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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. The most boring genre on youtube - my life in Thailand.
  2. Of course it had nothing to do with Clinton and Harris being such appalling/sub calibre people that people didn't want to vote for them. Yes, he is an insufferable tool.
  3. Surely this can't be? There are so many people on here claiming their GF/wife pays for everything herself.
  4. That's coz lefties just won't leave other people alone, so you find yourself engaging with someone who has some kind of psychopathology, I mean the personality of the kind of people who scream MAGA or "Far Right" or "right wing nonsense/conspiracy"at anything that isn't progressiveism. look at all the people on this web board patrolling it just looking for an excuse to scream "racism" or whatever so they can feel superior. To be clear, a "Leftie" is not someone who holds Left Wing views, that of its own does not constitute a psychopathology, it is the personality type that can't argue their case and resorts to name calling. People like you.
  5. Oh dear of dear oh dear. just stop projecting what's in your head on others. When has Trump talked about the use of false documents and false claims of Syrians entering Europe, and how would i know, as contrary to what you are projecting i am not hanging on his ever word.? FFS see a Doctor.
  6. Many can't meet the requirements for a Non O extension, but there are places in Soi Post Office that can help with that. The 3 month rule was introduced because Imm worked out that the same 800k was keeping half of the UK pensioners in Thailand.
  7. There are already no end of British places in Pattaya now - what we used call Indian.
  8. Changed beggar gangs with Covid. New syndicate seemed to have bought the franchise.
  9. Yellow bellied? That could be it.
  10. When is NY going to hold the people who created this sanctuary city problem to account?
  11. Rather naive, people from everywhere claimed to be Syrian with either lost or forged documents because Syria was the credible asylum at that time. Austria turned away 2,000 people in just one day for having forged documents. There was a Guardian journalist who took in a "Syrian" and was rather puzzled about how he would talk about the war but not his life in Syria - obviously he was scared that he would commit some gaffe like claiming to flee Aleppo by boat with the harbour under fire or somesuch. I wish Lefties would wise up as to how they are being played by schemers who have got it all worked out.
  12. I kept a live out mistress for years - I paid her car and loom and she came 'round in the afternoons for carnal purposes and then left. You could argue that is empty but I tried the live together with someone else for 3 years and had a fight every time I wanted to go out of my apartment and when i came back. House arrest is a punishment for a reason.
  13. Tourists want to see what they want to see, not what brings economic benefit to some uninteresting place.
  14. Hopefully she has plenty of experience of dealing with complaints - she is going to need it.
  15. They are running out of other people's money.
  16. Probably because blue contrasts well with the other colour. That would be my guess.
  17. Can anyone help me out, can't see the Leftie Weasel below.
  18. < @Chomper Higgot has fled the chat>
  19. Are you not going to tell us one more how increasing National Insurance paid by businesses and other measures will have no effect as they can afford it? Are you not going to rush to tell us once more of the bright economic outlook under Labour?
  20. AN staff work hard to bring us this high quality content.
  21. Russian airbases needed as staging posts also come into it. Freedom for the Syrian people, not so much.
  22. Have you not been watching the BBC? These are MODERATE Islamic extremists. There is only one beheading on social media so far, all the other summary executions are carried out with guns as per international best practice.
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