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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. UK tax payers. Only GBP 11m so far.
  2. Not sure everybody is with you on that.
  3. BBC will order more hard copies of The Guardian.
  4. Likely article: DEI has proved to be a disaster, but that's a good thing.
  5. Hope they all end up selling double glazing in North London.
  6. Popular belief has it that Hillary or her minions have actually ordered/carried out a few.
  7. It's rather surprising when the person is caught he is described as a "local man" but nobody seems to have grown up with him or knew him from the pub or anything like that.
  8. You post solely in support of a political agenda. Don't insult our intelligence. I have no intention of controlling/censoring like the Left because their false narratives that don't stand up, and unlike the Left I believe in free speech. I also believe in robust debate as a bedrock of democracy. If someone is posting very biased or disingenuous articles in support of a false narrative I will call that out. It's no good posting something and then screaming MAGA if someone calls you out. It makes you look pathetic. Any attempt to debate is met with name calling and I will respond ROBUSTLY to tactics designed to shut down debate. In the UK we have a Government and an OPPOSITION (ostensibly), because that is a bedrock of free speech and democracy. Of all the articles out there you chose to post a Guardian hit piece on a young Christian who despite going astray in his younger days has rehabilitated himself admirably. That's not to say wrongdoing by those involved in politics should not be exposed. That is what a free press should be doing. I repeat if you want an echo chamber go to Bluesky. You don't have to respond but I think you will find your articles get shredded for all to see because you are posting propaganda aimed at people below the level of most on this board, and we see through it. This below is what people who believe in free speech are up against, and we have had enough.
  9. Then you really shouldn't be opening political threads on a web board.
  10. Are you sure? Can you name these paragons of virtue with no partisan bias? You seem to be really naive as to things. As to 'not having the patience with yet another MAGA poster', you are just avoiding answering with the "I am all hurty now" tactic. If you won't engage, don't open threads. This is a DISCUSSION forum, not a billboard for Leftie propaganda. You posted a hit job from the Guardian, why that article of all the ones you could have posted? You can adopt the tactic of avoiding answering me or others, but then people will draw inferences from that.
  11. She's Chinese, you would be hen pecked and nagged to death.
  12. Seems to have been an issue with assimilating our values. If you want to behave like you are in China go back there.
  13. It continues until the house is finished, but in some recalcitrant cases it can persist until a house has been built for the parents, even the sister sometimes.
  14. Yes, but don't you actually live in Australia? it just seems strange that someone who lives in Australia is posting about US politics on a Thai web board. Why this board?
  15. As someone who lives in Thailand I feel I am entitled to comment on a Thai focused forum. Do you live in Thailand, or just come here to post Left Wing propaganda? I never see you on the "where can I buy a ..." type threads.
  16. No lies and BS emanating from The Guardian and all the other low level biased sources you post from?
  17. What's up, can't stand counter arguments to your laughable links? It's a bedrock of democracy. FWIW X is my main source as they allow [almost] free speech rather than deleting anything that doesn't fit the progressive false narrative. There is no point in wasting time with censored media.
  18. I think you'd be much happier over at Bluesky.
  19. Really, can you demonstrate an unbroken lineage and can you point oyut exactly which tenets of 1930's National Socilaism they adhere to, or is this just what you think. How are they "absolute fascists"
  20. I just found out they are called NPC's NPC is a slang term that stands for "Non-Player Character". It's used in gaming slang, but it's also used in online discussions to describe someone who: Lacks individuality or critical thinking, Parrots mainstream opinions, and Behaves predictably.
  21. Quite, when we voted to "stay in the common market", we were not knowingly voting for the above, especially half of Eastern Europe coming over.
  22. Absolutely immigration and that is part of progressiveism, but the converse does not apply, being opposed to mass immigration does not make you right wing, it just means you are sensible.. If Mad Merkel hadn't invited millions to the EU the vote would almost certainly not have been in favour of Brexit, she swung it. The electorate knew that once they got their EU passports they could come to the UK and the end of her madness was not in sight. She will go down in history as an utterly hated figure.
  23. Really, that makes you Far Right? So by that definition [albeit disputed], anyone who was a remainer was on the Left? In some ways it does make sense as the EU was progressiveism forced on us through the back door (some might say passage), which people didn't want.
  24. Mine had 2 and the person next door had to move out because they made noise all night.
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