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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. I will acknowledge that there have been cases of real Nazis marching on US streets, but these look like a false flag operation with Nazis from central casting.
  2. Exactly, it is added, as per recent case.
  3. Is that possible? Fermentation produces Ethanol only, otherwise you wouldn't be able to drink wine or beer.
  4. The prosecutions should be for abuse of office, otherwise it is just sinking to the sewer level of the Democrats.
  5. They are fake asylum seekers. Who knew?
  6. Usual low tactic when somebody tries to get to the truth of something, slur them as "making political capital". Read James105 post above, there is something VERY wrong here. Maybe they wouldn't have died if certain people had not been defended and allowed to stay in the country. This needs to be got to the bottom of.
  7. You spelt "face justice for their crimes" wrong.
  8. If that argument applies then footage of an Israeli settler summarily executing a Palestinian justifies Hamas actions. Sorry, but I don't share your enthusiasm for what Israel is doing. Israel is not whiter than white and nor does the Hamas attack make it so. Having seen the footage and the comments by Israelis and American Jews online and Israelis on state media I don't ever want to hear Israels story again again. It turns out you are fine with genocide. Targeted eliminations of those carrying out the attacks and the command structure would have been recognised as justified.
  9. The point I am making is that people are saying Israel is entitled to bomb civilians according to the Geneva convention*, but they can't have it both ways, they must abide by the Geneva convention in their actions. Sorry, but I don't share your enthusiasm for what Israel is doing. Israel is not whiter than white and nor does the Hamas attack make it so. *has war even been declared?
  10. There is nothing like a Socialist enjoying their turn at the trough.
  11. Absolutely, those responsible for this need to be held to account. You cannot cause the damage they have and just retire into the sunset.
  12. Rub the politicians noses in the consequences of their actions.
  13. This is the opinion of a deluded mind. It is the totalitarianism of the Left with it's identity politics that lost it the election.
  14. Really, so Israel must be bound by the Geneva convention.
  15. Bangladeshis settled in Whitechapel (now Tower Hamlets) and Caribbean people in West London and SW areas wasn't until the late 1940's/50's. I lived in E11 in the '80's which was being deliberately turned into a Pakistani Muslim area from white working class. Finsbury Park wasn't the Turkish area, etc etc. Prior to WW2 you might well see an African for example wandering around the Inns of Court, and if you enquired you might find he was a barrister in training being trained in London to go back and practice in his native country. Ghandi was born in India, trained in London and practiced in S Africa. The British empire was not as the Left describes it.
  16. No we don't because it is a fabrication. London has always had a certain cosmopolitanism due to the geographic and thus ethnic diversity of the Empire and through being a major trading and cultural centre, but it was overwhelmingly White British. It was not "diverse" as that word is used by the Left.
  17. Remember the call for unity by Biden followed by four years of persecution? You don't accept the fake olive branch from the Left, you go after them and hunt them down (within the law). People who are pro mass unselective immigration should have their noses rubbed in it every time an immigrant commits a crime.
  18. Should be writing him a 'plane ticket to somewhere more suited to his personality.
  19. London's history is not diverse and multicultural, that is just BS propaganda of the left. here is a huge difference between natural cosmopolitanism and top down enforced multiculturalism.
  20. I moved from East London to Islington in the eighties. These are different worlds.
  21. In what numbers though, as what percentage of the population? There is a huge difference between natural cosmopolitanism and top down enforced multiculturalism.
  22. I'm sure the deal is that part of that finds its way back to Western leaders.
  23. If you are right of center you have to be partisan because the Left will never leave you [a normal person] alone. No compromise is possible. It makes me think of the allegedly Native American "a fine day to die" where you have tried everything to reach an agreement or compromise, you have yielded what you would prefer not to have yielded in the hope of achieving this but the demands just keep coming, so you are left with no alternative. You can defend your land or lose it.
  24. I was alluding to the debasement of education by asking if it was age dependent. Non native speaker was the only other possibility I could think of.
  25. I wonder if you can identify a persons generation by this misappropriate use of words that sound (roughly) the same, but have different meanings and different spellings. Alternatively it could be none native speakers or something like that.
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