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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. Shame they had to visit, rather than stay at home and just send the money.
  2. Starmer and others seem to be giving indications that is what is intended.
  3. It really is a sad reflection that somebody reported me for that. Note, this is a comment on the person who reported me, not on moderators actions, which I gather we are once again forbidden to comment on.
  4. You buying them by weight?
  5. My avatar is the character he plays, not the actor. He looks like he has just trounced a Lefties treasured argument, no?
  6. So you are saying we can't speak the truth about Muslims/Islam? How does that square with Democracy and free speech.
  7. Respectfully, these days there, for all intents and purposes is, even if not in the letter of the law. Try telling the truth about the Lefts favourite voter group. They are even going to pass a law to formalise it.
  8. So if/when they move to a subscription based model if you don't comply they can turn your 'phone off?
  9. At the same time Muslims are demanding that saying Muslims regard themselves as citizens of the Muslim Ummah first, and Britian second (if at all?) be classed as Islamophobia.
  10. I note that someone was already arrested in advance of Stalin Starmers speech to cower people and hopefully frighten them to prevent them posting on social media (if even that vile person Phillips was threatened with violence that is wrong, but let's face it, pretty good timing). Welcome to Starmers Britain.
  11. I suggest that all those of us who have problems with rape gangs and are thus called the "Far Right" by Starmer wear our badge with pride in our profile as I have done.
  12. Contrary to what admirers like @Chomper Higgot think, he did not get the position through ability It is a POLITICAL appointment. Why would you appoint a human right lawyer to the CPS, which deals solely with criminal prosecutions, other than to politicise it. Starmer is now saying he went into politics because it would allow him to do more for rape gang victims. The toe curling despicability of the man. The head of CPS is appointed by the Attorney General who is appointed by the Monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister (at the time Blair). Now, Starmer was a lawyer at that well known Yuuman Rights Grifter chambers Matrix Chambers, whose other Illuminati include Chery Blair (yes wife of) and at one time Blair himself. Nepotism. Oh, and BTW I temped at the CPS for 6 months so I know it from the inside. No high earning QC would have left his chambers for a CPS appointment.
  13. Except in areas where Labour are dependent on the Muslim vote, including her own constituency where she hangs in there with a 700 majority. It's kind of Orwellian that she has this Protector title but is actually The Minister For Enablement.
  14. This should be called the 'rapes for votes' scandal.
  15. These silly, silly people with their Islamophobia.
  16. i Think it might be rooted in fear of being blown up on your way to work and having your daughter groomed, but you just carry on with the fantasy in your head.
  17. Lower Sukhumvit, Soi 11, mouth of Soi 13.
  18. Are you British Chomper? Historically the British have not thought well of traitors.
  19. This word currently the word with Lefties who get their "thinking" and talking points from Leftie Central. Didn't we hear Stalin Starmer use it yesterday?
  20. it included 'a dam', the land 'secured' just happened to include 'a dam' Israel previously did not have access to water from which provides for approximately 30% of Syria’s fresh water supply, and 40% of the fresh water supply of Jordan. So why were they so concerned? They also seized some heights that would be militarily useful - what was the benevolent thinking behind that? GroK: Israel did not previously have access to water from the Al-Wahda Dam, which is a joint dam between Syria and Jordan. However, recent reports indicate that Israel has taken control of the dam. According to information from December 2024, Israeli forces seized the Al-Wahda Dam as part of military operations in southern Syria, thereby gaining control over this water resource. People can judge for themselves which is the most likely explanation as to why Israel now controls the Al-Wahda Dam. Anyway, posting here is like trying to engage with one hand tied behind my back, I would probably be better off posting more on X where 600 million people worldwide can potentially see my posts, rather than a handful of retirees and Teachers.
  21. Fool me once, shame on you.......
  22. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-e&q=Is+al+wahda+dam+now+controlled+by+Israel You could have googled it yourself, but I bet you weren't expecting it to be in the public domain, were you? The lack of Western MSM coverage is striking, only celebratory Jewish sources. 2 pages on Google and I can't see the usual 'approved source' names, why is that? I can back up many claims to my own satisfaction but anything other than from a narrow range of approved sources is not accepted here. I came across it in my X feed from someone I regard as reliable. So you are right, I can't always back up my sources, but that is not because what I am saying is untrue. It is pretty obvious from some atrocity footage who is committing the atrocity and who is the victim. It was all over X, but that has recently been censored, so even Israeli soldiers posting what a fun time they are having in the 2nd Nakba is being removed. I posted it not for your benefit, but so that others can see what Israel is really doing. We are being asked to believe in another post here (not you) that Israels actions were some kind of humanitarian aid to neigbouring countries rather than seizing control of water resources.
  23. Wiki. The Syrian banks of the Yarmuk on the border, as well as the Syrian half of the dam, were captured by the Israel Defense Forces on 17 December 2024 during their invasion into Syria.[6] "Israel took control of the Al-Wahda Dam on the Yarmouk river reservoir near the town of Al-Qusayr in Syria’s Daraa Governorate on the border with the Kingdom of Jordan, which provides for approximately 30% of Syria’s fresh water supply, and 40% of the fresh water supply of Jordan", reported Israeli journalist Amir Tsarfati.[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Wehda_Dam You can superimpose the location dam from this with Israeli territory here. https://tsionizm.com/news/2024/12/18/israeli-invasion-of-syria-map-update/ Jewish source: https://www.jfeed.com/news-israel/son5ct While I'm here: https://tsionizm.com/analysis/2024/12/09/greater-israel-is-being-born/ Couple of points on replying to you: 1) I have previously made serious points and you have commented facetiously on them so I don't feel under any obligation to reply to you. You also made a facetious comment on another members post where he expressed concern regarding murder of civilians. Your (and others) aggressive 'Israel can do no wrong' bias is obvious. It is pointless engaging with you other than to educate other members. 2) Not every source I am looking at is mainstream media, which is censored/controlled/biased in many Western countries - it might be phone camera film on X - particularly with atrocities.
  24. Sure, and if they refuse to and you give them the amount less service charge and leave, as far as they are concerned you are walking out without paying your bill and that can end very badly.
  25. I find it very hard to believe that 10% of revenues is shared between the service staff, especially in upmarket restaurants.
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