be something of a prude as far as this young man is concerned, but then refer to Christian values as the Far Right and seemingly something to be condemned.
  2. Thirty years ago it was older guys, now they are much younger.
  3. Because our Monarchs have been foreign so they emphasised personal loyalty.
  4. He's just triggering Libs for fun.
  5. Perhaps you can elaborate on this for the benefit of the board so they can make a judgement for themselves.
  6. They're probably still at University.
  7. Just as with The Guardian and the letter stations, you get what you pay for.
  8. If the assassin is never found (and thus cant be smeared/vilified) he is likely to go down in history as a folk hero judging from social media. The health insurance industry might want to reflect on what got us to this point. Seems Blue Cross suddenly reversed its decision to make people pay for anesthesia if surgery went over a preset time. How did that fit in with the concept of Insurance. It seems they are dictating one sided terms that suit only them and their profitability. That is not insurance.
  9. Where are you getting this idea that everybody is stupid except you?
  10. You underestimate them. People are wising up. They are unlikely to volunteer to fight another countries proxy war or for globalism.
  11. Farage is an elected MP, are you saying someone who was elected in free and fair elections is beyond the pale because your politics don't match his? MAGA is a mainstream political movement that was just voted for by millions of Americans. It is not the KKK or the reemergence of Nazism as smeared by the Left for their own political agenda. How do you feel about hammers and sickles and clenched fists, after all Communism has been responsible for millions murdered. What about the totalitarian ideology which has its own symbol, and has been estimated to be the cause of as many as 250m deaths? The fact that I am not naming this group tells you which one it is. What about Israeli flags? Some might object to that. I am shocked by the comments by Israelis and American Jews on social media calling for mass murder and celebrating it. What about LGBTQ+ pride flags and trans flags? - many of us who are supportive of people being who they really are object to this being used in what should be apolitical spaces because that movement is politically affiliated. What you are saying is you don't want any political views you don't like. Have you tried Bluesky?
  12. The recruitment posters talking of patriotic duty will show only white young men, but the head of the family in every ad on TV still won't be white.
  13. Not disagreeing with that. This is a war of attrition, bleed the Ukraine military dry, and accept the casualties. Seems recruitment is most active in non white Russian rural areas - the parents get a sheep if their son enlists - your sons life for a sheep
  14. Gurkhas too. We used them basically as mercenaries in the Falklands. No family in the UK and probably cheaper compensation if killed. This is not being disrespectful of their contribution and they are most welcome to their citizenship after 14 years of service. They earned their citizenship which is more than can be said for many.
  15. A bit rich coming from a Leftie, and you in particular. As far as I can tell the Lefts platform is grievance.
  16. Other members can judge this answer for themselves.
  17. Were there any events prior that might have led to this war?
  18. Caribbean is named after the Carib people, but you can't hand the land back to them as they were genocided.
  19. Silly old fool hasn't left the Student Union yet and appeals to others who haven't.
  20. Seems yours is different - she doesn't want money, just lots of money spent on her. Beware the Thai yield curve* also. *foregoing money now for a big payoff later. "Pays for everything, never asks me for money", but you bought her a condo/built a house.
  21. Elections have consequences.
  22. Basically what Leafy Suburb Liberals have now.
  23. You didn't feel you were partying in an underground garage? Years ago it was the Leo Club, a venue for middle aged Thai women to meet young men.
  24. New one at street level, taking over the space where the lounge used to be.
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